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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. It's not that Trump lies more than any other President...or even politician. It's that Trump lies more than any human being who's ever walked the Earth.
  2. Maybe the safe is where Trump kept the infamous "pee tape." It was autographed by Vlad himself. Trump promised Vlad in Helsinki that he would say the Russians had nothing to do with the 2016 election if he gave up the tape. What Vlad didn't say was that he had copies....5555.
  3. Trump supporters are always going to be upset about something. It's in their DNA. They're always the victim. Heck, they still think Trump won the 2020 election. Let them be upset. Who cares.
  4. Possibly. Or it could be like the J6 committee hearings where moderates and independents alike were aghast by Trump's behavior. If there is an indictment and trial, I'd imagine Trump's depravity would be revealed in even more lucid detail. If the Republicans keep crying "political witch hunt," not sure if the sane members of society will buy it.
  5. You do have a point....regarding this one particular charge. But there are others. Regardless, remember how the feds got Al Capone?
  6. Seriously? 5555.....it's going to take days if not weeks to go over this stuff. Not hours. But don't worry....Trump's room at the pen will be waiting for him. It's not going anywhere.
  7. McCarthy and the House GOP are practically daring AG Garland to indict Trump. Garland will have almost no choice but to indict, or else be accused of caving to right wing bullying and threats. What's amusing is that these people haven't even seen the evidence compiled by the DOJ (which I'm certain is substantial) nor do they know what the charges will be. It's like a pavlov's dog response, wanting to appease their master and the base.
  8. I agree that Trump violated laws relating to Presidential Records, but this may just be the tip of the iceberg. It's rather small potatoes, compared to all of the other criminal activities he's being accused of. But this particular violation is clear and concise, easily proven. I can see AG Garland holding a press conference after Trump is indicted, and going down a long list of alleged crimes. This crime, of course, would be included. If he manages to weasel out of most or all of the others, they can certainly nail him on this one. Good move.
  9. The fact that you keep bringing up Hunter Biden (and Antifa???) shows your extreme political bias. You are not a neutral observer, it's as clear as day. Why do you keep saying that? Do you think it would give you more credibility? It does not. Trump is under investigation for multiple crimes, in multiple jurisdictions. The evidence is overwhelming. Most observers can't believe he hasn't been indicted already, myself included. But it's because of due process, the rule of law, and the fact that no ex-President has ever been indicted that it's taking so long. Fact is, if Trump is not indicted, it will show the world that the US is not a country of laws. Rather, it will show that our system is corrupt, politics rule, and that the powerful is above the law.
  10. You may be a non-American, but you are absolutely not a neutral observer. Do you even understand how a search warrant is obtained? There has to be suspicion that a crime was committed, that evidence exist at the premises to be searched, and that the person being searched may destroy/delete said evidence. And this has to be presented to a federal judge who has to concur and approve. The DOJ certainly wouldn't do this in such a charged political environment unless they have an airtight case. As for Hunter Biden....the freakin guy never held office or worked in the federal government. If there was reasonable suspicion that he committed a crime, Trump's own justice department could have done something. But there was nothing. Just because you've been brainwashed by right wing media doesn't mean you make any sense or have any idea what you're talking about.
  11. Tax evasion is illegal. Tax avoidance is legal. I hope you're not giving tax advice to your friends.
  12. For a guy who's been getting attacked from all sides, Biden sure has been getting a lot done. People are actually starting to notice. So much winning! [Don't believe Trump and the GOP: Biden and the Democrats are winning] https://www.yahoo.com/news/dont-believe-trump-gop-biden-130045250.html
  13. So you were clearly wrong....to the tune of about $50 mil. Just curious....are you ever right about anything?
  14. False equivalence. Look, I'm fairly left wing and I haven't seen this "gender ideology" push. The only people bringing this up are right wingers trying to inflame their flock....which is where you seem to have obtain your information. If you keep watching right wing media, you too can become a hater.
  15. Yes, sad but true that there can be so many stupid Americans. But they're often enabled, encouraged by people like Jones. Used to be that the source of news was limited, and broadcasting the same set of facts. But now, the right wing has their own set of news and facts. A person who stays in this right wing echo chamber will only hear what they want to hear. They ignore everything else that doesn't support their narrative. Does that make them stupid? I'd say yes because it's intentional.
  16. Trevor Reed--a white American--was just released by Russia recently due to a deal brokered by the US GOV. Paul Whelan--another white American--is included in the deal to bring Griner back. So what in freaks name are you talking about?
  17. +$45 mil in punitive damages. Plus more civil lawsuits from other Sandy Hook families. Plus possible perjury charges. Plus text being turned over to J6 committee. Sometimes there's justice in the world.
  18. He's not on trial for murder, rather defamation. It's a civil trial, not a criminal one.
  19. So you're defending Alex Jones. Lordy. This guy is scum of the earth, profiting with lies. It's bad enough that the parents of these murdered kids lost their children, but they were subject to death threats from wingnuts who believed Jones. You can support free speech, but also be against this type of deliberate lying and hate speech. Free speech comes with a responsibility. Clearly, Jones was irresponsible.
  20. Honestly, the air in CM has gotten a lot better. The nasty burning season only lasted about a month this year, and it wasn't that harsh. Maybe it's the rain come early this year. But I hold out some hope that the gov is doing "something" to help out the citizenry.
  21. It would be good if farangs can stop bringing up the "face" thing because it most cases, you guys have no idea what you're talking about. But in terms of the OP's question, in "some" families, it's almost like a communist society. That is, those in need gets help, those that have the means, does the helping. So you can imagine if a farang is thrown into this situation, it can create somewhat of a confusing mess. The farang should not be expected to help everyone all the time. But he should also be generous up to a point. This is where the farang needs to lay down the law, set limits, and be reasonable. If you're helping to the point of struggling yourself, you're giving too much. You need to reassess. I would not recommend lending money. If you do, don't expect to get it back in a timely manner.
  22. Interesting...although the article didn't say what the final vote tally was. I do see this as having some impact during the midterms. If it's true that a majority of Americans believe that women have a right to a legal and safe abortion, then it would seem that come general election time, it could impact some races. Those far right candidates who are for a complete ban on abortion may have to soften their stance. Let's see how their constituents respond to that.
  23. It appears Tiger Woods turned down in excess of $700 million to join LIV. Yes, it's true the dude is already pretty loaded. But still....the man has integrity. [According to Sam Stein of Politico, Norman told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson LIV Golf offered to pay Woods a sum in the range of $700 to $800 million to join the tour.] https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/golf/greg-norman-tiger-woods-rejected-at-least-700m-from-liv-golf/ar-AA10d7Xr?ocid=wispr&cvid=4bcb59f97b0b4b81909449d19e73755e
  24. I got it. If you were Trump's lawyer, you'd do nothing. "What's there to prepare for?" But Trump's real lawyers don't see it that way.... [Former President Donald Trump's legal team is preparing for the possibility of Trump being criminally charged by the Justice Department, according to Rolling Stone. The outlet spoke to three people familiar with the matter and looked at written communications regarding the issue. "Members of the Trump legal team are quietly preparing, in the event charges are brought," one of Rolling Stone's sources told the outlet. "It would be career malpractice not to."] https://www.businessinsider.com/trumps-lawyers-prepping-for-potential-doj-criminal-charge-2022-8
  25. You're right, it's not happening. Not in 10 years, not in a 100 years. Doesn't matter how many guns these people have. These white nationalists, militia groups, and all manner of right-wing nutters, they all talk a good game. But if it means going to prison for their ideology, they all pee in their skirts. They talk tough, but are mostly cowards.
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