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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. The only interest Trump would have in intelligence briefings now is if he could make money off it. I don't think I'm exaggerating.
  2. Maybe you should just answer the rather simple question being asked, instead of being so sensitive/defensive.
  3. Trump has come up with all kinds of bizarre excuses to claim that he's innocent. If what you're saying happened, why hasn't Trump brought up THIS excuse? Maybe you need to contact his lawyers pronto because they really need some fresh new ideas.
  4. There was a time when the Republican Party stood for law and order and national security. That's no longer the case. The GOP now pledges allegiance to the orange man. They stand for nothing else. How very sad.
  5. Are you talking about Rand Paul (R-Moscow)?
  6. I've noticed these non-Americans supporting Trump are even more white nationalists than Americans who support Trump. They think Trump is another Viktor Orban and they badly want the USA to become like Hungary. Luckily we're still a democracy....but barely.
  7. Your conclusions are way off. Trump ALWAYS does things for himself and him alone. This message from Trump can be construed as a threat, in legal terms, obstruction of justice. He's trying to get AG Garland to turn this whole thing off, otherwise, the country will be torn apart. Unfortunately for him, Trump is badly misreading Merrick Garland. The guy follows the facts and the law, nothing else.
  8. You're grasping at straws. There's a whole process related to declassification and there's no evidence that Trump did this. But let's say you're right, that a President has the ability to essentially declassify anything and everything telepathically. If he says it's declassified, it's declassified. But this authority ends when he leaves office. So when Biden takes office, he can telepathically reclassify everything that Trump just declassified. So these documents are in fact, classified. The President says so. Game over.
  9. Funny. If Trump was more popular, he would have won reelection. Try harder.
  10. You're right. If Trump was just an ordinary citizen, he'd be behind bars already. But he's an ex-Prez. So...kid gloves, protocol, respect for the office, politics....all that.
  11. Lordy. I hope you understand that everyone who starts a post with "I'm not a Trump supporter....".....well, we all know that you are. Just own it. As for the rest of your comments, it's apparent you've spent a lot of time on right wing websites. Up to you, of course. But us normal people don't agree with your sentiments.
  12. Getting pretty desperate, are we? Hillary, Hunter, Nancy....5555 I'm starting to sense desperation from Trump and his supporters. May I offer some classic words of advice....
  13. Look at the thread title. We all know he hasn't been charged yet. He's under investigation. Many investigations. Where there's smoke...
  14. If I can speculate for just one second.....which President would sell nuclear secrets to Saudi Arabia for $10 billion? Biden--Nope Obama--Nope Bush I and II--Nope Clinton--Nope Reagan--Nope Carter--Nope Nixon--Probably not. Trump? You bet your ass.
  15. 5555555....so true. These Trump supporters are no different than the gullible fools who fall for the Nigerian scam. They'll figure it out.....eventually.
  16. Wow. Just....wow. Have you ever heard of PT Barnum? I think his most famous quote is about you.
  17. One right wing domestic terrorist dead. A few more thousand to go. Attacking a FBI field office....not very bright.
  18. Trump despises his supporters. He knows who they are and he'd never invite them to his house for dinner. They're mostly trailer park trash and they disgust him. But Kim Kardashian, Kanye West....yeah, those are more "his people." Now if the deplorables want to send him money and go to jail on his behalf....well, he'll still despise them.
  19. 5555555.....impressive list. That almost covers it.
  20. The Trump MO. Just like when he said that the only way he can lose the 2020 election is if it was rigged. Then when he lost, keep repeating it was rigged. Same with this nonsense. He and his sycophants will keep repeating this and pretty soon, it will be considered a statement of fact in Trumpworld. His idiot followers will believe anything even with zero evidence.
  21. For a criminal case, certainly. Especially if you're guilty. But for a civil case, the jury can assume "adverse inferences" if the defendant takes the 5th. Meaning, the jury can assume that the reason Trump didn't answer a certain question is because his answer would be unfavorable for him.
  22. Let's think about this logically. Who knows Mar-a-Lago really well? Who's on the inside, knows Trump very well? Who wants him gone, probably hates his guts? Got it! It's Melania!
  23. Very comprehensive....maybe a little too wordy for the average Trump supporter....5555 But seriously, they're not going to care. Trump supporters don't want facts, truth, or even reality. Unfortunately for them, the rest of us--including law enforcement--do live in the real world. I feel a little sorry for them. Trump is toast. One day they're going to wake up and their cult leader will have been indicted. They're going to whine from here to high heaven and throw a hissy fit for the ages. It's already starting. Won't change anything. AG Garland will finish what he started.
  24. This wacky woman below is a typical Trump supporter. She spouts the same nonsense that they all do....including the usual suspects on this thread. "Hunter laptop, Hillary's e-mails, Dems scared Trump will run and win again....blah, blah, blah." Don't these people have any new material? But hey, this is why normal/sane Americans don't take these people seriously. [Truly bizarre video of a woman rallying outside Mar-a-Lago in a giant-sized red “Make America Great Again” hat and spewing wild pro-Donald Trump propaganda after Monday’s FBI raid on the ex-president’s home has been circulating on Twitter and, well, take a look…] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/watch-wacky-woman-in-giant-maga-hat-demands-to-be-taken-seriously-outside-gates-of-mar-a-lago/ar-AA10wNT7?ocid=wispr&cvid=5e59aa323f2c4b90824db8f2dcc30eb1
  25. I doubt the FBI would go through the trouble of obtaining a search warrant (and all the scrutiny that comes with doing so for an ex-Prez) unless they were darn certain of what they will find. But regardless, even if they found nothing, there's already a mountain of evidence related to Jan 6/Georgia that the DOJ can indict Trump on. The stuff they found here would have only added to the multitude of charges Trump is already facing.
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