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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. Too bad for you it's 2022. By 2024, khun Trump will be in prison. So much for hypothetical polls.....555555
  2. It appears you've missed the J6 Hearings in its entirety. But no worries, people that matter have been watching. The investigations are ongoing, stay tuned.
  3. I agree with Mr. Reffitt's daughters.... [Shortly after January 6th participant Guy Reffitt was sentenced to 87 months in prison for his role in the attack, his daughters reacted to his punishment by calling for former President Donald Trump to be jailed for the rest of his life.] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/donald-trump-deserves-life-in-prison-daughters-of-sentenced-insurrection-participant/ar-AA10cle1?ocid=wispr&cvid=5260644fb964434f9f272f9ec9decb30
  4. We can all see that you're a Trump-cult follower. So what's it like, being in a cult? Do you have to completely detach yourself from reality? How can you still function day-to-day? Just curious.
  5. While I understand that Malaysia can do whatever they want, I'm a bit surprised that there is a urine test upon entry. I can honestly say that I've never had to take a urine test upon entering any country on the planet. Ever. So yeah, a little strange that Malaysia is doing this.
  6. Biden is in a no-win situation. Not doing the trade would result in non-stop grief from the families. Doing the trade "could" result in open season for Americans overseas if brutal dictators think they can have a bargaining chip. Word is that Bout has already done most of his time. So if he's released early....not a huge deal.
  7. I get your point, but you may be a bit off. The US military as an institution is certainly different from US society at large. It's not a democracy, but it's certainly not a socialist society. It's an all-volunteer force, so anyone can leave at anytime (assuming they've completed what they've signed-up for). Officers run the military and they are not elected, rather selected. Everyone follows orders. But there are some socialist aspects in that most needs are provided for, e.g., housing, food, where to shop, recreation, child's education, medical/dental, etc. The US military can't necessarily be blamed for what it does overseas because that's the decision made by civilian leaders. The orders come from the President, SECDEF, NSA, etc. The US military can't just invade another country on its own. There have been military atrocities, to be sure, but that's more individual. And the military can't defy orders. If the POTUS says invade Russia, that's what they must do. Hope this makes sense.
  8. Keep at it son. It is your lack of intellect that compels you to keep repeating right wing talking points, yet deny that you are right wing. I doubt you possess the intellectual capacity to come up with your own thoughts, but hey, surprise us.
  9. Yeap, the wheels of justice turn ever so slowly, but it's coming for Trump. Not if but when. AG Garland has been making the media rounds and repeating that no one is above the law. It'll be a huge day for American justice when Trump is taken away in handcuffs. Can't wait.
  10. 5555....you just outed yourself yet again. Calling Joe Biden "an incompetent old man unfit to be President" is a standard right wing talking point that has been used ad nauseam. We all know that President Biden is old, perhaps past his prime. But even if he is half the man he was, he's still infinitely a better President than Trump will ever be at any age.
  11. Why is it that when someone says they are "no fan of Trump," it's ALWAYS revealed later that they are. Why not just confess and avoid all this hiding and fake objectivity? Because attacking Biden as you do, you're not much different from these other right wing nutters.
  12. That only covers the Democrats. If you want to include the Republican party, you'll have to include "fascist."
  13. No, the goalpost has not shifted. It's "all of the above."
  14. I don't think these MAGA nutters even understand what "conservative" means. All they know is "us" and "them." And of course, us is good, them is bad....5555
  15. Donald Trump was President when the 2020 election took place. His own administration has confirmed that there was no massive fraud that could have changed the outcome. To date, no evidence has surfaced of such a fraud anywhere in the USA, even after multiple recounts, investigations, audits, court cases, etc. For anyone to still believe that massive fraud took place, you'd have to be off-the-charts delusional. Would that be you?
  16. The question is pretty loaded. When they say "government," who are they referring to? The military? DOJ? USAID? Police? Fireman? Postal workers? IRS? VA doctors? FDA? It's pretty vast. I'd say that I largely trust career government employees. But these politicians in Congress and at the state level? If they're Republican, probably not trust-worthy. Republicans these days seem to have great difficulty just telling the truth.
  17. So far as I can tell, these protesters are not "never Trumpers" but families of 9/11 victims. And yes, they were at the last LIV event in Portland. https://www.oregonlive.com/portland/2022/06/shame-on-them-family-members-of-911-victims-denounce-liv-golf-tournament-at-pumpkin-ridge.html
  18. Did you read the article? The group "9/11 Justice" has evidence that the Saudi government was involved. LIV is funded by the Saudi government.
  19. The J6 hearings have painstakingly detailed all that happened and has virtually spelled-out Trump's culpability. If you don't agree.....well it's certainly your right. There's no guarantee that Trump will be indicted for this, or in Georgia. But I put the odds of either one or both happening at about 90%.
  20. Nicklaus was offered Greg Norman's job, to be the face of the LIV tour. Not to play.
  21. It'll be hard for Trump to weasel out of this one. The next LIV tournament is being held at his golf course....which is pretty close to where 9/11 happened. He's going to be getting some negative press....as if he needed any more. [Dozens of family members and survivors of the Sept. 11 terrorist attack will head to former President Donald Trump’s Bedminster golf club next week to protest the controversial Saudi-backed LIV Golf event there.] https://www.politico.com/news/2022/07/24/trump-9-11-liv-golf-protest-00047655
  22. Just one question OP: How do these things that you mention impact your ability to live your own life?
  23. This is such an asinine comment on so many levels. The media isn't obsessed with Trump. It's Trump's obsession with being in the limelight. I for one would have loved it if Trump had just accepted his defeat and disappeared from public view. But he's refused to do that. As for his criminal behavior, he absolutely needs to be held to account. If his 800+ insurrectionists are being prosecuted, he sure as heck should be as well.
  24. In a way, this may be a good thing. Get his deplorables out in the open. If they're willing to go to jail (or die trying) for their cult leader, let them. A good purging of right wing nutters is what America needs.
  25. I can relate. The problem is Thailand has so many hotties running around that it's hard to get them out of your head. Especially now, a female with a hot body and wearing a mask....well, it makes them all look hot. Maybe things will calm down when the COVID thing is over and said females are no longer wearing masks. Either that or visit the USA and go to a Walmart. Looking at the females there will scare you straight....555
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