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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. Correct. I've always felt that the currency exchange rate (related to the THB) is more to do with what's going on back home in the home country. Along those same lines, I wonder how those expats who are always crying "manipulation" think now. Are they going to say that Thailand only manipulates the THB in favor of the USD? 555555555
  2. I get that your retirement savings has gone down the toilet. Other than that, all of your comments are complete b*llsh*t.
  3. Wow, you managed to cover all the nutty conspiracies cooked up by the nuttiest right wing crazies. Do you actually believe this stuff? With zero evidence? I do hope you manage to return to the real world one day. An alternate reality world can be rather unsatisfying.
  4. While I agree that this GA case is more likely to yield an indictment--very narrow scope, evidence clear, laws violated clear--it's just so painstakingly slow going. When it comes to an ex-president, justice is clearly not swift. And if Trump were to announce his run for the presidency, not sure if that would put a wrench into things. Anyways, they need to get this thing moving towards closure and right soon.
  5. Yes, a weak baht helps both the export and tourism industries. So that's a good thing! Everything goes in cycles. Let it go to 40 against the USD and it will work itself back.....promise!
  6. Yeah, Trump knew it was "his people" protesting on 6 Jan. Yet, I recall Trump claiming that the 6 Jan riot was the work of ANTIFA and left wing agitators. No proof of course, but it was just Trump being Trump. The guy lies like he breathes.
  7. Daily Caller? Geez man, do you ever read anything else besides right wing nutter websites?
  8. More dead Americans from guns. Nothing new. The solution from right wing America: we need more guns! Because guns don't kill people, people kill.....oh nevermind.
  9. 55555....yeah right. MAGA is a cult. It's almost synonymous with QAnon, another cult full of nutters.
  10. *Deleted post edited out* When someone says they're not "Trumpist," but then proceed to express Trumpist attitude and opinions, well.... I'm pretty certain every NATO member will say President Biden is better for NATO than Trump.
  11. I read that article and was quite surprised. The Washington Examiner is a right wing rag (still are) but they've completely flipped on Trump. I guess they've finally figured out that Trump is destroying the conservative brand and are finally taking a stand. Better late than never. The below is an excerpt from that Examiner article: [Trump is a disgrace. Republicans have far better options to lead the party in 2024. No one should think otherwise, much less support him, ever again.]
  12. Coming from a Trump supporter, this is just hysterical. You've ignored the thousands of lies told by Trump, but are clinging to some tiny speck of inconsistent testimony from this young woman. Reality check: Most Americans will believe Cassidy Hutchinson before they believe anything coming out of Donald Trump's mouth.
  13. I tend to think that AG Garland has almost no choice. The DOJ has already indicted upwards of 800 of Trump's followers. How can they not indict the guy responsible for it all? I'm just wondering about the logistics of it. Will they arrest the top dudes all at once? Trump, Clark, Eastman, Rudy, Meadows....and maybe a few congresspersons. Mrs. Thomas? Fake electors? It will be glorious.
  14. Are you offended by the word "Caucasian?" It's exactly the same as "farang." So essentially, you have no idea what you're talking about.
  15. Madrid (CNN) Finnish President Sauli Niinistö said on Tuesday that Turkey has agreed to support Finland and Sweden's NATO membership bids, removing a major hurdle to the two countries joining the alliance. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/06/28/politics/joe-biden-g7-nato/index.html
  16. He made some good points. Reasonable points. He's certainly not the typical "angry white man" who portray themselves as victims.
  17. The Jan 6 hearings have answered your question. Many times over. This thread--all 21 pages of it--have answered your question. Either you have comprehension issues or you're guilty of willful ignorance. Which is it?
  18. The USD has been doing extremely well against the THB. Yet, you're still complaining about "manipulation?" Geez man, you certainly fit the profile of the whining farang.
  19. You make a valid point. But with the composition of the current SCOTUS, there is no way they're going to reverse a ruling related to gun rights. This crew is pro-gun, pro-religion, pro-state rights...and pretty much anti everything else.
  20. Yes, regrets. But thankfully, you and your wife had that choice.
  21. Have you asked for a pardon? I haven't. But then, I haven't committed any crimes that would require a pardon. If I was a DOJ prosecutor seeking individuals who might have been involved in a major crime, I would consider folks seeking pardons as someone who "might" be prime suspects for said crime.
  22. Trump is boiling mad at these Jan 6 hearings....which brings me great joy. Now the dimwitted one is demanding the committee give equal time to his crazy election fraud conspiracy theories. Trump is losing what's left of his mind. [Former President Donald Trump’s reaction Thursday to another powerful day of testimony before the House select committee investigating the U.S. Capitol riot was to again demand the impossible: evidence of a rigged presidential election.] [“The only thing not discussed by the Unselects, in any way, shape, or form, is the irrefutable evidence of massive and totally pervasive ELECTION FRAUD & IRREGULARITIES which took place during the 2020 Presidential Election. They refuse to go there,” he posted.] [Trump appears to be ignoring the information in the hearings the same way he ignored responses from his Justice Department, various state officials and U.S. Attorney General William Barr: The claims of a rigged election were baseless. A number of specific claims have been refuted in detail.] https://www.yahoo.com/news/angry-trump-again-demands-impossible-015138572.html
  23. There's been many. The Shape of Water was a recent one. The premise never really interested me. I think I only watched it (on HBO) because it had won an Academy Award for best picture. Great movie.
  24. "Well, there has been evidence." Come on man. When we say there has been "no evidence," what we mean is "no evidence of widespread fraud that could have changed the outcome of the election." It's well understood. Sure there have been tiny numbers of actual voter fraud (from what I've seen, mostly Trump voters). But any suggestion of widespread election fraud is pure fantasy.
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