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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. It's the same in every country. Normal people in normal relationships. Or do you disagree? If so, please explain.
  2. You're going to get all kinds of comments here, but you're right in that all women are different. I will say that bargirls and normal girls are completely different. Girls in Pattaya and girls in Chiang Mai are completely different. Even among bargirls, the ones doing it for years will be different from the ones fresh off the farm. Then there's the age, level of education, family social status, past relationships, if have children, alcohol/drug use, circle of friends, etc. But the stereotype that some delusional farangs have of all Thai girls wanting a farang is completely untrue. Understand that most Thai women in Thailand are with Thai men and are pretty happy.
  3. Boy, you really have no idea what you're talking about. Wrong on both counts.
  4. Strange. When I transfer money to people, it never has the "odd amount of satang at the end." Unless I put it there and I never do. What are you talking about?
  5. Not sure why you guys keep repeating this because it's not going to happen. So yes, it will be the old man against the lying conman. America will have to choose between the two.
  6. I certainly can explain it to you, but it's pretty clear to me that you don't want an explanation. Because if you really wanted to know the truth, there are literally tons and tons of information out there that could explain that trial and verdict. Heck, it was covered extensively for weeks on nearly every media outlet. So for you to claim ignorance of what this trial was about....simply not believable.
  7. No, it's not. But the fact that you believe this demonstrates yet again how reading/watching right wing media can fry your brain.
  8. Would farangs/westerners in Thailand really see a 21 yr old as a sex tourist? How would you know that they're even thinking this?
  9. This may be true of Thai women who chase foreigners. But for the other 90% of Thai women....not so much.
  10. The bad news is that this turd still has a ways down to go. Trump and some insiders may still make out on this stock, but the retail pissants are going to get creamed. Hint: Don't be a retail pissant.
  11. We can expect much, much more of this until election time. Trump will just keep on lying and lying with impunity and his minions in right wing media will parrot his words. It's really up to the American people to decipher it all. I'm still confident that in the end, a majority of Americans will not allow a corrupt lying conman and convicted felon to become POTUS.
  12. Hmmm....a 12 year old girl has a boyfriend? They're sure starting early these days. Regardless, a hideous act that needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
  13. It's just the start of the slide. The company will be flooding the market with new shares from early investors exercising their warrants. This should bring DJT to the teens in the next few weeks. But the real drop will come in late September when Trump himself can start dumping his shares. It'll be in the single digits after that. And if Trump loses the election....straight down to 0.
  14. Believe what you want. I'm just saying it's not going to happen.
  15. While I recognize that there were true injustice and suffering that occurred back in the day, I don't support this whole notion of reparations in the present day. Firstly, the people who truly suffered are long gone....as well as the perpetrators. Even if the government could afford to give back something, who will they give it to? It's like asking present day Japanese to be held liable for Pearl Harbor. While there's certain measures that could be taken to help the disadvantage, some things just can't be undone. What these activists want...it's just not going to happen.
  16. Trump is not a serious person, doesn't have any serious policy ideas. His campaign is about telling people what he thinks they want to hear. Trump recently met with some CEO's and they were not impressed.... [“Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” said one CEO who was in the room, according to a person who heard the executive speaking. The CEO also said Trump did not explain how he planned to accomplish any of his policy proposals, that person said.] [Several CEOs “said that [Trump] was remarkably meandering, could not keep a straight thought [and] was all over the map,” CNBC’s Andrew Ross Sorkin reported Friday on “Squawk Box.”] [“These were people who I think might have been actually predisposed to [Trump, but] actually walked out of the room less predisposed” to him, Sorkin said.] https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/ceos-trump-meeting-ex-president-meandering-doesnt-know-s-talking-rcna157264
  17. Americans would be insanely dumb to elect a mentally diminished Trump who's also a corrupt lying conman and a convicted felon. We will just have to wait and see. I hope not.
  18. While I agree in principle that Thai girls love a guy with a great personality, I must express this caveat: If you're not fluent in Thai and she's not fluent in English, then you really don't have a great personality. How could you possibly? I've seen Thai guys with wit and charm and they really know how to make a Thai girl laugh. They can literally talk a girl out of her panties. Tough to compete with that. But fret not, there are still many Thai girls willing to date foreigners for....yeah, financial security mostly. So it's still a target-rich environment.
  19. Do you ever read/watch anything besides Fox News? That propaganda network will turn your brain to mush.
  20. As a leftist, woke liberal, and Democrat, I strongly believe that transgender women should not be allowed to compete in women sports....at any level. Any questions?
  21. These are good, simple, and straightforward questions. Yet the OP can't answer? He seems to have disappeared as well. OP=troll
  22. Trump is about the least patriotic American I've ever seen.
  23. Come on man. I read about older Americans in the US getting scammed all the time. No need to bash on the "child-like naivety" of the Thais over this.
  24. Thank you! I did the same as you when going into Login.gov initially, but got stuck with the US address and US phone number problem, so I exited. Well from your comments, I went back into my SS account and got the same message as you (the congrats message that I've linked my Login credentials to my SS account). Appreciate you sharing your experiences as it aided with mine.
  25. Come on, you know that's not true. Trump has quite a few billionaire buddies, particularly in the oil and gas, coal industries, not to mention Musk, Tucker, Hannity, too many to name. As for Biden, I'd say union workers qualify for the "typical working man." And then there's the middle class black, Hispanics, educated whites and Asians, etc. Trump does have the Evangelicals....even though it's clear to everyone that Biden is more of a Christian than Trump will ever be. I've never understood how the Evangelicals can support a corrupt, lying, cheating conman who's never read the Bible in his life. But it is what it is.
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