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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. As is usually the case, the currency exchange rate has more to do with your home countries rather than Thailand. In my case, the US is set to start lowering interest rates....which will inherently make the USD weaker. There are other dynamics at play as well, including how much foreign capital is coming into the country by way of FDI and other investments.
  2. You don't understand? I went to YOUR link and saw that chart/table for the first time and was able to figure it out. Here's another explanation...from your link... [The system consists of 13 true/false statements pertaining to circumstances surrounding a presidential election. If five or fewer keys are false, the incumbent party is predicted to win the election. If six or more are false, the incumbent party is predicted to lose.]
  3. You're misreading the table. The false keys are positive if the nominee is not from an incumbent party, and negative if he is. In the case of Obama in 2008 and Biden in 2020 (not the incumbent party), more false keys are better. And in the case of Harris--from an incumbent party--more green keys are better.
  4. As I mentioned in the other thread, he correctly predicted that Obama and the Dems would prevail in 2008.... [The Keys to the White House firmly pre- dict a Democratic victory in the popular vote in 2008. It is most improbable that the course of events will swing the Keys back in line for the GOP.] https://www.socialstudies.org/system/files/publications/articles/se_720110.pdf
  5. Where are you getting your information? From this article, he predicted that Obama and the Dems would prevail in 2008.... [The Keys to the White House firmly pre- dict a Democratic victory in the popular vote in 2008. It is most improbable that the course of events will swing the Keys back in line for the GOP.] https://www.socialstudies.org/system/files/publications/articles/se_720110.pdf
  6. Maybe this article is premature...not sure. But here it is.... [Presidential historian Allan Lichtman predicts that Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris will win the 2024 election.] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/historian-allan-lichtman-predicts-who-will-win-the-2024-election/ar-AA1q3IOZ?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=efaa7ffbdf664935dd114d065c3395fb&ei=9
  7. Hard to be sympathetic for a guy who is that....let me be kind, unsophisticated. At least she was an actual woman and not some Nigerian guy.
  8. For the father or son? The precedent has been set just recently as a Michigan couple was sent to jail following their son's murder of 4 students (but they didn't receive life sentences). I think this is a good thing, holding the parents accountable for gross negligence resulting in the death of others. If this prevents a few knuckleheads from buying an assault rifle for their teenage kids....progress.
  9. I saw that...and now millions of Americans will as well. It was an incredibly dumb, pointless answer that meandered endlessly without answering the question. This is Trump in a nutshell....clueless. If Trump had just answered honestly, i.e. "I don't give a ratsass about child care"....I'd have more respect for him. Trump Gives Incoherent 360-Word Response to Question About Childcare https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-gives-incoherent-360-word-response-to-question-about-childcare?ref=wrap
  10. Liz Cheney is speaking for a large number of true conservatives who want Trump gone. This article suggests that in order for the Republicans to become a real conservative party again, they need Trump to lose and lose big.... [If Republicans Want to Win, They Need Trump to Lose — Big] [To dominate the country once more, Republicans need to hasten the move to a post-Trump party.] [The best possible outcome in November for the future of the Republican Party is for former President Donald Trump to lose and lose soundly.] https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/09/04/kamala-harris-republicans-after-trump-00177194
  11. Well you're the king of saying insanely stupid things. So....at least you've got that going for you.
  12. You must be hanging out with the dregs of Thai society. I'm sad for you.
  13. Maybe we should hear from Melania herself.....555
  14. The one guy who's sweating the most from this freefall is a certain DJ Trump. The guy owns over 100 million shares, so each day it drops, he's losing millions. Come 20 Sep, he's going to want to salvage what's left of his squandered wealth. This, of course, will mean the total collapse of the DJT stock. Pity his supporters.
  15. The problem with these countries that people are escaping from isn't the economic system. It's the corrupt dictators running these countries. Trump is a corrupt dictator (wannabe).
  16. Forgeting politics for just a second, how would any wife feel about a husband who cheated on her just after giving birth? And has cheated on her with other women, some who've already admitted so publically? Trump was not just an awful President, he's an awful husband as well.
  17. It seems you believe that an election system which contains vulnerabilities is the same as actual evidence of cheating. While the former may be true in some instances, the latter is not.
  18. This headline pretty much contradicts all that you say.... [German far-right party wins a state election for the first time since the Nazis] https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/germany-elections-far-right-rcna169139
  19. Some of these anti-abortion groups (e.g. Susan B. Anthony) have threatened to sit-out this election if Trump wasn't more vocal on supporting their agenda. And of course, we all know Trump has no backbone so he'll cave to appease his core base. But at the same time, he'll be saying to a different audience that he supports reproductive rights....which is the exact opposite of what he's saying about the Florida bill. One would have to be stupid beyond words to believe anything Trump says.
  20. While this DJT stock may be Trump's most profitable grift to date, the guy never stops trying to rip off his hapless supporters. There was the bible, the sneakers, etc, and now (again) the digital trading cards.... [American YouTuber and technology reviewer Zack Nelson was one of many people to criticise Trump on Twitter/X, writing: "Taking money from the poorest, least financially intelligent people on the planet should be a crime. This is worse than jpg monkeys."] https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/lifestyle-buzz/trump-accused-of-taking-money-from-the-poorest-after-releasing-new-set-of-digital-trading-cards/ar-AA1pzkr2?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=0c5f03b7ae88466aa145c27552b8d819&ei=17
  21. I will say that there'll be some short covering on the way down, so that would provide some artificial buying pressure. But the selling will still out pace the buying up until the election.
  22. 5555....there is no one alive easier to manipulate than Trump. All Putin has to say is "Donald, you are the smartest President ever. I have the utmost respect for your intelligence and judgement!" He doesn't have to mean it or believe it, but Trump will melt and give Putin whatever he wants.
  23. If I had to guess, I'd say they'll low-ball the cr*p out of this thing. It's going to be a matter of supply and demand. I doubt the retail pissants, aka Trump supporters, will be able to absorb the volume of sales and the price would have to come down. How hard and fast, we shall see.
  24. Just wait until the lock-up period expires 20 Sep. That's when Trump and the insiders can start selling shares. Trump almost has no choice but to dump a good portion of his stake or watch his money go down the toilet. But by doing so, the stock will keep going down into the single digits. When Trump loses the election in November, this turd will be in the pennies.
  25. If it was just them. Off the top of my head, I can recall these groups supporting Harris: Republicans for Harris, White Dudes for Harris, White Women for Harris, Evangelicals for Harris, Black Men for Harris, Swifties for Kamala....not to mention unions, vets, environmentalists, academics, women rights groups, youth groups, major black/Asian/Latino groups....too many to name.
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