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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. You actually think Trump could answer coherently any of those questions? Seriously? That's funny....555555.
  2. I look forward to this debate. It will reveal to Trump supporters (and the rest of America) that right wing media has been lying to them all along. Biden is not senile and has been busy doing his job. Trump, on the other hand, is a raging idiot who doesn't have command of the issues. This article best explains what is likely to happen.... [Biden is eager for the chance to stand toe-to-toe with his predecessor because it will be incredibly hard to look worse in comparison.] [But set aside for a moment the fact that Trump is a lousy debater who is clearly addled and losing his ability to speak in public. And the fact that his policy positions are broadly unpopular. And that historians consider him the worst president ever. And that Biden has a great record and has a demonstrated mastery over its details.] https://www.thedailybeast.com/all-signs-point-to-a-trump-debate-meltdown?ref=wrap
  3. A rather childish retort. Do you have any evidence that I'm not Jesus Christ?
  4. If Biden were to ask big pharma for a billion dollars and promise them that he would let them raise drug prices with impunity, you might have a point. Do you have any evidence that Biden has done that?
  5. MAGA is a cult. You will need to be deprogrammed. I'd recommend professional help.
  6. It's amazing to me that some Americans would rely on certain things that the POTUS has no control over (e.g., economy, inflation, world events, etc.) and completely ignore the individual character of the candidates. It seems the Republican party no longer cares about things like morality, honesty, integrity, law and order, family values, etc. Why else would they support a corrupt lying conman with multiple indictments who would cheat on his wife after she's just given birth? Isn't the President supposed to be the ultimate role model for our children? We'll see in November I guess.
  7. It's not that simple. Japan can automate and shrink their GDP all they want, but who's going to pay for the aging population? What's declining is people of working age; the senior population is growing. They need more workers to pay taxes to keep their social security system solvent.
  8. Have you ever been to Japan? I lived in Japan a few years. Even they know they have problems, with declining birth rates and an aging population. But there was still a resistance to "gaijins," or foreigners. Yes, Japan is among the safest and cleanest places I've been. But their economy will not survive unless they're more open to foreign workers.
  9. Yeah, Trump is sounding more senile by the day.
  10. I am always amused when people like you accuse others of not being smart. Of course, he's correct. Anyone who still believes that Trump won the 2020 election is off-the-charts stupid. I'll go even further to say people that stupid should not be allowed to vote. But if that were the case, MAGA Republicans would never win another election.
  11. Trump has already made comments about the WHCD and it was pretty clear he's not happy. Not a stretch to assume he was watching....
  12. Both Biden and Jost were pretty good. Entertaining and on the mark. And you can tell it got through to Trump who was just stewing on TS. Even though Trump will claim that he never watches the thing....5555.
  13. It was embarrassing watching Trump try to claim that 1,000's of protestors were turned away by police. There were only a handful and they weren't turned away by police. Trump has reached the point where he will just make up a total lie and assume that his nutty supporters will believe it. Well wait, he's always done that.
  14. This stock may be one of Trump's greatest grift ever. He and his buddies stand to make a killing...but the money has to come from somewhere. Perfect that it's mostly his supporters getting the shaft. This stock will fluctuate all over the place for awhile, but when market fundamentals kick in, it has nowhere to go but down.
  15. I think he's talking about the RNC....in which he would be correct.
  16. I'd much rather see females like this parading around topless than some dude. Nothing more repulsive than a bunch of sweaty guys walking around shirtless, thinking that they're hot sht.
  17. That defense has been brought up before. But it begs the question...."If there were no sexual relations, why would Trump pay $130,000 to Daniels to keep quiet about something that never happened?" Any reasonable person (which doesn't include Trump supporters) would see that it doesn't make sense.
  18. You hope not? If you're getting US SS, you'd certainly want a weaken THB. I've got no complaints and hope the THB keeps heading south. But nothing goes down forever....
  19. Another one of Trump's harebrained schemes which only his idiot supporters would buy into. Even if Trump managed to manipulate the USD, other countries could do the same which would bring us back to square one. But it would wreak havoc in the world financial markets and make the US a laughingstock.
  20. Amazing how you guys would believe such nonsense.
  21. This company can't be saved. The only thing I know for certain is that the insiders (including Trump) are going to bleed this company dry. And of course, the pissant retail investors will lose their collective as*ses.
  22. There are other ways for Putin and the Saudis to help Trump (and themselves) rather than invest in this turd stock. Besides, Trump will be dumping his shares at the first opportunity. That's when the stock will really crash. Trump will be fleecing his own supporters....and he's perfectly fine with that.
  23. Of course, you're right. Trump doesn't have any core values/beliefs, only what's good for Trump. If he thought being a hardcore pro-lifer (like Pence) would win him the election, that's what he would be. Rather amazing so many continue to believe his non-stop lies. I hope his most rabid supporters invest heavily in Truth Social, aka DJT stock. Maybe after they're bankrupt, they may realize they've been conned all along. Or maybe not....5555.
  24. So from a pro-life perspective, Trump is really pro-choice. If California wanted to legalize all manner of abortions, Trump would be ok with that. Up to the states, correct?
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