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Everything posted by Berkshire

  1. If you know of a bank doing this, you should report them to the AG. Unless of course, you just made that up.
  2. Wow, you really don't understand the implications. Why do you think IVF clinics in Alabama are ceasing operations? So if an embryo is considered legally the same as a child, why have the clinics and parents not been charged with child abuse for freezing said embryos? If 2 embryos are inserted in a women and only one becomes a baby, does she get charged for murder for the other embryo? And so on.... Republicans and right wingers want to play silly games with words, calling an embryo a child and so forth. Let's keep it simple: Embryo=Embryo Fetus=Fetus Child=Child
  3. Today's Republican party: Believe any allegation against Biden, no matter how flimsy or dubious. If claims are false....ignore and just keep investigating. Don't believe any allegation against Trump, no matter the mountain of evidence compiled from all manner of reliable sources and witnesses. That's why the Trump Party....I mean the Republican Party is doomed to be extinct.
  4. This ruling is patently absurd....but not too surprising that it's coming out of Alabama.
  5. "MSM narrative?" As opposed to the made-up right wing nonsense that you read?
  6. Another who didn't bother to read the results. The historians included Republicans, Democrats, and independents. Were there differences in ranking based on party affiliation? Some, but not massively so. Reps ranked G Washington number 1, whereas Dems and Ind ranked Lincoln number 1. As for Trump....Reps ranked him 41, Dems and Ind ranked him 45. There was one area where Trump was actually number 1. Most polarizing. I'd concur with that.
  7. The truth is most Americans will not be surprised by this ranking. The MAGA wing, of course, will be losing what's left of their minds.
  8. More like 25 years to life.
  9. No, I was saying no such thing. I was stating that the OP would do better remembering what he learned as a child. We all understand. The OP is just being obtuse.
  10. Yeap, and with government shutdowns looming (right wingers love a good shutdown), the democrats might just win the POTUS, House, and Senate.
  11. Yeah, the fact that a good number of Americans would still vote for this buffoon even though he finished DEAD LAST of all Presidents in US history.
  12. Pretty accurate ranking.
  13. You may view yourself as a friendly, welcoming, wonderful sort of guy. But others may view you as just a creep. Maybe best if you just mind your own business and stop harassing strangers.
  14. This would apply much more appropriately to Trump supporters.
  15. I tend to believe that Biden is running in 2024--and 2020--because Trump is running. He believes that it's that dangerous for Trump to even be sniffing the WH, let alone occupy it. And he thinks he's the only one who can beat Trump having already done so. If Trump ever pulls out--or is somehow disqualified or loses the primary--I believe Biden would step down.
  16. What dosage are we talking about? I'd heard that 50 mg is adequate for most people, 100 mg max. If the OP is taking more than that, I'd have to ask why? I suppose if someone is taking 100 mg+ every day for a period of months....that might be a bit much.
  17. And I thought it was just me! About a week or two back, I tried the new Moving money/start transaction function and it just froze up. I tried several times and the same thing happened. So I sent NFCU a message and they responded rather quickly to say they were working on the problem. Well just yesterday I checked the Start Transaction function and it appears to be working. I haven't made a transfer yet, but will soon just to test it out. They haven't replied to my original message, but I'd imagine they will once they're sure the fix is confirmed. Glad it wasn't just me and my old laptop....5555
  18. The Senate tried to fix it. That bi-partisan bill was heavily tilted towards what the GOP wanted in terms of immigration reform. It would have been a huge win for the GOP in terms of offering a real solution. But the House rejected it.
  19. Not sure ladyboys count.
  20. The GOP has now admitted their entire immigration agenda. They absolutely have no interest in fixing the problem at the border. They only want to complain about it and blame the POTUS. Their scheme will be broadcasted to all of America over and over again until November.
  21. Why don't you look at the post I was responding to and the post he was responding to. Should be obvious.
  22. Some of you MAGA guys crack me up. This was a pointless exercise. This impeachment will be DOA at the Senate and Mayorkas will continue on as before. So what have these nutters in the House accomplished? Zero....except waste time and money that could be better spent on actually governing.
  23. Yes, Trump can certainly talk for hours at a time. Unfortunately, most of what comes out of his mouth is crazy sh*t.
  24. Good one. These people who parrot Trump's remarks come across as incredibly ignorant. Trump is often wrong or just flatout lying. Can't these people think for themselves?
  25. If the GOP really wanted to get serious, they'd nominate Haley. I think she has a better shot at beating Biden. The independents and moderates may find her more palatable than Trump. But this time around, even moderate Republicans will refuse to hold their noses and vote for Trump. The stench is just too overwhelming. So it's Biden v. Trump and we've seen before how that ends. I'll call Biden's age and raise you 91 Trump indictments.
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