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Everything posted by safarimike11

  1. 3 years ago, when Russia invaded Ukraine, I was of the opinion that Putin did it to stop Ukraine joining NATO/NATO accepting Ukraine as a member. However, I moved towards the mainstream (I imagine) of views in that Russia was the bad guy on invading Ukraine. 3 years on though, I broadly agree with Trump - in that the only was to end the war is to try to seek an agreement with Russia; Ukraine - even with the assistance of various European countries, will never win the war against Russia. A lot of armchair warriors will no-doubt disagree with me, but this is the only way to end the war; if not, maybe Putin will get China on board on his side besides North Korea... what's to stop him? (Talk about "cringeworthy"... it is not as cringeworthy as Biden & Co's total retreat from Afghanistan; total respect to all that served there).
  2. My advice is never ever use taxis.
  3. At the risk of being called "low IQ", I agree with you.
  4. No doubt another "low iq" person...
  5. 1. I read yesterday that the U.S. is currently stumping up 50% of the total contributions to NATO. 2. If this misguided notion of Ukraine becoming a member of NATO had never arisen, Russian would probably not have invaded Ukraine in the first place.
  6. Best to give that restaurant a body-swerve then.
  7. If there is anything to cut off, do it.
  8. Give me a mo. and I'll get back to you.
  9. I watched one a few years ago of a guy (with the video camera) posing that he was interested in renting a room - happened to be an upstairs room. He was following the young lady - showing the room - up the stairs constantly videoing her alpha romeo sierra echo; who an absolute you-know-what.
  10. Beetroot (preferably home-made) and beetroot juice to my experience relieves urinary tract discomfort. How to prepare: Buy 3 or 4 beetroot from the market/Macro superstore. Don't cut or trim them, but wash under the tap to remove any dirt. Carefully place in boiling salted water (1 tablespoon of salt). Boil for an hour then turn off the heat. When it has cooled off, remove the beetroot but retain the water in the pot. Allow the beetroot to cool. Skin the beetroot - removing just the outer skin; sometimes it will just peel off. Cut each beetroot in half/or quarter. Slice the segments. Get some sterilized jars. Pour in an inch or so of the (hot, warm or cold) beetroot juice, some white vinegar and 1 teaspoon of sugar into each jar. Fill the jars with the sliced beetroot and top up with white vinegar. Keep in the fridge; you can eat the beetroot the next day, but it will keep for months in the fridge to my experience, but only use sterilized utensils to get the beetroot out of the jar.
  11. I have suffered from Deep Vein Thrombosis in my lower left leg for just over 2 1/2 years. My doctor tried various medications (including a week of twice daily injections round the belly button (which I did myself from home), but he ended up with prescribing my 60 mg LIXIANA (edoxaban) tablets, one a day after breakfast. The appearance of my left leg soon became identical to my right leg: no discolouration. The only problem is that they are 106 baht each - available on prescription only.
  12. I see a possibility of a reply to this, but I shall abstain.
  13. I myself love hummus; problem is that they have ceased stocking it in Friendship.
  14. What I find happens - occasionally thankfully - is that when I go to a (say) Big C Superstore for example, where there are wide isles and in general very-well laid out stores, is I will end up near someone wheeling a trolly and I seem to keep bumping into the same person/persons over and over again. There are a couple of possible explanations for this, one of which entails me being out of my mind.
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