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Everything posted by safarimike11

  1. Recommendation - based on personal experience: At the right side of Big C Pattaya Thai (on Sukhumvitt road South Pattaya) is their car park; from the car park, if you look out onto the side road (that runs 90 degrees to Sukhumvitt), you will see a Visa Agency. I am purposely not giving the name but I have known the guy for 17 years - going back to when he used to give Sunday morning presentations for Pattaya Expats Club.
  2. I had a Panasonic fridge several years ago, where the "fan" failed; luckily it was still under warranty and was replaced by the service technicians in situ.
  3. The problem is, he is "old folk".
  4. Background: 1. I relocated from the UK to Thailand in 2005 on a Non-B (one-year) visa. 2. When this was due to expire, I transferred it to a "Retirement Extension" when is required to be renewed annually, the renewal date falling in September (2006). 3. My previous UK passport was due to expire in July 2010, so I renewed it at the British embassy in Bangkok; I believe it was sent to Hong Kong for renewal. 4. Note: the renewal date of the new passport was not 10 years from the date of issue, but instead was April 2021 (an additional 9 months), but I thought nothing of it. 5. In January 2021 I started the process of renewing my passport, which took approx. 6 weeks. 6. My next 90 day was in March 2021. I requested to have my annual visa transferred to my new passport (and I thought that it was). 7. My next 90 day was in in the June and this once again went through without incident. 8. I went in for my next 90 day renewal - which I always time to coincide with my annual visa renewal - in the the September (2021). This is when the shock happened. 9. The officer at the 90-day point looked at my passport and swiftly turned me away, stating that my (annual visa) had expired 90 days after renewing my passport. Note: it was totally my fault for not checking that my annual visa had been transferred, so why did they give me another 90-day renewal in the June??? 10. I will not go into the details of how I sorted this problem out, but I would like to draw attention to the Foxtrot Uniform of the UK passport office giving me an exptra 9 months on my 10 year passport. For another example of how this affected a UK passport holder, click on this: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/travel/news/brexit-dad-50-has-to-pay-3k-and-drive-over-1-100-miles-after-being-caught-out-by-new-passport-rule/ar-AA1fEsqy?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=5482b344a0ce4de69aad76e4d32eb49b&ei=20
  5. 1. Thais used to ask me why I choose to live in Thailand (used to), but I don't notice this happening any more - guess some people have started reading the foreign news online? This is good, because I no longer need to tell them what an absolute s***hole the UK has become over the last couple of decades. 2. Like a lot of people, I do a big shop when I need to; when I do, I tend to visit 2 or more supermarkets. As I am knocking on a bit now, I am a bit forgetful and leave my car unlocked. Can you imagine leaving your car unlocked with it being half-full of groceries in a supermarket car park in the UK? I have lived in Thailand for over 15 years and have never had anything stolen from my car - or my house for that matter.
  6. You need to ask them one question: Then why are you here?
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