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Posts posted by OZONE

  1. Middle and Upper class* in Thailand invented the Mia Noi.....1, 2 or more! I know a very rich upper-elite 'gentleman' who has(had) 6......... :D Number 1, 2 and 3 know he has or had the others; the rest don't know about the others. Few months ago he met Nr. 7, a beautifull Thai airline stewardess.

    He's an unbelievable relaxed guy, also very nice, and plays golf almost 4, 5 times/week; really don't know where he finds the time to run after all of them. :o

    * Us Farangs will never understand the 'way-of-living' of these classes in the East; we always judge the people of the East by our own Western standards...Yeah, yeah, but don't forget the culture in the East; countries like Thailand and China have a culture that dates back a few thousand years, when us-Farang people were still fighting over a bone or two...


    Good company you're keeping. He's probably setting good examples for all the kids around him :D .

  2. Most the people here have put me well of teaching anyway, for starts most of them lookk down their noses at people trying to come to Thailand and teach, just for the fact that they don't have degrees. In my eyes that's f#cking stupid to think in this way.

    Its even more stupid to think you can teach others when you weren't taught yourself. Take a good look at you grammar and spelling, ITS HORRID.

    When I was in school we used to get French lessons by some Frenchgirl that was about 18, theres no way she had a degree, it's jus tthe same as English speaking people coming to Thailand and teaching English. Deal with it instead of whining like bitches.

    Sounds to me like you're the Whiner. You asked people for advice but can't take the advice / criticism given?. Why bother posting if you don't want to know the truth?

    People CAN do it and WILL do it, i'm not going to one of them but I could if I wanted to.

    In Thailand and with this ATTITUDE?, I seriously doubt it. Stay in the UK, Its better for the Thai people

    I dunno if Cornflakes is still around, but whatever..........

    The guy was looking for advice as to what IS in Thailand not what folk think SHOULD be or wish for. Sure, an ideal English Teacher would be someone fully trained and experienced (with or without bits of paper coming out of their ears) but, you know what?, in Thailand this is not a requirement at present. It may be a bad thing, but it's how it IS.

    Offer piss poor salaries TO FARANG then teaching English will only be attractive to those passing through for a couple of years, are using it as a stepping stone, or who have already made a few quid back in Farangland so are NOT looking to finance their old age from B30k (or even B90k) a month.

    FWIW the Thais should accept that non Farang CAN do as good a job if not better than a Farang (with or without a degree) and are of course much cheaper - whether it be "Native" speakers or even Thais. But this is probably a seperate thread about short sighted stupidity in the "LOSSS"

    The guy could have got himself a job in Thailand (and already realised this), but he was clearly smart enough to also be thinking about his future prospects and that B30K is NOT a future, it's a working holiday / something to do to keep the brain cells alive / pay the rent whilst trying to do a bit of good / a paid hobby.

    I think I suggested that at 22 he should get a skill / profession / trade / knowledge that can be used to make money in Farangland to at least fall back on - I managed to make this suggestion as constructively as possible without being rude / insulting or having my head stuck up my rear end - and whether he takes my advice is neither here nor there for me, I was just happy to help / give him a bit of encoragement. I may not have worked in Thailand or been an English Teacher, but I have been around the block a bit, including in Thailand - so can at least talk things through with someone constructively rather than seeing folk as a challenge.

    Its better for the Thai people

    You'd need a heart of stone............not to laugh at a comment like that

    I am not going to criticise YOUR spelling or grammar - it's the Internet :D

    More spelling errors, but lets not count them :o

    Both realised and criticise are correctly spelled (spelt?) mate (albeit English spelling). So if you're going to correct people maybe ch ch ch check yourself first :D

    ###### and I might want to ch ch ch check to make sure someone hasn't already posted what I just did :D

    I guess I'll have to correct yours also :D, but I will not correct the other word :D

    FWIW, this was originally meant as a joke to "the Doc and Jersey UK". I apologize if you'are offended

    Main Entry: re·al·ize

    Pronunciation: 'rE-&-"lIz, 'ri-&-

    Function: transitive verb

    Inflected Form(s): -ized; -iz·ing

    Etymology: French réaliser, from Middle French realiser, from real real

    1 a : to bring into concrete existence : ACCOMPLISH <finally realized her goal> b : to cause to seem real : make appear real <a book in which the characters are carefully realized>

    2 a : to convert into actual money <realized assets> b : to bring or get by sale, investment, or effort : GAIN

    3 : to conceive vividly as real : be fully aware of <did not realize the risk she was taking>

    synonym see THINK

    - re·al·iz·able /"rE-&-'lI-z&-b&l, "ri-/ adjective

    - re·al·iz·er no

  3. Most the people here have put me well of teaching anyway, for starts most of them lookk down their noses at people trying to come to Thailand and teach, just for the fact that they don't have degrees. In my eyes that's f#cking stupid to think in this way.

    Its even more stupid to think you can teach others when you weren't taught yourself. Take a good look at you grammar and spelling, ITS HORRID.

    When I was in school we used to get French lessons by some Frenchgirl that was about 18, theres no way she had a degree, it's jus tthe same as English speaking people coming to Thailand and teaching English. Deal with it instead of whining like bitches.

    Sounds to me like you're the Whiner. You asked people for advice but can't take the advice / criticism given?. Why bother posting if you don't want to know the truth?

    People CAN do it and WILL do it, i'm not going to one of them but I could if I wanted to.

    In Thailand and with this ATTITUDE?, I seriously doubt it. Stay in the UK, Its better for the Thai people

    I dunno if Cornflakes is still around, but whatever..........

    The guy was looking for advice as to what IS in Thailand not what folk think SHOULD be or wish for. Sure, an ideal English Teacher would be someone fully trained and experienced (with or without bits of paper coming out of their ears) but, you know what?, in Thailand this is not a requirement at present. It may be a bad thing, but it's how it IS.

    Offer piss poor salaries TO FARANG then teaching English will only be attractive to those passing through for a couple of years, are using it as a stepping stone, or who have already made a few quid back in Farangland so are NOT looking to finance their old age from B30k (or even B90k) a month.

    FWIW the Thais should accept that non Farang CAN do as good a job if not better than a Farang (with or without a degree) and are of course much cheaper - whether it be "Native" speakers or even Thais. But this is probably a seperate thread about short sighted stupidity in the "LOSSS" :D

    The guy could have got himself a job in Thailand (and already realised this), but he was clearly smart enough to also be thinking about his future prospects and that B30K is NOT a future, it's a working holiday / something to do to keep the brain cells alive / pay the rent whilst trying to do a bit of good / a paid hobby.

    I think I suggested that at 22 he should get a skill / profession / trade / knowledge that can be used to make money in Farangland to at least fall back on - I managed to make this suggestion as constructively as possible without being rude / insulting or having my head stuck up my rear end - and whether he takes my advice is neither here nor there for me, I was just happy to help / give him a bit of encoragement. I may not have worked in Thailand or been an English Teacher, but I have been around the block a bit, including in Thailand - so can at least talk things through with someone constructively rather than seeing folk as a challenge.

    Its better for the Thai people

    You'd need a heart of stone............not to laugh at a comment like that :D:D:D:D:D

    I am not going to criticise YOUR spelling or grammar - it's the Internet :D

    More spelling errors, but lets not count them :o

  4. Rate my retirement plan!

    Plan A:

    Quit school and work for 8 years for E1500 a month bruto.

    Net income: 1500 * 8 * 13 * 1/3 = E104.000

    Savings: E700

    Possesions: E2000 (street price)

    Total: E106.700 = 5.3 million baht

    Plan B:

    Finish school, earn E4000/month for 5 years. Get more extras

    Total income: 4000 * 5 * 13 * 1/3 = E173.333

    Money for study: 100 * 5 * 12 = E6000

    Bonus completing study: E2000

    Savings: E700

    Possesions: E2000 (street price)

    Tota:  E176.833 = 8.8 million baht

    Plan A lets me retire when I'm 27 and Plan B lets me retire around age 30 more or less. 5-9 million baht sounds risky but atleast with plan B I have a degree and with plan A I have more fun in my life. Cause you never know what happens in the future. Better have fun now then end up dead tommorow. I'll probally invest the 5-9 million in business or get interest over it. Sounds good plan??? Rate my retirement plan on the scale of 1-10. 10 = highest, thank you


    No need to rate. Both plans are terrible.

    Stay in school and get ur education than work muuuuchhhhh longer than 5 years becuz 10 million baht will not last you very long if you want to live mildly comfortable.

    don't forget about all the extra expenses you'll have ie: cars, beer, women, women children(s), the women family & family friends...blah blah blah :o

  5. For the people who enjoyed this type of disgusting behavior, you are absolutely sick.

    Becareful someday as you are not expecting, the way you treat these animals with such cruelty will surely comes back to haunt you. At which tiime, I will feel no pain nor sympathy for those people who act with such malicious intent to these animals.

    Treat others (human or animals) as you would want to be treated.

  6. Why would you ever want yourself to be associated with Detroit?.

    This city and suburbs are Dirty, the Automotive workers are lazy and never take pride in their work. All they can say is "give me.. give me... give me more, for less work" :o NOT TO MENTIONED, The constant whining sound of black people and their "poor us black folks, we're being discriminated attitudes" :D:D

  7. That doesn't exactly have to be hard sold.  :D


    Really? Simple test, just read the headlines for a few days and tell me what the Nation's position is. Here is just a quick sampling...

    "Waning fortunes for populist PM"

    "Thaksin's final day of reckoning looms"

    "Thaksin dons the cone of silence"

    "Thaksin rapidly losing his alies and magical powers"

    "Thaksin breeds suicide bomb journalism"

    "Will Thaksin ever give meaningful answers"

    "Thaksin shrugs off responsibility again"

    Since most people don't question the motives or message of the news source, this sort of reporting, extended into months if not years, affects mass opinion. This very forum is where you would find masses of drones well-fed on the Nation as a source of opinion. Think about it, from where did you learn of the scandals and of the PM's evil, greed and incompetence? Thai newspapers are the primary source of such reporting.

    I'm not saying that the PM is a great guy, but his stewardship of the country these past 5 years has been very fruitful, not just for himself but also for the country generally. There is a need to take things into a balanced context and not automatically jump to bashing the guy everytime his name is mentioned.

    Press freedom comes with responsibility, and that responsibility should be handled with maturity, fairness, and temperence.

    Look at the Nation's treatment of him over the past four years and You'll understand why they treat his words with skepticism. It's much better balanced than the lapdog style of the Post. The PM himself is a braggart, and frequently makes statements he cannot live up to. Or is the country really drug-free now? Was there really no bird flu in Thailand last year?


    Well said! I'm still waiting for the promise to end "slums" :o

  8. TGF and I were enjoying a fruit shake at JJ Market a few weekends ago, watching the crowds wander by.  A few feet away a few young Thai guys were busking - they are regulars there.  They were talking in Thai and TGF was looking increasingly uncomfortable.  It seems they were making pointed comments to the effect that so many Thai girls want a farang BF these days that there will be no girls left for them.

    Next time tell them quit complaining, get a job & education and stop hanging around JJ market, may be the girls will interested in them abit more. :o

  9. Scam Warning:

    I hate these warnings and normally never forward them, but this one is important.

    If a man comes to your front door and says he is conducting a survey and asks you to show him your arse, DO NOT show him your arse.

    This is a scam, he only wants to see your arse.

    I wish I'd got this warning yesterday. I feel so stupid and cheap.



    "purposely show another man my arse?" I hope I'm not reading this wrong.

    If a man ask me to you "him" my arse, I would be inclined to show him the bottom of my foot :o My arse is well protected by mrs Ozone!

  10. Whats with all the sarcasm? The OP has a legitimate question posting to everyone but a few of you want to respond negatively?. Now thats seem kind of silly to me!

    IMO, I would stay in England until your child finished her education before moving to LOS. It could be a major aid for her future. However, I would plan on purchasing a house (if not done so) while its still relative decent in price, and start preapring yourself for the big move. 5 years is not far really! Just think how fast X-Mas came this year...seems like I just got done paying for last year presents :o

  11. Simple enough.  how about "Farang Dong"?, since you are a foreigner :D

    Nothing wrong with "pickeled Mango" as name, is there? :o

    Hmm....Pickeled Mango :D

    I said : It must be unique and sweet....

    But "pickeled mango"....it's certainly sound unique enough...but isn't pickeled mango is sort of sour? :D

    Absolutely unique. How many foreigner in Thailand have a name of "Farang Dong"?. Its sweet, its sour; soooo, you can be the only sweet & sour dish in los:whistling:

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