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Posts posted by dutch

  1. Although I am insured in Holland,I did investigate a lot about the Thailand Healthinsurance.

    I did NOT found any insurance company who insured above 65 years!!

    I mean that they will stop at reaching that age.

    If any company offers a continuing health insurance after 65 years ,please let me know.

    In Holland there will be a new law concerning healthinsurance in 2006. This (can) bring the risk of a stop with covering dutch retirees in several foreign countries,that not belong to the countries with a treaty.Thailand is (still) umongst those countries.

    I rather like to switch now than waiting for the uncertain.

  2. Axel,

    Besides the normal non-immigrant O forms,I had to fill in an additional form called:

    Additional application form for non-immigrant visa "O-A"(Long stay).

    This together with ALL documents required for the retirement visa, are investigated, PRE APPROVED and mailed to Min.O F.A who will sent to Immigration HQ.

    Date of expiry mentioned in my visa is: 13 October 2005 !

    Why go through all the hussle, if I have to do it all over again within 3 months of my arrival?

    That is the purpose of O-A .( a pre approval !)

    May be Dr.PP can confirm?

  3. Nice topic to read. All those different reactions :o

    After 5 years Indonesia and 5 years Germany and 17 years Holland, my wife would choose (at the moment) for Germany.

    We lived in a small village (15000 habitants) near Bielefeld.

    She is absolutely fond of the winters in Europe.

    She is a strong,disciplined woman.Speaks and read fluent All the languages of the countries that we lived in. I think that is essential.

    We always managed to get Thai food on the table.In Holland the thai fresh vegetables and other stuff are flown in three times a week.Our food searches sometimes exceed 250 km.

    We are now moving (I am retiring) to Thailand in December this year.

    Hope that after a while she will like it better than Germany. :D

    Wherever we are, we take the good and the bad things and try to make the best of it.

  4. Jay,

    As you know I also cannot enter live chat anymore (at home) :o

    I already explained in the OFCS topic. :D

    Never loaded or changed anything (wouldn't dare!)

    The 2 die hard's of ofcs are OUT !!

    As solidarity gesture I will not enter the chat ( at my office) as long as you cannot enter my friend! :D

  5. Astral,

    No way he would have get the retiremnet visa upfront with that documentation.

    Please check [email protected]

    Those are the instructions for the embassies.

    btw I just got the message from the Jakarta embassy that I will receive my non-immigrant O-A multiple (for retirement purpose).

    I will collect my passport this Friday.Could have collected it already to-day if wished,but I cannot be in Jakarta earlier.

    Will keep you informed

  6. We miss Jay!

    Very busy with the upcoming final move to Thailand.

    Lost also a lttle bit interest in the forum.Still checking the " useful " topics :o

    Found however the forum more or less hijacked by new posters that were so frequently posting that it was starting to annoy me.

    The VIP was highly disappointing and I mentioned why. (Unexpected,unwanted posts !)

    Hope to meet the "old " folks very soon in the chat room again.

  7. If you can speak Thai?



    Small enterprise.Do have a couple of busses.Not high luxery but sufficient.

    Use them already for over 25 years , one or two times a year.

    Pay 1500 Baht daily (from 05.00 till 24.00)+ petrol costs.Don't know what can be negotiared for a month's trip.

    Never went on a more than 1 day trip ,but I know they are doing it.

    I can leave my wallet behind and not one baht will dissappear.

  8. Are you doing this speeding and drinking also in California?

    That's your location isn't it?

    Just because the law enforcement is not the same as in your home country, it does not give you a free ticket to drink and drive.

    There is NEVER an excuse!

    If you would hit me, I would follow you to the other end of the world if necessary, with one of those fancy (no cure no pay ) lawyers. :o

  9. Jasper,

    Your wife (to be) doesn't want to join you in Holland?

    Why don't you follow a career (with her) in Europe? Take care of your business like company pension and AOW(state pension).She even can obtain dutch passport without loosing her Thai nationality.

    Start a normal life with annual holidays to Thailand and retire in Thailand if this is what you both still want.

    That is what I did (almost 28 years ago).

    I will retire and live in Thailand end of this year .

    PM me if you want.(we can communicate in Dutch)

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