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Posts posted by dutch

  1. KevinN,

    I can see your docter's point of view.

    My pain period lasted for about 3 years(ups and downs).

    One morning I absolutely could not move my arm anymore.I will not even mention the pain!

    At that moment I was sent to specialist (the next morning)by my house docter and I got the said cortesone shot.

    Unfortunately I lso had to share the experience of my neighbour (2 frozen shoulders ((not at the same time)).)

    After my good luck experience I hated the time I spent with all kind of therapy and (sometimes) pain killers.

    Hope you will belong to the good luck group! :o

  2. Rascal,

    I only can give you my personal experience.

    7 years ago I suffered from a so called "frozen shoulder"

    One day it was more painful than the other.However one day I could not bare the pain anymore and I went to the doctor.

    Only quick solution (with NO quarantee) was a cortesone shot in my shoulder.Injection must be done by orthopedic specialist and not by normal house docter(rule in Holland).

    Within 2(two) days my pain was gone,I could move my arm again and the pain never returned till now.

    One of my neighbours suffered from frozen shoulder left and rightside.One cured ,the other one not.

    Cortisone injections will be given maximal 2 or 3 shots as they (can) distroy the tendon tissue.

    This is all I can tell you

    Be careful and good luck.

  3. Dear forum members,

    I suppose paulsenp put a serious question on the table.

    May be it is because of the age(in a previous poll, around 75% of the members are below 49 years of age!), but I could not see ANY ( well, may be one)serious reaction on his question.

    If we don't like this subject than simply not react and don't tell him to jump from the 20th floor.

    I am to become 62 years and of course I did and do think about this subject.

    I don't want to become a burden to my wife (or children).I try to discuss this now,but it is difficult.

    In Holland I had an agreement with my house docter about euthanasia ( which is legally under conditions).

    As this is rather personal, I don't think too many serious reactions will show up.

    So the thread will die automatically as do we all (in a dignified way as we all hope!)

  4. Tony0703

    Please read my request again.

    It is not YOUR forum.!

    I only asked for balanced quantity (not to mention quality,because that is subjective).

    May be you should have a look at the Bearpit.com.This website (supervised by thaiforum) is special for,what you call,hyperactive persons.

    No hard feelings tho.

  5. Jeff1

    I don't believe you can compare the USA system with the Thai system.

    The conditions and local policies are too different.Some districts with a lot of "volunteers" don't even need a lottery.

    Isn't the army in USA, a professional army?

    People ,who don't like the army ,are not automatically "chicken shit', or lazy or cowards :o and NO , I am not a left winger!

    (btw I did my time in Holland,almost 2 years!)

  6. Would be interesting to find out a little bit more about you.

    What is your age?

    What are you doing for a living?

    It looks like that you are eating all YOUR savings already!

    (if you are that young as I suspect?)

    Can your big brother do any investigation?

    Keep some blood going to your brain :o

  7. > Although you corrected your first post, words like that should not find

    > a place on this forum.

    Right! I thought about cleaning it up but so many people have commented on it that I'm just going to leave it. And I value his second attempt. :-)

    > My wife calls it "prostitute language".

    > She felt very much embarrassed this morning,not wanted to be

    > confrontated with this.I try to convince her to answer, but no way

    > she is going into this kind of dialogue. So here I am on her behalf. :D

    . While I strongly oppose and disapprove of people (foreigners) going around using this word and other faul language, I wouldn't want to ban it as a topic for educational purposes. You do actually find this word in fairly mainstream movies and comics, either straight or as a funny garbled reference to it as a joke. And learners of Thai need need to be aware of if, as to not accidentally pronounce something that sounds close to it. (Just ask my friend who's nickname is Gluay. (¡ÇéÇÂ) :-)



    Well... I can assure you that also quite respectable people use it at times.. Not in public of course, just like you wouldn't use English slang words for private parts in public. Of course at the same time I can assure you that some prostitutes would be equallyas offended as teachers would be at DavidUK21's word...

    Quite public, a forum I would say.

    But enough, as said he put a new post in.

    :D She can also lighten up a little

    Why do we always have to accept things?

    Using continiously the 4 letter words in English doesn't make it allright.

    Fortunately there are all kind of people on the forum so??

    Let's hope we find the correct word because that is what this topic is about :o

  8. Don't know Doc.

    First I need to have a serious talk with both.

    Better put this topic on the Issan local forum,so the rest of Thailand will not have knowledge of this shameful behaviour :o

  9. thaihome,

    If we only could have had the forum discussion about america bashing,the way p1p and you put their opinions on the table.! :D

    Me as an european, will be better informed by usa residents,who try to bring their messages in a civilized way.

    I try to follow the local(usa) news,having Fox as well as CNN as my dailt guests. :o

  10. dlee,

    Just wait with the tatto.

    You must be sure before doing it.

    My wife is at home and will look at the spelling of konangrit and davidUK21.

    Although this morning she already told me ,that is was difficult.

    Is Shaun the phonetic spelling and if so what nationality are you?

  11. DavidUK21,

    May be that "21" stands for your age?

    Although you corrected your first post, words like that should not find a place on this forum.

    My wife calls it "prostitute language".

    She is a former teacher and is following the language forum with much interest.Mostly amused by the lots of BOOK knowledge .

    She felt very much embarrassed this morning,not wanted to be confrontated with

    this.I try to convince her to answer, but no way she is going into this kind of dialogue.

    So here I am on her behalf. :o

  12. I can imagine He fell from his chair.

    The topic was;How much do you give your wifes.... and not how much are your business phonecalls costing. :o

    No hard feelings.

    btw my wife doesn't get anything.She takes what she needs.

    She is my financial director :D

  13. Out of a certain curiosity,I would like to know who my fellow countrymen are.

    I expect that in each country there is something like a (in my case) Dutch club/society/expat contact and the normal embassy contact, if wanted.

    As far as Thaivisa concerns, I understand and accept the kind of anonymity that many people like to have.

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