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Posts posted by dutch

  1. That's not fair FTH.

    He did not mention the word " feminist" ! :o

    However I support your action.

    He wanted some female reaction.He got it and he continues with the same statements all over again.

    Looks the same like that continuing Muslem support.

    Only his opinion is valid. Point!

    Sorry Yohan but it would be wise to take abreak of a few days.

    May be Dr.FTH can persuade you during the session.

  2. You still do not know, what a man is in the eyes of many many women....He is rich!

    Real beautiful girls are looking for a guy like him!


    I am getting bloody real here. I've been told I am a hottie myself. Several members have met me in person, so you can get some comments from them. I've been told I am fantastic in that department too. No one on this forum ever shagged me, so you have to take my words for that. I've got a good job. I've got good education. I speak English pretty OK (better in swearing department). Hope I am now qualified to give my 2 satangs worth here.

    Speaking of getting real, the guy is not good looking, is old, and is not a catch. Is this real enough? I've turned ugly old men down so many times. I wouldn't give him a second look if I walked past him. Rich or not, not on my mind. And I know for a fact it's not on a lot of Thai women's minds too.

    If you all believe we are after rich men only, then please stay away from Thailand. You obviously have no respect for Thailand and her people. You've got one bad apple, so now this apple tree sucks? And you're gonna take it down? Bloody h3ll..

    My darling is not a Thai (or not an American for that matter). He is very good looking and sexy. He is 10 years older than me. He happens to make lots of money. I'm well aware of the fact that there are so many shallow people out there. So, I told him we would get a pre-nuptial agreement if we got married. So, anyone, please tell me to my face I am running after his money.

    There are million of us out there. If you've got a bad one, either deal with it or move on. It's your choice after all. But do not say we all are like that. We all know there are good and bad people everywhere. If you don't, blimey, may the Lord have mercy on his soul.

    So, Yohan, at least, a beautiful and passionate Thai woman, that I am, is not looking for a guy like him. Ever. On the contrary, I've turned many guys like him down. Real enough?

    LC LC !!!!

    Not all and you know that.

  3. Hi JimG,

    Don't understand exactly what you mean. :o

    However don't read more than what you read.

    Royal Thai Embassy in Jakarta is only a very small embassy.

    The Thai community over here is limited and no big deal.

    My wife and I are both member of the Thai Golf Club in Jakarta and my wife is member of the Asian women association and the Thai women association.

    That,s how you get to know people :D

  4. Roger 13,

    Some months before, this letter was already on the forum.

    I used it as an example at the Dutch embassy in Jakarta and just last Monday they provided me with this letter.I will use it to get my 1 year multiple O-A at the Royal Thai Embassy in Jakarta at the end of this year.

    At first they refused,telling never done before.However after showing the British example, I could collect the same afternoon.

  5. Thaihome,

    Quote The long stay(1 year) ...........applying at an immigration office WITHIN Thailand. unquote.

    Some months ago Dr.PP stated that it would be possible to obtain at the Royal Thai Embassy such a visa.

    To be sure I e-mailed my question to http://www.imm3.police.go.th last June 2nd.

    The question was; Can I apply for a ONE year O-A non immigrant visa at the Royal Thai Embassy in Jakarta.?

    I received my answer dated June 3, by Mr/Mrs Annop.

    " Currently applicants of Non-immigrant visa category "O-A" may apply for multiple entries and valid for one year.The fee is $125.00.

    I will surely give it the try in November and will let you know the outcome.

    It can be important if I want to enter on a retirement visa and have my goods come in duty free.This can only be done on a 1 year visa.So a 3 months visa would force me to store my goods for 3 months.

    If this doesn't work I will go for the spouse visa and let my wife import the household goods. :o

    Another point is that I am really impressed by the speed of the answer :D

  6. Pepe,

    Thanks for the advise.

    I stopped already 5 years and have been checked since several times.

    It was exactly my point to warn for longer use IF you live in the tropical areas permanently.

    Holiday makers start at 3 weeks ahead and stop 6 weaks after their holiday period.

    Be aware of Laram!!! (don't need to be taken on a daily base and that's why it is so convenient)

    Some doctor from Medical (harbor) Services in Rotterdam,very famous for their knowledge of vaccinations and medications,was my advisor.

  7. Hi dutchy,

    Our experience with maid (in Indonesia) is rather negative.

    As a dutch you will know the expression "long fingers".Even our medicins disappeared without knowing because the outside packing was nicely closed again.

    If you are a suitcase expat less trouble because everything is rented,if you are together with all you belongings you like to keep them.

    BTW ,I found it terrible to live in a house where everything is locked (cabinets-doors)

    Our need now is different from yours as we don't have little children anymore.

    On our arrival end of this year,we are planning to hire from company on hour/daily/weekly/monthly base.This company is at the moment cleaning our (still) empty house on a monthly base for almost 2 years already.

    A little bit more expensive ,however skilled and trained workers, under supervision of their company.Automatic replacement in cases of sickness and so on.

    You can be very lucky finding a maid in the traditional way tho.

  8. Yohan,

    Of course a little bit off topic! :o

    Being a member of the OFCS (old farts chat show) I frequently use my dictionary to translate (difficult,unknown) english words.

    Also I had to look for the meaning of skerrick and to be honest it is mentioned in THE biggest existing English/Dutch dictionay "Van Dale."

    No use to write the dutch word here,but NO negative meaning.

  9. I always had for me and the family,our international vaccination book.

    I think it is good to keep your vaccinations updated if you normally live in the european countries.

    Living in SEAsia now for 5 years I stopped malaria tablets after a half year,having enough resistance and building enough resistance now by regular bites.(doctor's advice)

  10. If you have read about this in the previous thread ,you will notice that everything has been discussed all over again.

    It is simply up to you what you want to do.

    It is only you and your future bride who can discuss-listen and decide.

    What is the use of hearing other people bringing up all these arguments again?

    Are you sure you know what you want?

    Good luck

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