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Posts posted by MobileContent

  1. In  our village we had an old man trying to molest a kid and he got a big beating.


    Then his daughter came over our house and gave us all her dogs because she court his father raping the dogs and also trying it on the chickens.


    The family was so shy they moved out of our village from Sakon Nakhon to Chiang Mai.


    Their are some real psycho's around here in Thailand where a small girl means nothing.

  2. 6 hours ago, halloween said:

    If PTP puts forward a Shinawatra family member, or a corrupt crony like Chalerm, do you think that would be acceptable to the Democrats? Who else are they likely to propose? Jatuporn, assuming he still hasn't been jailed?


    Its not the PTP. The next winner will be BJT of Newin and the PTP members will move over to that party. CTP could also been an option or keep an eye on Chavalit next year. The Shinwatra's are gone but rest assured more coups are coming in the future. 

  3. On 9/13/2016 at 1:09 AM, autanic said:



    Thailand is not so cheap anymore friend. You also have the problem that the Government of Thailand does not want you in Thailand. Which means their media will brainwash the population in to not wanting you there soon too.  Who wants to live like that, not me.


    Who says the government doesn't want farangs stay in this country? The visa rules are very simple in Thailand and have many options. Thailand has always been very nationalistic in the past and they will keep playing this tune whichever government is in power.


    What the government currently does is sorting out the bad from the good apples (Good Guys in and Bad Guys out and this one they should have done long time ago).


    The only problem I feel in Thailand is that employment opportunities are not that good as they were a few years ago.

  4. 1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

    As I have mentioned many times already- the Government does not like the current entertainment industry and is going after it in many ways- raids; demolishing buildings; taxes; limited hours. Walking Street is its target and it will get rid of the sex industry that is so visible. Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy are also being targeted.  The powers that be do not care if Western tourists do not come to Thailand as they are easily replaced with the Chinese and middle class Thais neither of which are interested in GoGo Bars and nightclubs. All the Western owners are trying to sell out as they know their days are numbered. Many keep saying it won't happen but it is happening as we speak.


    I heard the same from high ranking officials at Thonglor Police that Soi Cowboy is on the list and as well Nana Plaza which is controlled by Lumpuni Police but my guess is it will not happen as to much money goes to the BIB.

  5. Some parts of Bangkok were already flooded over the past several weeks. According to my inlaws Morchit Bus Terminal was flooded last week and my Mrs told me she cruised on her PCX very slowly due to flooding. When a downpour of an hour hits Bangkok the Klongs are still cloaked with rubbish and the water can't pass out. Its every year the same and I wonder what the BMA does against it.

  6. It might be a good idea by the OP to mention in what industry he wants to start a business in Thailand.


    Top Business by Indians and Thai Indians are the following industry:


    Property Development, Gems & Jewelry, Food Processing and of course Tailor shops (or wholesale garments) and Indian Restaurants. Money lending is another industry that is controlled by Indian Thais but if you are a Sikh or Singh and you have some money to spend this could be a good opportunity as well.

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  7. On 9/29/2016 at 7:14 AM, OMGImInPattaya said:

    The United States isn't Sweden...just one blow from the US and the House of Saud would tumble like a house of cards. They'll do what they're told.


    Fully agree with you.


    This whole article is very much rubbish. If the US and Western countries stops pupping up the regime the House of Saud will be gone in no time and this also counts for the GCC countries.


    They want to stop overflying rights? Let the West do the same and Qatar Airways, Emirates, Gulf Air etc will loose their rights as well to the EU, US, Australia etc.


    This is just talk and the Arabs will do nothing. 

  8. 12 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

    He could sort the drug problem out very quickly bt legalizing drugs and then work on a treatment program. Once the money is taken out of the equation- the solution becomes much simpler.


    Treating Yaba users by legalizing it. This guy is a total <deleted>.k but I think he takes a in the right direction. I don't want an Asia such as the EU where HEROIN and METADON is freely available to junkies and paid by the tax payers. 

  9. 2 hours ago, mankondang said:


    Re The number of deaths in the Philippines. Between 30th June and 26th  August this year, 1,900 deaths by shooting and leaving the body where it was shot, along with a note to say words to the effect, "This is what happens when you take drugs".


    If your interested, go to the BBC website, and search:

    "Phillipines drug war: Woman who kills dealers for a living".

    Theres a video, approx 5 mins, that outlines this.


    The killings I think you spot on as I researched it on CNBC and BBC but 600,000 arrested sounds very high to me as the official number currently stands at around 150,000.

  10. 46 minutes ago, hdkane said:

    I see this as a possible ploy to lure expats from the Philippines. Since the election of President Dutarte, about 600,000 arrests/murders have occurred, all for drug possession/use/sales.  The guy is not playing...he has allowed common citizens to be vigilantes, paying them 200 USD for each drug user that is killed.


    According to the UN hundreds or even up to 1200 got killed. Can you provide a link of 600,000 arrests murders?

  11. I am not surprised that a Russian was involved. I would also guess a Ukrainian and someone from Belarus or Moldova was involved too. After all those hackers are some of the best in the world. They should have actually contacted the big banks to show them the vulnerably of their systems and collect a fat consulting fee to work directly with the banks. That is the difference between hackers from Western Europe and Eastern Europe. In the West they hack a banking system and inform the banks as they get the kick by penetrating a system but from Eastern Europe its about getting away with a big stash of money.



  12. 10 hours ago, Mull Kintar said:

    Seajae, did you just read the same article that I did? What is it you don't understand about what was stated about drug addiction and the process of weaning people off of drugs like "YaaBaa"? Maybe you should read the article again and try to reply with a more informed opinion! Drug addicts are not criminals and should not be treated as such. The people who create such drugs are the criminals and the lowly easy to spot addicts are the victims of this giant money making machine, those at the top don't use these drugs only live high off the profits! Put them in jail and help the addicts. Even the USA has finally woken up to this reality after how many years of fighting another war that they could never win! Kudos to forward thinking Thai doctors and medical professionals!


    Actually not so. A Yaba addict was arrested in ur village for having two pills and send to the Sawang Daen Ding prison for one year.

  13. 6 hours ago, fanc said:


    Fair enough.  That's between you guys.


    A lot of the posts people make in here make it seem like the women involved aren't really even individual actors in the whole situation, you know what I mean?  Even the way that the OP's question is phrased is basically like "how do I train my dog?" You know?  Like how would a bunch of random people on a forum be able to tell you how to control your wife/girlfriend/whatever? Why should we?


    The Farang Pub section is the place to post sarcastic posts. Any way on a lot of issues I agree with you, but Farang Pub is the wrong section to post.

  14. 9 minutes ago, Naam said:


    Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is a politically insignificant state of the Federal Republic (2% of Germany's voters). therefore election results can't be used to extrapolate results of next year's general election.


    On the polls for next year election they are already on Number 3 with around 12-14% beating the left and green parties.


    MV might be a small state but the AFD did very well in the local local election in Baden-Württemberg beating the SPD and becoming the 3rd largest party and as well in some Eastern German states.

  15. Gabriel for me is a rubbish men. Their was a time where I had deep respect for the SPD political party but the Will Brand, Herbert Wehner and Helmut Schmidt times are long gone and for me the SPD has become irrelevant. 


    Lets look at the election coming weekend in Germany.


    According to local polls in Germany:

    2011 Results 

    SPD: 35.6%

    CDU: 23%
    Linke (Left): 18.4%

    Greens: 8.7%
    NPD: 6%%

    2016 (Polling)

    SPD: 28%

    CDU: 22%
    AFD: 21%

    Linke (Left): 13%

    Greens: 6%


    The biggest looser will be the SPD of Gabriel but also the Linke and the Green parties.


    The biggest winner will however be the AFD and I suspect the AFD might overtake the CDU and even get near to the SPD. Polling companies are often linked to political parties in Germany and I wouldn't be surprised if AFD might overtake the SPD and becomes the strongest party in Mecklenburg. What an earthquake would come to Germany if the AFD removes the SPD from power and will have the first chance to form the next government. 

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