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Posts posted by MobileContent

  1. I only hope it was not some kind of of violent groups linked to the reds because if could be civil war in the years to come.


    By Islamic terrorism the international community might still be behind if foreign terrorists try to destablise the country but if the political bombings are starting again, foreigners will most likely stay away when the Thai's start killing each other again.


    I really hope it was a one time incident but if more bombs are going off it will have a negative factor on Thailand's tourism industry for 2017/2018

  2. Our village voted yes for the constitution and now every home got some kind of 1x1 meter cement block (rounded) to raise small fishes. The value is only around 600 Baht for the cement pond.


    MIL was happy that after all the trouble to show up for voting she got something back and everyone in our village got that rounded cement pond. They even delivered it by tractor and it is was a token by Bangkok to vote for the constitution.


    300 houses x 600 Baht = 180,000 Baht and certainly not paid by the Kamnan but from Bangkok. I am seeing my granny tomorrow and will ask her too if their village got anything out of the vote but since she is Red and so is her village I guess she doesn't got anything.


    For me this is purely corruption paid by Bangkok. 20000 Isaan villages x 180,000 Baht is 3.6 billion Baht spend on cement ponds. Will ask tomorrow Granny which company in our Amphur got the deal to supply all those cement ponds.


  3. 11 hours ago, oldlakey said:

    Singapore is no problem at all because there can be no question of you living there on 90 day entries trust me on this but then who would want to  live in Singapore that is unless you have a wad thick enough to choke a donkey

    The problems WILL arise if you try and  re-enter Malaysia by land over the causeway via Johor Bahru


    My description of them is '%$(£+_? but others would say they are only doing their job but with commendable enthusiasm

    I am above all that nonsense now as I have found a Malaysian wife 

    And as any self respecting Englishman would say Im all right Jack for the time being anyway

    If it has to be Singapore  then fly out as you already have a Malaysian history this should help to put you on the safe side 

    Good luck


    I am above all that nonsense now as I have found a Malaysian wife 


    If you have a Malaysian wife you don't have to worry at all. Just get a photocopy of her id-card  if you enter JB back from Singapore. Use the second causeway and not the main immigration check-point indide JB.

  4. 35 minutes ago, mikiea said:

    when you think small you tend to be greedy . tat will never see a return of this ship or any other one for that matter to that port of call ., word spreads quickly that Thai's just love other peoples money . kinda sad , and you just know they are delighted in being so "clever" . this is the thinking that will keep them at the bottom of the pole in Asia . Burma at the ready of overtaking Thailand on many fronts . Thais  fail to see tomorrow in anything . 


    Agree with you but give Burma another 2-3 years time and they will be able to fill the gap and take some serious money away from Thailand.

  5. 2 hours ago, maximillian said:



    If you have paid 55 % of tax, you must have had a very good job with a great income.

    Be grateful and proud of it. You had further more to pay for Health Insurance, for your Pension Scheme, and Unemployment Contribution. So, not all for the government as you put it.

    Sure, I am far from sympathizing with our Merkel/Gabriel government. But they have been elected.


    Back to the topic: Tax evation is a crime. Simple as that. Employed people and small businesses have no chance to evate paying taxes. The law is far too lenient with tax avoiders like FC Bayern president U.H.


    Taxes should be put at the same percentage.


    Rich guys or normal guys should pay the same percentage but sadly the poor guys often pay more taxes as the rich guys.


    Tax avoiders in Germany or Thailand are the same as they will never get prosecuted in both countries.


    Money talks - Bullshit walks.

  6. 10 minutes ago, thai3 said:

    I have seen Thais parading round temples in shorts with crop tops many times, not to mention morlam dancers with their tits hanging out grinding their crotches and letting the crowd stuff 20 baht notes down their tops and pants, all in wat grounds with monks looking on. Hypocricy as usual


    Yes in our village they have too those molam parties and the lao khao guys are filled up until pass-out time.


    No complains from the locals.

  7. Give Thailand another 3 years and they are back to the stone age. FIT investment is down by 90% and Thai companies are not going going to expand inside Thailand but moving overseas to the Indochina market.


    How I see the system falling? The Jiratiwat family with is Central and Robinson are moving away from Thailand and expanding into Indochina. Bangkok Bank and CP Group are moving investments out of Thailand. 


    Tourism from Europe is at a all time low. 2014 we had 400,000 farangs that come into Thailand this year we are happy we can hit 100,000. Thai Managers that have been with our Thai operation have been laid off and many farang managers decided to move ocerseas,


    I have had no local project for the past 6 months after 28 years in Thailand but it is ok as Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar etc keeps me and my family ok. 


    The 1997 constitution was co-written by Khun Anand and had all the check and balances in place but they never mentioned the military and the army was never mentioned once in the constitution for treason.


    The Indonesian's got rid of the army but the Thai elite still think they can play the same games as they did from the 30's.


    Sadly what goes around comes around one day and the 60+ million Thai's will suffer and all those cronies that aligned to the Junta will be gone one day.

  8. 3 hours ago, zyphodb said:

    Sounds like some of the General's family or friends are in the telecom business, nice little earner for them, & they wouldn't care wheather it actually works or not.....

     It's not going to go down well with tourists though, mind you the rate they're going there won't be any soon.....


    Lets just think that 10% of all tourists sign up and CP would got on the spot 3 million more clients.


    3 million x 199 Baht for a sim card is 597 million Baht by just selling the Sim cards plus give them unlimited internet for their 1 week stay at 299 Baht for 1 or 2GB and it comes to over a billion Baht. Then you find advertisers and for each 1000PV you get  60 Baht 6.5 billion Baht a year in advertising revenue by LBS.


    Let me guess, after Prayuth leaves office he will be joining CP Group in the board of directors same as his balf General Suchinda did.

  9. 4 hours ago, johng said:


    I think they can write a small app that resides in the SIM card  that could constantly turn on GPS and or  keep a record of recent cell tower connections and send the information back to a database via 2/3/4G or WIFI.


    Yes possible but it is a Malware and normally not more then 12k in size but if you are offline and have no data connection it is unable to connect to the server. As soon wifi or ata is anabled it will send ack data to the server. Every good virus program will block the apps and IOS will block it completly.


    What they really have to do is installing a Troyan on your phone and once it is installed they can even track you after you left Thailand.

  10. I talked this afternoon to our CEO and he said it s all rubbish.

    1 hour ago, JayBird said:

    Due to how cell phone networks work, this is already do-able:


    SIM cards are now required to be registered with passport (rule change a year or so ago).

    Cell Networks know where the SIM card/phone they are communicating with is (it tends to connect to the nearest tower for communication, so logs will show which one is being connected to).


    Its not clear to me at least what they plan to do from a technical perspective:

    1) Do they want to track a phone that is not using the mobile network (which does not connect to Cell towers) ?

    2) Do they want to force the GPS tracking for more 'accurate' location?


    The issue is less the government tracking your whearabouts.  The real issue is the new software they introduce to your phone to track your wearabouts.  This adds another vector of attack for people to hack into your phone.  It also of course allows unauthorized people to track your location for other non-desirable purposes.




    You are spot on. If a government agency wants to track you down in Germany they need a court order for that but in Thailand they decide hey lets just track down 20 million over tourists and after Phase I is cmpleted lets track the <snap> locals that do not agree with our policies or if they do agree with our policies lets send them some ads to not forget to vote next time.


    Thanks BUDDHA I just sold my condo and car in this country and now only a BOI company is left and Singapore just told me that my Thai bird and our child is welcome to move to Singapore and I can sponsor them through my PR. 

    I am not worried about tomorrow or next month but what will happen in the next 2-3 years.

  11. 6 hours ago, Kinnock said:

    I think we're all missing the point of this proposal.  If you are in the mobile phone industry, then a proposal that could force all tourists to buy a particular SIM card plan is a good money spinner.


    You are spot on and since AIS and DTAC are very much linked to foreigners you can bet that CP True Mobile will get the chunk of the business.


    399 Baht per 7 days for 1GB Sim card and GPS tracking will be setup at the airport already whe the mobie is handed over the friendly staffs of True Mobile.


    BTW TRacking is already used in China of anyone not only foreignes.

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