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Everything posted by damian

  1. Its a collective of chosen shadowy figures who meet in the protected inner sanctum of guilded halls under the veil of darkness. They have signed in blood to uphold their one mission and one mission only; to protect the source of their wealth and power at all costs. Sounds like somehting from Star Wars but its not! In my time here I have experienced varying degrees of competence and capability amongst the locals mostly leaning to the mid to lower end of the spectrum with some exceptions. However, when it comes money or power and even loss of face, their ability to pull off the impossible through shameless scheming, collusion and cunning knows no bounds. To answer your question though, simply put, they are the Dark Force!
  2. Villa has all the Aussie snacks you need and they deliver anywhere if you shop online. Smith's chips, bbq shapes, vegemite, arnotts biscuits, villis and four and twenty pies etc. etc. I have found vegemite in some tops and even big c at Ekamai.
  3. He deserves what he gets. But the relish the locals, including the authorites and press, are taking in beating him to a pulp is truly gut churning. If this continues I may have to get a 'I'm not Swiss' T-shirt made!
  4. In Australia, some Australians take great pleasure in burning the Australian flag particulalrly on Australia Day. Conversely, New Australians (foreigners who have received citizenship) wave it proudly and enthusiastically.
  5. Meanwhile in a land far, far away 'Boss' coninues to dance on the grave of a policeman. Perhaps protest about that.
  6. The first and last time I went there I got the feeling it was her daughters running the show exploiting their mother 'sister mole' for all she's got. Not sure what they will do when she dies.
  7. What would he have said if they were two new white technicians I wonder. Cheers to the secretary.
  8. I was thinking the same. Tony's head looks like its been photshopped onto someone elses body in the original photo. I know he has a big head but it really looks odd compared to his best mates.
  9. Dead man walking.
  10. From the article: The official said that the SRT can either amend the joint investment contract with Asia Era One, by deleting the requirement for Notice to Proceed (NTP), or revoke the contract and call a new bid. AE1 is probably hoping for the latter. They must be Haemorrhaging money waiting for this EEC to ripen. Its not the railway that's delaying the project. They would be better off asking for an amendment and only do the Don Muang - Suvarnabhumi link.
  11. It's far from over. I would still like to know what was discussed in Hong Kong between him and Thanathorn.
  12. If it's the same international cooperation they sought for that tepid little man-child boss, then I don't fancy their chances.
  13. If they lined everyone up on the stairs with Srettha on the bottom they could all be the same height!
  14. I reckon LP's are average at best. Villis (South Australian) pies are sometimes stocked at Villa. Good rich taste and chunky beef - only wished they stocked the green peppercorn. Tinnies from Pattaya are the best locally made in my opinion and they have a beef pepper which is pretty good.
  15. Yes this is typical. However, having been involved in many, many government meetings, I believe it's more about the decision maker creating meaningless discussion to avoid making a decision. This way they can push the decision making onto someone else so they are off the hook in the event of failure. They actually know they need to change its just that underlings, even senior underlings, are afraid to make a decision. You see this in almost every aspect of Thai life.
  16. I hope someone, one day, publishes a record detailing how this crime of the century was achieved as it would make, as scouse123 said, 'stomach churning' reading. While everyone is entitled to their opinion I simply cannot understand how one could applaud the Tony affair with it's obvious links to the gang rape of Thailands democracy.
  17. Its hard to keep track when you tell so many lies.
  18. I'll remeber that next time I walk past the scantily clad lasses at the bars on the way to the beach after paying my respects at the local Wat where scantilay clad lasses were dancing as part of the temple festival. Herin lies the problem. It's a little confusing for tourists to repect a culture that says one thing in a tourist guide and openly practices the opposite.
  19. Untouchable is correct. I'm afraid street protests, foot stamping by the opposition, even elections wont budge this guy (or his clan) from the position he has slithered himself (and them) into. Hun Senesque. He has platinum level membership status to the inner circle now and is ring fenced by the elite. The final part of the deal is to extend the senators - forever. Sad, truly sad.
  20. Yep. I reckon this is a 'see, we treat all equally under our rulings" moment in readiness for their decision on Pita. They have picked a very easy target to do this.
  21. Ahh the senators. Does part of the comeback deal require PT to extend the senators? Absolutely! The closing act in a stunningly deceitful production that has had more twists and turns than the road to Pai.
  22. Cadbury's frikkin nuts. Good partner for fruit n nuts.
  23. Collective punsihment worked for us. If someone mucked up and kept going after getting a warning the whole class had to pay. Whether it was detention or writing lines or cleaning the classroom EVERYONE had to do it. That way the teachers didnt have to worry about beating you becasue the other kids would!
  24. Wow nice. Thanks for the recommendation. Will listen to it in full when I get some time.
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