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Posts posted by msg362

  1. If only they had Greggs here,bet you could murder a bacon ,stottie sandwhich,

    regards Worgeordie

    Oh MY I remember living in Edinburgh!!! Greggs was wonderful, I shall cry into my bacon buttie now! ( Sorry I think buttie is midlands or north England)

  2. Yes, with the smoke from the burning, while it gives a nice orange/red colour, makes for very hazy photos. Have you tried videoing the moon using the EX Tele setting? At 300 mm x 2.6 the moon moves very fast!!!

    I realized after taking the 2nd shot that it wasn't a matter of focus but of the haze. I thought about videoing with EX setting but my cheap tripod with it's plastic head sticks too much to be able to follow it if the FOV is as narrow as I suspect it will be. Just a correction above, it's actually 600 mm x2.6 = 1560. I believe if I set to crop mode (4:3, 1:1, etc.) I can use the EX Tele in photo mode? Need to go through the manual again. The other thing I may do is using the intervalometer and time lapse the moon.

    These were instances where the touch screen LCD was quite useful as I could just touch the moon and it will focus follow as the cheap tripod & hand held were not that steady.

    I'm no longer sure whether to use 35 mm sizes ( 600) or the actual ( 300). I still think in 35 mm terms ( Once had a 500 f4 nikon lens, very heavy!!). At max EX tele, the moon moves fast, you have to adjust the tripod every few minutes.

  3. Taken a little while later in clearer air. Panasonic GH2 100-300mm(200-600mm 35mm equivalent) set at 600mm. 1/800 Sec ISO 400 F5.6 - cropped.


    Yes, with the smoke from the burning, while it gives a nice orange/red colour, makes for very hazy photos. Have you tried videoing the moon using the EX Tele setting? At 300 mm x 2.6 the moon moves very fast!!!

  4. Well in the old days the Christian missionaries managed to "save" the Akha hilltribe people near Chiang Rai .

    They now read their bibles and go to churches .

    Prisoners of a White God is a documentary about the Akha people, produced and distributed by Twin Star in September 2008. The documentary is about a Czech researcher, Tomáš Ryška, who goes to the Thai and Laotian mountains in order to search and document the causes of wrong doing and violence done to the indigenous peoples and their children by Christian missionaries.

    Yes they did a lot of harm , the missionaries, if you have a chance watch the documentary.

    Should really ask about what the CEs in Pak Chong are up to! They often TALK ABOUT CHILDREN OF HILL TRIBES and the good that they are doing. Makes you wonder.

    Somehow the video does not suprise me. sad.png 80% of CEs interested only in sex? WOW CEs the ultimate sex tourists? LOVE the cacking laughs of the CEs in the video. Creepy!

    Thank you for this, really shocking and far worse than I had thought before.

  5. If the white of the egg runs freely across the pan it's a sign of an old egg, better when they are solid.

    But it is possible to keep fertilised eggs at around 10oC for at least 3 weeks and still have 95% fertility so not everything is bad. ( Not suggesting you eat fertilised eggs, just my experience!)

  6. ...

    Guidance from up above perhaps...

    That's what the Catholic Inquisitors thought too. The ones who boiled and burned people (heretics, people who refused to convert, Jews, etc.) alive.

    That was during the 'dark ages' when religion replaced faith and men decided that the Pope was God's representative on earth and God was effectively removed from the picture, the Catholic Church decided to do things for God without doing what God wanted, when people stop doing what God wants and start doing what they think God wants while referring to the guidelines man establishes instead of God's word, then the problems begin. There are numerous instances throughout history where people have decided they want to do things for God with little or no knowledge of God's word or will.

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    Er???? then who is it that knows what God wants if it is not the Pope? Is it you or someone else? Maybe no one knows, maybe no god, just humans making it up as they go along?

  7. Unlike Pattaya the Thais (and Ex pats) in Chiangmai are nice people. I had a Thai lady chasing me down Thaepae Rd waving a Bt500 note that I had dropped. But the best was I when I had a flat tyre.

    on my way down from Doi Suthep. Some Thai workers bodily lifted my car off the ground and changed the Tyre in a few minutes. They would not accept a tip!

    I agree, somehow Chiang Mai retains a lot of good nice people. whenever I go south to holiday resort I am confronted by much harsher Thais. Probably due to the constant exposure to tourists. Here people still go to wats, make merit and think that doing a good deed is a worthy thing to do

  8. In real countries this is so simple to prevent. It's called a guard and any business responsible for letting this happen would be prosecuted. Now what do you think will happen here in Thailand?

    This is simply not true.

    A lady in my town lost her arm to mincer in a butchers shop.

    A 16 year old boy nearly lost his hand to a mincer if it was not for his quick reactions to turn off the machine…

    Both events occurred within 10 kms of each other in the UK…

    Incidents such as these while easily preventable occur anywhere and any comment to the contrary is simply unnecessarily negative to Thailand.

    The issue here is an unsupervised 5 year old, who could run out into the road, electrocute themselves, trap their fingers in a cupboard, pour hot coffee over themselves etc…

    More often than not the only difference between news such as this and nothing happening is simply luck.

    But what happened to the business in which this happened? The chances are they were prosecuted. Any irresponsible employer can remove guards, I know I inspected them! but it's against the law and there are heavy fines. Not so here.

  9. In real countries this is so simple to prevent. It's called a guard and any business responsible for letting this happen would be prosecuted. Now what do you think will happen here in Thailand?

    Come on? Accidents happen in EVERY country, having said that though, a child that age should have never been in a dangerous area like a kitchen let alone a commercial one they just aren't built for children.. In spite of the fact that a child that age shouldn't have been in there in the first place, the "guard" was there in the form of the adults present unfortunately they weren't paying enough attention obviously..

    You are talking rubbish, a meat grinder can have a guard and do in civilised countries

  10. Regarding the 100-300mm lens, the below is a good example of how it performs and demonstrates the lens with and without the ETC (Extra Tele Converter 1:1 crop 2.6x) enabled. NOTE: video not made by me, just an example. wink.png

    Oh dear, I think I may have to buy one!!!!!!!!!!!. I used to have a Nikon + 500 mmF4 + 1.6 converter. Weighed in at around 5-7 Kg if I remember, complete with aluminium box. The existing Panasonic 140 mm ( that is 280mm ) plus EX TC gives me roughly the same but I can lift it! The 100-300 mm looks wonderful .(Just get a good tripod and a good fluid head.)

  11. But take your camera and lens and try them out ( you knew that already didn't you?)

    biggrin.png (embarrassed to say I didn't think about that)

    Thanks for the photobug info, will check them out.

    Can you let me know where you ordered the intervalometer from, I've looked on amazon UK and B+H- the big New York supplier and can't find it


  12. The 14-140 lens is silent in focussing,is the 100-300 equally quiet? important when videoing.

    As you say, get a decent ( heavy!!) tripod with a fluid head. If you didn't know already, Photobug near Chang Puak gate has a reasonable selection.

    If you turn the volume up you can hear birds near me and also me taking a deep breath to try and steady myself. The stereo pickup on the camera is excellent. There is no focus motor sound that I can notice. For tripods, any recommended brands. Obviously will like something light weight. Can you get a fluid head in the 5-8k Baht range? What about a monopod?

    Monopods won't work for such a long focus lens, you will still get irritating jerkiness. They are OK at shorter focal lengths.

    I just bought a Velbon DV 600 Tripod from Photobug for 3500 Baht. It's not the most stable but has a reasonable fluid head. It's the cheapest that might work. I bought it because it was light ( just over 2 Kg), a compromise between great stability and weight. I've got heavier tripods for my big video camera but they are heavy. The Velbon will support the GH2 OK, but if you can, get a slightly heavier ( and therefore more expensive!) one. But take your camera and lens and try them out ( you knew that already didn't you?)

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