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Everything posted by charmonman

  1. The best time I’ve experienced in recent years in Thailand was the depths of the Covid-19 pandemic, when staying in or entering Thailand required some dedication and motivation to be here beyond getting drunk and acting like an a$$hole. Now it’s just free for all, they let anybody in. I realize it was economically tough for a lot of locals who depend on the tourism industry but there’s got to be a happy medium. The first year I came here there were 3 million tourists and I’ve personally witnessed over almost 4 decades how over tourism has degraded so many things in this country as they driven the numbers up to 40 million. Just my opinion.
  2. The US already has a military base in Greenland which is, of course, a NATO ally of the US. Does President Prima Donna know that? He claims Greenland is essential to the US defence. Fair enough, but the US military is already there so what’s his problem?
  3. Yeah ok. The party whose leader loses an selection, concedes to the winner and conducts an orderly transition is the problem, as opposed to the party whose leader never concedes, does everything in his power to deny the winner, including inciting an insurrection that very well could have ended with his own VP being hanged by a mob. I see,
  4. I get by with a little help from my friends. I really don’t care about Christmas though I did have a couple of video calls my brother and his wife over the period. I am also in my sixties and never wanted to be tied down by a wife and kids. Maybe that’s why I was able to retire early and enjoy life. I almost never feel lonely, but don’t look down on those who do. Everyone is different.
  5. He doesn’t look or sound like he is from a “western country” to me. There are idiots and <deleted>holes all over the world and Thailand seems intent on admitting as many of them as possible as tourists. This particular one, wherever he is from, should be deported and blacklisted.
  6. I hope Trump includes the government of Ukraine in these negotiations, unlike what he did in Afghanistan where he cut the Afghanistan government out completely and negotiated directly with the Taliban.
  7. Well she was certainly wearing an outfit “of colour”.
  8. Because he looks (and acts) like a <deleted>.
  9. There are many REPUBLICAN (yes REPUBLICAN not DEMOCRATIC) senators and congressmen who have reported that this creep was going around boasting and showing pictures of his sexual ‘conquests’ most of whom looked young. There is a reason he is widely disliked by members of his own party. You don’t have to listen to Democrats or the liberal media to understand that there is something seriously wrong with this guy. The Republicans in Congress decided to do their own investigation for a reason.
  10. I can appreciate your sentiments about healing the divide and not spewing hate at the other side, but if that’s what you are expecting from the Trump/MAGA side , I wish you good luck. I’ve seen no evidence they are capable of it, or willing to do it.
  11. It’s really absurd when supporters of Trump accuse the other candidate of speaking “word salad”. Looks like we have four years ahead of Hannibal Lecter, windmills killing birds, solar panels killing rabbits, Haitians eating cats, and choosing between electrocution or death by shark. Also, the usual endless whining from the undeniably luckiest man in the world.
  12. Nothing this deranged idiot says anymore surprises me. Fox News (sic) should have fired him before he cost them hundreds of millions of dollars for telling obvious lies.
  13. So, as usual, everything is Biden’s fault? I guess we should thank him for the higher interest rate that made the dollar stronger vs the Baht over the past couple of years then.
  14. I’ve got a great idea. Just eliminate the pointless 90 report entirely.
  15. An 18 year term limit, accountability to rules of conduct, and every President, Republican or Democrat , gets to appoint an equal number of new justices during their term to maintain an ideological balance. Sounds more like common sense than “radical left” to me. Moreover, none of this can become law without at least some Republican support. What exactly are you so upset about?
  16. Yes, but they are still a distant second to the Americans.
  17. First of all it is normally the responsibility of the person making the claims to provide the evidence for those claims. Second, I was not aware that the UK had legalized recreational cannabis use.
  18. I tend to agree with you in general though my experience is not as bad as yours. It WAS better years ago even accounting for the fact that I am older now and my personal experience is bound to be different now. Most of the people who disagree with that statement weren’t actually here then so really have no basis for making the comparison. There’s just too many of us around now so it’s too be expected that some Thais are a bit sick and tired of us. Also, unlike years ago when the majority were of modest means but also reasonably content with what they had, now Thailand is a middle class consumer society and the poorer classes are always having images of an upper middle class lifestyle that they can’t afford shoved in their faces constantly. It’s bound to make them a bit grumpy. Even so, I still have plenty of friendly interactions with Thai people every day and I would still rather be here than most other places.
  19. When I was younger and a bit wilder I had a few incidents where I was infected with something . Easily cured but very demoralizing. I have since become more selective especially since I have a regular partner and the last thing in the world I would want to do is pass something on to her.
  20. Another thing Fauci knew was that injecting household disinfectant into your veins or shoving a flourescent tube up your a$$ were idiotic suggestions by a supremely ignorant man playing the role of POTUS on TV.
  21. Interesting that a moratorium on "gain of function" research was put in place by the Obama administration in 2014, and then lifted in 2017 by the Trump administration. Why did Trump lift it after the Obama had determined it was too dangerous?
  22. Not actually legal? I guess like a lot of other things in Thailand not actually legal but happens in the open all the time. You can’t walk down soi cowboy these days without being captured on video without your consent several times by f’ing tourists. There must be hundreds of such illegal acts being committed every night on that little street, never mind all the other supposedly illegal acts being negotiated inside the bars.
  23. Tough interviews? When? Where? Standing in one spot demonstrates “elite stamina”? If the stakes weren’t so high it would be hilarious.
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