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Everything posted by MrBrad

  1. Nevermind is a good idea. A lot of your posts are like that.
  2. What you're looking for is a traverse rod; the draperies will not function without one.
  3. I don't believe this is true. From the attached article: Healthy eating is important across your entire life, especially as you age. Choosing nutrient-rich, lower-calorie foods may help you prevent or manage chronic health conditions. It can also help you feel stronger and energized, allowing you to enjoy the golden years of your life. https://www.healthline.com/health/healthy-eating-for-seniors#support
  4. Why? Anyone can shop at Makro.
  5. Either go with what Haljabra said, or call them yourself. In 2019 it cost me 16,040 ฿.
  6. Over the years, I've had a couple colonoscopies at McCormick. All was done adequately and painlessly.
  7. Last Thursday I sent my passport with application and bank drafts to the U. S. Embassy in Bangkok. EMS got it there on Friday. Not knowing whom to make the drafts payable to, I checked online and found one .gov site that instructed renewals to be made payable to the U. S. Department of State. That sounded pretty good to me. Today, however, I received an email from the Embassy saying that they cannot accept the bank drafts (1 in the amount of 4680฿ for the new passport, and 100฿ for the return postage): "We cannot accept bank drafts with incorrect payee name." "IMPORTANT: Please check for errors on the issued bank draft prior to leaving the bank. Correct Draft Draft only ( Cashier’s cheque , Manager’s cheque, Personal cheque etc. are not acceptable by the system ) Payee “AMERICAN EMBASSY BANGKOK” Do not type or write anything else on the bank draft. Your incorrect bank draft will be returned with your new passport in order to issue a refund with the bank. Send your completed application package ONLY through the following couriers (Thailand Post and DHL), otherwise the package will be rejected; ensuring that you received a tracking number from the courier." As expected, the bank asked me for my passport in order to issue new drafts. I explained that it was in Bangkok. This really could have been a game stopper, but fortunately, they accepted my driver's license as adequate ID. They also said they'd refund the payments for the original drafts when I present them. So tomorrow I will send the corrected drafts. To be continued . . .
  8. I don't know if this place is still in business, but there are a couple of phone numbers listed on the link. Maybe you will find someone there who sharpens knives, and does it well, rather than grinding away and not knowing what they're doing. Edit: The street view shows a water company. There is a purse icon which says "knife." Click on that for details about the (former) knife shop. https://goo.gl/maps/qpVr9JNUC53o4cgd6
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