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billd766 last won the day on June 27 2015

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About billd766

  • Birthday 05/23/1944

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    Klong Lan Pattana Central Thailand

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  1. I understand that. I put our last 2 dogs down and I was not happy about having to do it either. They are still up in the back where I buried them. I put them down as they were stealing and eating other peoples chickens and ducks, which is not a good thing to do in rural Thailand. I would do it differently if I had to do it again, but it wouldn't stop the sadness I felt back then.
  2. I DO live in Thailand and if it were my dog, I would have it put down or put if down myself. BTW where a person lives has nothing to do with the thread.
  3. How sad. One person has been murdered, another is seriously wounded and yet you think that is amusing.
  4. He will never believe anything that you say. He is a Trump supporter and will only believe anything that comes from Trump. IMHO you are better off putting him on ignore and starve him of a response. He has been on my ignore list for several months now.
  5. He doesn't want it both ways. The Trump version is the only version that he will accept. Facts have no effect on him, only what his supreme leader spouts is the true version.
  6. Well to delete anything on my pc, they would have to identify it from the millions of other pc around the world, hack into it and then delete the contents. And then they would have to do the same for every other pc in the world, followed by every tablet, smartphone and storage device, on or offline, cloud based or not.
  7. A good poll and a very interesting thread. Thank you. I read an Ebook for about an hour a night. I have read the first 4 books of Spike Milligan's war memoirs and I started a book called "The Sugar Queen" by Sarah Addison Allen. Some authors books I have read 2 or 3 times as I enjoy them. I used to listen to Audio books but I have run out of the authors I like and haven't found a better source yet. I am 80 now and I first started reading properly when I got my junior library card at about 10 years old. I prefer Ebooks as I can read them on most digital stuff and it is so easy to adjust the size of the text and the fact that I can carry hundreds or more at the same time.
  8. Nice comment. Exactly how many illegal immigrants have you taken in to your home to live with your family?
  9. So you should be deported to yor country of origin, and not to a third country.
  10. Different judge, different court, different crime. If you object to the sentence that the MP got, start an appeal against it. There is no point in whining about it on AN. Nobody here can do anything about it.
  11. Not so. More like stupidity on his part. And there is no known cure for stupidity.
  12. I agree with you 100%. However, it is the sort of comment to be expected from the poster.
  13. snip from your post. "What a difference a few yrs has made to today". That is probably the truest thing you have said. In those few years, the USA has lost, and is still losing under Trump, friends and allies that it cannot afford to lose, along with the respect of many countries, and the trust that it used to have as the leader of the free world. The rest of the world will probably get along without the USA though sadly IMHO the USA won't be able to get along without the rest of the world.
  14. But how many were on trial and for for what? Being an illegal immigrant? Being a gangster? Being a terrorist?
  15. One easy to know if they were terrorists or not would be to collate the results of the trials. That will be difficult to prove, as they never went to trial in the first place.
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