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billd766 last won the day on June 27 2015

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    Klong Lan Pattana Central Thailand

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  1. There actually WAS a caretaker government as the government of Yingluck had called a general election and was in the phase of doing it. However the protests were by the yellow shirts, along with Suthep and the monk. But before the election could be held, Prayuth pulled his illegal military coup (the coup that a few days previously he denied would happen). Yet according to Suthep, he had known about the coup for a while.
  2. But who decides what is assessable and what is non-assessable income and what are they likely to be?
  3. However I did not fill in or sign any forms at all in the TRD office, which means that I do not have a TIN.
  4. Another poster who fails to read and comprehend. I did NOT obtain a TIN, so please explain how you come to believe that I will be on the TRD radar.
  5. Thank you, but at this point I have not filed any Thai tax return.
  6. Not so at all. What I am trying to do is to see if I have to pay any tax or not.
  7. Not so, as I have not yet filed any tax forms, so I cannot have any ruling, correct or incorrect.
  8. Yes they do. However the Thai tax year is from 01 01.202x until 31/12/202x but the UK tax year runs from 06/04/202x until 05/04/202x and the P60 is sent out after the Thai Tax year ends.
  9. To prove that I don't need to pay TRD tax in Thailand.
  10. I went to the TRD office in Kamphaeng Phet this morning to register. I took 1 Passport plus a copy of all the pages 2 My pink Thai ID card plus a copy 3 My yellow house book plus a copy 4 A print out of money transferred to Thailand during 2024 5 A copy of my address confirmed by the British Embassy 6 A copy of our marriage certificate in English and in Thai The lady only looked at the income and tells me that I owe 15,059 baht in Thai income tax. She quoted me (and wrote it down that my allowances were Age allowance 190,000 thb correct 50% deduction for pension income, up to 100k - 100,000 thb correct My allowance 60.000 thb correct Allowance for my wife 60,000 thb correct Allowance for my son 30,000 thb correct However she had no idea that my military pension in Thailand is tax exempt Nor does she understand that it does NOT matter how much income I get in the UK, BUT on how much money I actually transfer into Thailand In addition, the first 150,000 Baht of income is zero rated for tax. These things combined mean that the first 500,000 Baht of income received in Thailand each year, will not be taxable. She suggested that I contacted the pension providers to get how much income I earned in the Thai tax year 01/01/2024 to 31/12/2024. I got through to HMRC this afternoon (in only 8 minutes) but the UK tax year runs from 06 April to 05 April the following year so they can only provide me with some information (by snail mail) for the 2023/2024 tax year. I now have to contact my other 2 pension providers to see if they can tell me how much tax I paid in the UK 01/01/2024 to 31/12/2024. I think that I shall have to contact TRD Central and see what information they can give me.
  11. That is something that I have been saying for years.
  12. Not so, as his party could not form a government. Now if it was a FPTP (First Past The Post system), then theoretically Pita would be elected PM, BUT as a minority government they may well have had a problem ruling the country and passing laws etc.
  13. But the party that the people voted for could not form a government. IIRC the party with the most seats at the last election did not gain an overall majority. Therefore they needed a coalition with other parties to become the government. As they could not form a coalition government in the required time period, (30 days I think), the party with the next highest number of seats gets the chance to form a coalition government. PTP could and did, form a workable coalition government, otherwise the party with the next number of seats would be given the chance, and so on, until there are no more choices. And it is all perfectly legal. I suppose at that point there has to be a new election.

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