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Posts posted by billd766

  1. 3 hours ago, OJAS said:


    Of particular interest to those of us renewing from Thailand is that the cost of a standard paper application when applying from overseas will increase to £112.50 for adults and £77.00 for children. Added to which are, of course, the costs of the 2 enforced route marches to VFS offices in Bangkok or Chiang Mai.


    Yet a standard online application when applying from overseas will only rise to £101.00 for adults and £65.50 for children! All the more totally inexcusable for those incompetent clowns in HMPO to steadfastly refuse to make this faciity available to those of us renewing from Thailand for some ridiculous reason or other. I think!!🤬




    I renewed my UK passport last month using Thai Visa express. 


    I live about 350km from Bangkok.


    I paid 11,000 baht to the agency (that included the passport fee in the UK as well) and I sent everything they required by EMS which cost me 42 thb. My new passport was returned in 19 days.


    My total travel distance was 12 km. I did not need to go to Bangkok at all, let alone twice, a distance of 1,400 to 1,500 km, nor did I need to spend 2 nights in a hotel.


    IMHO unless you actually live in Bangkok or Chiang Mai, why would go to the trouble, hassle and expense of doing it the hard way.


    My friend did it all himself from Pattaya. He was missing his residence certificate the .

    and was rejected for that. The second try was accepted but then there was a problem with his card and his daughter had to pay for him. He made a total of 3 trips to get it done in the end.


    Mine took the same prep work, 20 minutes travel time, 10 minutes at the post office plus 42 thb for the EMS.

  2. 17 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

    Why do some people always quote bad stuff from the Bible in these situations?

    How often do we see women being stoned, honour killings, terrorist attacks etc. in the 21st century carried out in the name of Christianity? 


    This is about a present danger, not one from hundreds or thousands of years ago. 


    Probably for the same reasons that people quote the Koran and Mohammed from 1,400 years ago.

    • Agree 1
  3. 23 hours ago, billd766 said:

    It seems to be OK with the USA for Israel to attack Iran in a third country, but NOT OK for Iran to retaliate. Double standards anyone?


    All Iran needs to do is keep threating Israel, thus keeping them on a costly high alert, without actually doing anything.

    From the BBC News website this morning.




    Probably not the smartest thing that Iran could have done.


    I wonder if Iran or the USA will follow up on it?

  4. 4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Anyone paying attention.

    Well, that is a fairly meaningless response.


    1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    Read your post and so many others.

    You disregarded my opinion because of my identity. DISGUSTING!

    Identities of members are not the topic.

    You're so deep down your sick rabbit hole of irrational demonization that you may well be blind to it.



    But that in your own words is simply your opinion.


    Are people not allowed to have their own opinions any more.

    • Confused 1
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  5. On 4/11/2024 at 9:20 AM, scubascuba3 said:

    My knee meniscus tear is playing up. I've had it for 10 years, occasionally the meniscus gets caught in the joint but i can free it quickly usually, this time it's being stubborn, so I'm investigating an op.


    Any suggestions for vicinity of Pattaya?


    Queen Sirikit probably too much hassle


    Jomtien Hospital doesn't do


    Bangkok Hospital to be avoided if possible 


    I've emailed Gavin at Phyathai


    Any others or good and bad experiences? or recommendations?

    I believe that there is, or used to be a Red Cross Hospital at Sri Racha.


    An old friend used to use it when he lived in Jomtien. I can't ask him because he moved up to Loie and we lost contact about 3 years ago.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. 14 minutes ago, transam said:

    That is no answer, casualties of this war does not mean, or has been stated, execute women and children......


    You were in the military, you joined up, you understood the job, the job the military does, kill, and in any war civilians get killed, you knew that when you joined, now you are questioning Israel for doing what you joined the military for....🤔

    Nice twist to my words.


    NO, I did NOT join the military to kill women and children.


    If I had been ordered to whilst I was still in the military, I hope I would have the courage to refuse that order.


    That is the same answer that I gave when I replied to your hypothetical question that you asked earlier.


    From what I remember from my 25 years in the military, I don't believe that any officer or SNCO would have issued that order anyway.

  7. 1 minute ago, transam said:

    That is not an answer to my question, which was, has the IDF been ordered to execute women and children, which to me has been implied....?  🤔

    That IS the answer to your question.


    Do you really think that the IDF would admit to it as the truth?


    I have no idea why you are asking that question of me or anyone else on AN who get their information from the same sources that you do.


    Which of course is the internet.


    I doubt if anyone on AN has actually been to Gaza since October. I doubt if the Israeli government or the IDF, would even allow them entry to the occupied country and especially to the areas that the IDF are fighting over. Do you?


    You asked a question and I answered it as best I could and honestly.


    If you don't like my answer, that is not my problem.

    • Agree 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Jeff the Chef said:

    Does Israel twist humanitarian law to justify Gaza carnage?
    UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese explains how Israel justifies its killing and mass destruction in Gaza.
    To the United Nations official tasked with reporting on Palestinian human rights, international law is clear: Israel should withdraw from the territories it occupied in 1967.

    Instead, Israel aims for the “impossibility to continue civil life in Gaza,” as UN Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories Francesca Albanese tells host Steve Clemons.



    Thank you for that video. 

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  9. 2 hours ago, transam said:

    Have IDF been told to execute women and children....?


    Ask the relatives and/or the survivors of the 30,xxx Palestinian dead, and 70,xxx injured and the countless bodies buried in the rubble of their houses and apartment blocks.


    if you can find any survivors.


    Don't believe anything that comes from the Israeli government or the IDF.


    Watch this video posted by Jeff the Chef and ponder on it.



    • Thanks 1
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  10. 3 hours ago, transam said:

    I have no idea, but if your wife and kids were shot at point-blank range in front of each other whilst out having fun, what would you do, what would you say, what would you want done.........?   🤔

    IF it were me I would like to have an idea who did it, and IF I were a Palestinian citizen, I would attempt to kill as many Israeli's as I could.


    OTOH IF I were an Israeli citizen, I would probably feel the same way.


    However IF I were an IDF soldier and was ordered to kill Palestinian women and children I would hope that I could refuse that illegal order, even though I would end up in the glasshouse, because the order IS illegal, no matter what Netanyahu and his war cabinet say.

    • Love It 2
  11. 10 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    It's sad but often true. I recall when working here a colleague gave the Thai driver 100 baht to get him a phone credit card. He got 1x50 baht and put 50 on his own phone without even asking. If you give them 1000 to fill the vehicle, it gets 500 bahts worth! 

    I never had a problem like that in all the years I worked here with a driver.


    My wife usually fills the car and gives me the receipt. She is also the one who draws the money from the bank, brings it home and gives it to me.


    Perhaps she is different to other Thais.  

    • Like 2
  12. 2 hours ago, Denim said:


    KIS ....Keep it simple. Too many ingredients will discourage you from making it and don't make a huge impact on the final result.


    I use the following method ( in video ) except I don't use as much liver as if you make too much it might go off before you eat it all and I have found it does not freeze that well ( water gets in )


    Secondly, I only marinate the liver in milk for about 30 minutes....not several hours. So all you really need is 4 cloves of garlic and a small onion plus the liver. Cook these up in a pan with a slice of butter. Add black peeper and salt ( plus optional mixed herbs if you have them.


    One cooked let cool and put in a blender. As you blend, graduallky add cream ( I just use milk ) and blend until you get the texture you want. Don't put all the cream or milk in at once as if you overdo it it will be runny. Slowly slowly until it is nice and smooth. Put in a tub then pop it in the fridge. You can melt butter on top if you wish or sprinkle black pepper on it.



    I will have to try that, but after Songkran will be easier after everybody has gone home.

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