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Posts posted by billd766

  1. 5 hours ago, NanLaew said:


    No, it would be better if they stopped their vile, theocracy-driven hatred of their neighbours. It would be better if they treated their own people with honesty and civility. The Persians are cultured and civilised, with a proud history that's being eroded and erased by the madness of their mullahs in their clamor to wrest the title of the protector of Islam from their Saudi neighbours.

    But you did not answer my post.


    If Israel is allowed to attack other countries consulates, then it must equally be OK for other countries to attack, murder people and destroy Israeli consulates and embassies and murder the people in them.

  2. 5 hours ago, johng said:

    Because everyone has something to hide.

    “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.”

    Thank you for the quote.




    It actually came from  Lavrentiy Beria who was Joseph Stalin's secret police chief, and is the paradigmatic example of what the rule of law is not.


    And if there was no crime, then Beria would find anything and make it fit.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 42 minutes ago, Baht Simpson said:

    I don't know billd. But what I do know is 20 minutes in the garden at 40c and I'm struggling. And I'm in fine fettle. For someone who's supposedly recovering from serious health issues it's insane.

    Thank you for your response.


    I spent about 20 minutes this evening unrolling and straightening out a 50 metre roll of hose pipe. Part of the time I was in my workshop with a commercial size fan running flat out just blowing warm air around. It was around 35C in the shade and I stopped a couple of times for a break. 


    I am 79 and it buggered me. I came back inside and sat with2 fans blowing on me, and it was only 33C. I also drank about half a litre of coldish water before I really cooled down.


    If Thaksin was out in the sun, for 20 minutes (no hat that I could see) he must have been broiled. I know I couldn't do it now.

    • Agree 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Purdey said:

    There are a lot of Iranian people who are against the theocracy there. Nuclear weapons would not discriminate.


    Iranians are not Arabic, so the Arab nations are hardly sympathetic, but I don't think anyone would appreciate a nuclear attack in the region. Israel would be better off specifically targeting the Iranian government and military leaders.

    So it would be OK if Iran did the same thing, specifically targeting the Israeli government and military leaders?

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, James105 said:


    Absolutely!!!  The way that they stormed into a peaceful music festival, slaughtered hundreds of innocent civilians, raped women, took civilian hostages (including children) was definitely breaking all the norms and taboos of any kind of warfare and this literally started a war!!  This caused the other side to retaliate as there is just no way that any sane civilised people should not defend themselves from that kind of barbarous action from happening again.


    Oh wait, silly me, that was the other side that did this, not Isreal.   

    OTOH in the BBC news this morning there was this report




    In the Israeli-occupied West Bank, a group of Israeli settlers storm a Palestinian village and, captured on CCTV, a masked man sets fire to a car parked in a garage, under the watch of at least three Israeli soldiers.

    The incident was part of a rampage by Israeli settlers that, according to local officials, killed four Palestinians over four days.


    Sameh Abu Alia, his cousin, said Jihad, who would get married in June, was trying to prevent the settlers from storming the family's house.

    "It wasn't the first time settlers attacked us. But we weren't expecting a huge number of them," he said.

    "They shot at the water tanks, the electricity network, and the internet. They were planning to isolate us from the outside world."

    Settlers, armed with guns and stones, returned to the village on Saturday. Shaul Golan, a photographer for the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, said he was attacked by a group of between 20 to 30 people, some of whom were armed and wearing IDF uniforms, as he hid under a table in one of the burned houses while trying to cover the rampage.

    "They beat me mercilessly, breaking my finger and taking my bag to burn all of the photography equipment inside," he said in an interview published on the newspaper's website.

    • Sad 1
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  6. 1 hour ago, Jim1000 said:

    What money? Every small business I know has shut up shop and fled ??

    Ask all the businesses down in Khao San road and in all the other tourist areas rghar the government sanctioned if they closed down.


    Probably half the shops out here in rural Kamphaeng Phet were closed and the other half were open.


    All of the 7/11 shops were open as normal and probably all the beer shops too. The Monday market in the village was open as normal.

  7. 8 hours ago, Baht Simpson said:

    Why would a man of 74 who was supposedly desperately ill only a few weeks ago go out and stand in 40c heat? You don't need to be a doctor to know that is extremely ill-advised.

    And how long was he standing 40C heat? 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes. 1 hour, 2, 3, 4, 5 hours?


    Was he in the sun all the time or in the shade? Was he far away from a cool room perhaps with a/c, was he far away from a cool drink?


    For periods exceeding 10 or 15 minutes at the very most, I totally agree with you.

    • Confused 1
  8. 10 hours ago, John Drake said:


    Because the names of assailants are part of the basic news story. Know the name of the doctor kicker, don't we? The cop who ran over the woman eye specialist? The Swiss who beat up a Thai woman in a grocery store. It's basic journalism. Not to mention that knowing who he is could bring additional witnesses or people who may have had a run in with him in the past.  Why would you not want to know his name?

    Because I, like many other posters, live nowhere near Hua Hin and are unlikely to ever visit there.


    It seems that the police know who he is, have arrested him and he is in custody. The chances of anybody here actually meeting him are around 99% of never.


    Knowing his name makes no difference at all. He probably did not even know the name of the Belgian guy that he attacked from what I can glean from the reports that I have read.

    • Confused 3
  9. 18 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

    Because they're a civilized country that stands against terrorism perhaps. 

    Then why are they not against Israel and the IDF who commit terrorism every day.


    From what I read on the BBC and other news sites the government is supporting Israel but hundreds of thousands of voters disagree with the government.


    I am one of them and I also have a vote.


    It will NOT go to the Tories or Labour or even the Lib Dems if anybody remembers them.


    If I am lucky there will be a candidate from the Monster Raving Loony Party standing who will get my vote.


    They can never win, but they can't be any worse than the Tories or Labour or even the Lib Dems.

    • Confused 1
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  10. 6 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    He was never ill.. it was a well planned return to Thailand, play a game for a while then freedom.

    But this is Thailand, land of corruption, what else would anyone expect?

    What hospital did you qualify as a doctor.


    What a brilliant diagnosis, when you have never met the patient, examined him or read all his medical history,


    Yet you know he faked it.


    I wonder how you came to that conclusion?

    • Confused 3
  11. 8 hours ago, ezzra said:

    He's a undeniable proof that miracles do happen, from being very sick to a complete recovery in no time,

    no jail time that is... 

    It is good to see that with 6 months of hospital and medical treatment by good doctors does work.


    As usual many posters seem to assume  a complete recovery can be done in no time at all.


    Depending on the severity of his illness it does take time and effort to recover.


    If he had low blood pressure all it takes is to stand up too quickly and you will black out and collapse with NO warning, and you need to be in hospital very quickly.


    High blood pressure is talked about here.




    i was on BP medicines for more than 20 years before a good Thai State Hospital got me off them.


    Last year I blacked out twice with lower blood pressure.


    The first time I blacked out I lost around 4 hours that I simply know nothing about until I woke up in hospital 65 km away without any idea where I was, how I got there or even if my wife knew where I was and what happened to me.


    The second time 5 months later, I remember that I was sitting in my chair watching a YouTube video when I woke up to find my wife beating ne to wake up and stay awake. The emergency ambulance crew took me to the local hospital, who couldn't do anything and they shipped me off to the provincial hospital.


    Both times I had NO warning, and both times I was confined to bed for a week.


    Meds and gentle exercise brought me back but it takes a long time to recover, but you never recover fully'



    • Confused 2
  12. 2 hours ago, george said:




    Just a thought: Could police/government in any country request your historical GPS locations in the event of court case/police investigation? Would Google share that information with authorities?

    Would you have to have your mobile GPS locater on your mobile switched on?


    I just looked at my mobile and found it switched on, so I turned it off.

  13. 9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Easy to say what you're saying. Must this. Must that. Totally divorced from reality.

    Of course it is easy to say.


    Much like murdering innocent Palestinian men women and children is easy. Stopping that happening is a hard part, and stopping that happening forever is harder than that.


    What sensible suggestions do you have for stopping it?

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