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Everything posted by billd766

  1. First win enough seats along with the minnow parties, the odds and sods, the dinosaurs and the also rans to have a big enough voice to be heard. With the 2 'P's that will be hard to do. Alternatively do what you do best. Cheat.
  2. I wonder how many of those 'Thai animal lovers' offered to take the dog in and offer it a safe and stable home?
  3. Forecasts like this and every TAT announcement deserve to be posted and framed in the Ripley's Believe it or not museum in Pattaya.
  4. But most of that will be paid as standing costs anyway. NO President chooses how may agent and limos he will want when he travels anywhere as it is already laid down in the Presidential budget. Not even 1 out of 10 for a diversionary tactic. It will however be very interesting when EX-president Trump's expenses get totaled up.
  5. And any investigation will be carried out by the police themselves
  6. Having Prayuth as a party member and prospective PM would be like wearing a concrete lifejacket on the Titanic.
  7. That assumes that 1 You can find a pool to use 2 You can find a competent instructor It may well be possible in big cities and tourist areas but unlikely in most rural and non-tourist areas. The nearest swimming pool to where I live is about 18km and you have to pay to use it. I don't think that there is a qualified instructor either. I did a Google search and there actually is a public swimming pool in KPP, only 65 km away from where we live.
  8. The sad thing is that most of the people who will suffer are the Thai people who can afford it the least. The rich, the Hi-So's, the politicians. the military and the police won't notice and will care even less.
  9. Today I went to KPP immigration with my Thai wife. I went via the BBK to get my 12 month statements but forgot the guarantee letter, That was the only problem so we went back to the bank and got 2 of them, 1 for KPP and 1 for CM. My wife signed all her bits and the IO lady vouched for my signatures and stamped my passport so I am OK for another year, KPP is a small office and whether any other office would do the same, I don't know. I think it would depend on the IO at the time, the applicant and pressure from above.
  10. Does it really matter exactly how far he swam? He did what he tried for. Could YOU have done it? I know I couldn't.
  11. I don't feel like a criminal. Yes I do a 90 day report 4 times a year but I combine that with a bulk shopping trip. Sparing 1 hour every 3 months does not ruin my life. My annual visa extension is less than 1 day in 365 and allows me to stay with my Thai wife and son. A very small price to pay for a great life here. It is an attitude problem. If you look at it as a challenge it is easy and enjoyable. If you look at it the way you then of course it is a problem, but so easy to overcome.
  12. How much have you raised for Thai hospitals? At least he DID something.
  13. They will need long arms to get around his neck.
  14. I have no fear or problems with the Thai Immigration officers, especially up here in Kamphaeng Phet. They are farang friendly and very helpful.
  15. My wife never bothered to change her family name to mine. Our 18 year son however has my family name.
  16. Mine went from 4300b to just over 4900 last month.
  17. It is the pent up frustration. I am 78 and 12 days ago I fell onto my right forearm and my weedwhacker and bashed my ribs as a bonus. My wife took me to the hospital where I was X-rayed (a possible minor fracture of my elbow). but in the end not. I ended up with a bottom half plastered cast and an elastic bandage. I dumped the cast at the weekend and started leaving the bandage off today. However, while I can sort of hold things in my right hand, such as a knife, I cannot cut or even spread butter on a roll, let alone cut the roll. I have to ask my wife or son to help with something as simple as that. It gets easier every day but I needed my wife to help me the last 2 days to get the paperwork sorted out for my marriage visa extension, all 30 pages of it, doubled of course as the local office has to have a copy plus a copy for the regional office in Chiang Mai. 9
  18. Not just you, but many of us. We all bring different skills in our lives with us, and many like me, learn from experience, usually the hard way, and from the help of others on the forums.
  19. What I ended up doing was running Opera to get the URL then go to Chrome and open it there. Open a new folder if required, then add the bookmark. The last line stays. You try working and not using your normal hand and typing with one finger. Everything takes 4 or 5 times as long and is very very frustrating, especially going back to correct typing errors.
  20. He will probably pay 'extra' and get special food sent in for himself only.
  21. I have finally managed to renew my current bookmarks one at a time from my Opera browser back to Chrome. What a PITA doing it left handed and one fingered. As soon as I opened ASEAN now I ran into an add. I installed Ad-blocker nd no more adds.
  22. In Kamphaeng Phet province masks are still required in most hospitals and banks, some fresh markets but not many other places. I carry a mask ad will wear it if requested but not otherwise. My wife wears a mask in most places.
  23. A problem I have is that my tablet which is on the same extender shows up all the time, but the hard drives don't. Yet if I plug any hard drive into a different extender into a different port, it shows up as working and available.
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