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Everything posted by billd766

  1. What is the most important thing in forex trading ? Start up money. What is the thread about? Thais not being able to make ends meet.
  2. And people on this forum whine about Thaksin Shinawatra, ????
  3. Really? Better than the army who made a coup against him and yet another coup against his sister?
  4. Have you thought about how those countries became members of the Warsaw Pact originally? A clue would be that Russia invaded and annexed those countries during the course of WW2. When the Warsaw Pact finally collapsed those countries were free to choose their own course, and there was NO Russian military stationed in the country any more to force them to toe the Russian line. Please tell us all how, in your opinion, NATO inched its way towards the east. Did NATO knock on the doors of each former Warsaw pact country and threaten to invade them unless they joined NATO. Perhaps each of the countries individually approached NATO and asked to join NATO? https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/topics_49212.htm#:~:text=NATO's “open door policy” is,a say in such deliberations. NATO’s “open door policy” is based on Article 10 of its founding treaty. Any decision to invite a country to join the Alliance is taken by the North Atlantic Council on the basis of consensus among all Allies. No third country has a say in such deliberations. NATO’s ongoing enlargement process poses no threat to any country. It is aimed at promoting stability and cooperation, at building a Europe whole and free, united in peace, democracy and common values.
  5. I know that feeling very well. My state pension is about 28% and will die with me. However my wife will get a % of my military pension and a % of my company pensions until she dies. After that my son gets the lot but the pensions die with my wife.
  6. Could you please send it anyway.????
  7. To me it does. If it is his personal money it means that he really cares. If it is government money, to me he is simply saving face.
  8. I have a better chance of getting one using my KBank debit card. I must admit I am a few million USD short of the target price but I am sure that a Go Fund Me account may help. ????
  9. Was the check in his personal name or was it simply a government check that all taxpayers kicked in for?
  10. Yingluck Shinawatra, the last freely elected PM of Thailand was also Minister of Defence. To be fair to her, she probably knew as much about being Minister of Defence as the current one does. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yingluck_ After mass protests against her government in late 2013, she asked for a dissolution of parliament on 9 December 2013, triggering a snap election, but continued to act as caretaker prime minister.[9] On 7 May 2014, the Constitutional Court of Thailand removed Yingluck Shinawatra from the office of caretaker prime minister and defence minister following months of political crisis. The court found her guilty of charges of abuse of power over the removal of national security chief Thawil Pliensri in 2011.[10] In the wake of the May 2014 military coup, Yingluck was arrested along with former cabinet ministers and political leaders of all parties and held at an army camp for a few days while the coup was consolidated.
  11. And how many hundreds of thousands of lives did they save? In addition it was a world war and 77 years ago. During that war the Germans were also attempting to make an atom bomb. Do you think that they would not have used it?
  12. Try Britishop which is online and I think based in Pattaya.
  13. IMHO he is/was a far better and more honest than ANYBODY from a military coup and far more trustworthy, as shown by the current lot and all the ones that have come along since 1932.
  14. I doubt that he is a moron, but I do believe that he is far smarter than you will ever be. Of course if you are so smart, why have you not come up with any strategy to fix the problem? You seem to be quick to cast the blame, but nowhere to be seen when solutions are needed.
  15. And is Thailand more or less Democratic than when Thaksin was removed in yet another illegal and undemocratic military coup. Have there been any free and fair elections since under a military government? How many politicians and political parties did Thaksin ban. How many people were jailed for LM offences under Thaksin's rule?
  16. How do you get a Thai CC? AFAIR you put in the maximum account that you think that you will need into a separate account at the bank and then you will probably get a Thai CC. Again AFAIR when you close and return your CC, you then wait a further 3 months depending on the bank, before you get the balance of your money back. The bank then has the use of your money less what you use by using your CC.
  17. A few years ago I was working in NZ and the lady in front of me wanted to pay by CC or debit card for her groceries. She went through seven, yes 7 cards to get enough for about NZD$40. I paid in cash and got a thank you and a smile.
  18. But we are not in London or elsewhere but in Thailand, where IMHO, especially in rural Thailand, in markets, wet markets, small shops and even 7/11 they will always take cash. Even BigC, Makro, Global House welcome cash and don't bother about ID checks and CC. Perhaps if you are paying in excess of 100,000> thb cash they may want to see some ID. Go to a noodle stall and try to pay in bitcoin for 40 or 50 thb and see how far that gets you.
  19. Me too. Cash almost always works. If not I simply say sorry and shop elsewhere.
  20. Do you mean the same JFK that ordered the ill fated invasion of Cuba in 1962? https://www.britannica.com/event/Cuban-missile-crisis Same countries, swap Ukraine for Cuba, same problem but different leaders. Biden seems to me to be careful and rational. Putin however IMHO is a certifiable homicidal maniac.
  21. Who made you top dog? It is a discussion forum open to all. If you post expect all sorts of replies.
  22. Well I first came here to work in 1993, then Qatar, the UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Egypt, Thailand, Indonesia, Thailand for 3 years, Sri Lanka and a few more countries as well. In my 50 years of working life I lived and worked in 38 countries, a few of them as short as a month, some nearly 4 years. Some you cold take your wife and family to but that would depend on the company you work for, the position you hold, and the contract length. Some companies your wife and family can come on holiday and several countries I didn't even want to go to myself. One job I had an armed security guard with me as I left the hotel. No I didn't take my wife with me as a lot depended on the contract length. The problem with assuming that somebody just ups sticks and moves depends a lot on the work commitment and the company you work for as an expat.
  23. Can you please tell us all exactly how many other ex presidents still have any White house records? If you don't know, please suggest a way of checking those records. How do YOU know it was a complete failure? You claim it, you own the claim, now prove it.
  24. But France is already a safe country, so there is no need to make the dangerous journey across the English Channel to the UK. That is of course if they landed directly in France. If they landed in a different country and then made their way to France, then it is the responsibility of the French to return them to the first country.
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