It is the pent up frustration.
I am 78 and 12 days ago I fell onto my right forearm and my weedwhacker and bashed my ribs as a bonus.
My wife took me to the hospital where I was X-rayed (a possible minor fracture of my elbow). but in the end not. I ended up with a bottom half plastered cast and an elastic bandage. I dumped the cast at the weekend and started leaving the bandage off today.
However, while I can sort of hold things in my right hand, such as a knife, I cannot cut or even spread butter on a roll, let alone cut the roll.
I have to ask my wife or son to help with something as simple as that.
It gets easier every day but I needed my wife to help me the last 2 days to get the paperwork sorted out for my marriage visa extension, all 30 pages of it, doubled of course as the local office has to have a copy plus a copy for the regional office in Chiang Mai.