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Everything posted by billd766

  1. Back then the locals used Ford Galaxies and the like as taxis.
  2. I suspect that it depends on who writes the rules and in whose favour.
  3. So that they can do the same again elsewhere. Charge the attackers with GBH and sack their boss with NO compensation.
  4. I remember them in the taxis in Bahrain during 1963/64.
  5. 1 The extender now has an independent power supply. 2 External power supply. 3 I have 3 external hard drives, the USB printer and I currently have my tablet charging as well. 4 The tablet is showing when I select "This PC" as do the C and D internal drives but NO other drives. I damaged my right arm last week in a fall last week, and it is difficult to access the external hard drives to reposition them.
  6. For some reason my Acer C 24 all-in-one has only one useable USB 3 socket. As I have 3 external hard drives I use a 4 port USB extender. I am now on my 3rd extender, this one being a 16 port hub. I can hear the pc chiming in the background and if I double click on "This PC" i can see the C and D drives all the time, and sometimes the external drives and sometimes not. The odd thing is that I am charging my tablet from the same extender and that is working normally, yet IE is showing neither the tablet as another device or the external hard drives. Any ideas?
  7. Too many water departments, far too many chiefs, not enough indians with not enough overall knowledge and no overall communications with each other, let alone provinces up and down stream. As an example. The RID decides that the dam in the North is getting a bit full, opens the sluice gates a bit until the water level is about right, brings the sluices back and his problem is solved. Absolutely correct, HIS problem IS solved. This goes on all the way down stream to Bangkok. who have no control over how much comes down to them.
  8. Som nam na springs to my mind. Or in English. Oh Dear, How Sad, Never Mind
  9. Ex fighter pilots in their late 40s and early 50s have a limited shelf life. A lot get hired by the Gulf countries, but the airlines are not hiring many and the cost of a CPL, aircraft type certified, is high. It is a cross between loyalty to your country and loyalty to your family who after all need your financial support to survive.
  10. It didn't happen when he was a democrat and in power. What changed since other than Korn has party hopped a few times.
  11. If they jump once then they will jump again and again.
  12. There is also the possibility that the Republicans will not win back the control of the house. Then what will happen? The best poll is an election where every registered voter gets a say and they are the ones who will do the choosing.
  13. Is it possible to block Windows Explorer and still use Windows 10 normally? I use a 4 port USB extender, and WE keeps dropping it out then putting it back again. I HATE Windows fracking 10 and Windows Explorer. I buggered my right arm up a week so I am working left handed and typing with 1 finger, and it is very frustrating.
  14. But it is the choice of this government and not necessarily that of the Thai people. Easy to say, but not so easy to do. Of course the invader, Putin, could admit that he has lost, surrender, and pull out from ALL Russian occupied Ukraine including the Crimea, Donbass etc and pay reparations. It could happen but NOT under Putin.
  15. So you do you think that it is OK for him to torture and then murder the girl, yet not be punished in the same way himself?
  16. I agree with you, but with Wise I get a better forex rate than KBank, I know before I transfer exactly the forex rate I will get, the exact amount to the satang, the day and time it will arrive at BBK bank. With KBank transfers I only knew roughly which week it would turn up, how much I would get and I would be reliant on the time and day of KBank forex.
  17. It does to me. I transfer the funds for living in Thailand and it shows up as an FTT on my bankbook and statement proving that the funds came from offshore. I could do the same with KBank but then I would have to get the head office to send me 37 separate conformations of payment per year. Try to remember what works for one person does no always work for everybody. I made a small spreadsheet that tells me when I get paid by Wise n the UK, when it is due in Thailand, adjustable for bank holidays, how much I transfer and the forex rate given. It makes MY life easy. Why do you care? it works for me. Why?
  18. It must be wonderful to sit anonymously behind a keyboard, and speak on behalf of millions of people and to say what YOU think that they should be saying. Especially when you have NO idea of their thoughts and feelings. Even more so, when you don't even KNOW millions of Americans. I am a Brit and of the 70 million Brits i would be hard pushed to be able to name, and thus know more than about 350 people personally. Nor would i have the temerity to speak for them.
  19. I live in Thailand so I do mine in Thai time. I generally get notified in the afternoons and transfer from Wise then. Any transfer I make on a Friday does not arrive until Monday about 2 pm. Unfortunately my state pension always arrivers every 4th Friday,
  20. But can you do an international transfer when the Thai banks are closed?
  21. I have a Wise Borderless account and I transferred GBP 730 at 5; 15 pm this evening. by the time that I had completed the paperwork which took me 3 or 4 minutes, Wise told me that it would be in my BBK account at 2;13 on Monday. Thai banks are closed at the weekends and Thai public and today is a public holiday. ;
  22. Thank you Joe, At the moment even if i put a big X I don't think anyone would recognise it. My are going up to Immi on Tuesday to see what they can offer.
  23. I am due a marriage visa extension in the next 10 days. I am 78 and I slipped on some water soaked concrete on Monday and cracked my right elbow and bashed my ribs, I have done about half the application but the worst part is that I am right handed and I am now reduced to typing with one finger left handed. Do you think that Immigration will give me 2 week extension as I cannot sign my signature left handed. My wife called them today but they were closed for the holiday.
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