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Posts posted by billd766

  1. 2 hours ago, uttradit said:

    Why do you think his job is tough? All he does is put on a suit, smile and mumble some scripted speeches. 99.99% of people could do that. The whole role is a sideshow. Thousands of real workers do the work. He just follows directions.


    What jobs could Biden do? Pilot? No. truck driver? no. Sell insurance? No. He couldnt do any real job. 


    You seem to think it is simple to run a country of 300 million people yet you have no idea of what it takes.


    Define a real job please.


    I was driving a truck before I was 21.


    I was never a pilot because I was not good enough or smart enough, and neither are you.


    I used to install and commission mobile base stations in many countries across the world. Could you do that?


    I also worked on aircraft radio equipment, at a satellite radar station, on police radio equipment. I also worked on preparing land and buildings for mobile base stations as far apart as Chile, Venezuela, Mexico, Qatar, Abu Dhabi and around the Arab Gulf, Brunei, Indonesia, Thailand building 1G and 2G and CDMA, for AIS and DTAC during 1993, 94, 95, 96 and 1997. Sri Lanka Pakistan. Bangladesh, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand and perhaps other places that I have forgotten about.


    Politics never interested me as a career and I am the first to admit that I would be hopeless at it.


    President Biden has been very good at it and made it a career and his life's work.


    I wouldn't expect him to drive a truck, be a pilot or sell insurance as it is not in his skill set.


    If you think it is so easy, then prove it and become a politician.


    Prove to us all, that you are not all hat and no cattle.



    • Confused 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Negita43 said:

    I have 1 medium chest freezer, 1 big freezer in my large fridge and 1 small freezer in another fridge. They are all totally FULL and as soon as one of them has some space available it fills again.

    My gf was a teacher and she was also responsible for the catering at her school of around 120 students and staff. She has now retired but when she cooks at home (often) she still thinks she's cooking for the school!!!

    I want to make a giant pork pie in my air fryer and it will be in an 8 inch diameter springfoil baking tin. I need 500g of pork belly, chopped small, 1kg of minced pork shoulder, lard, so my wife will have to get that lot and I will render the pork fat down into lard. She will keep the skin to make pork cracklings.


    Including the hot water pastry it will probably weigh close to 2 1/2 kg and take a couple of days to assemble and cook. Hopefully there will be some space available in the fridge/freezer by then.

  3. 5 hours ago, xylophone said:

    I think with quite a few people who decide to leave Phuket, what was once "living the dream" is no longer, so there are many aspects of life in Phuket which can grate, and it's quite possibly a combination of things which make people leave.


    One of the friends who left for the UK has a family there and wants to see his grandchildren grow up, as well as getting tired with life in Patong.


    Whereas the other friend is disillusioned and because he is facing some health problems (not severe I may add) then going back to Canada will ensure that he can get them fixed free of charge.

    Surely the extra cost of living in Canada (especially heating bills in winter) will out weigh the saving on the hospital costs.

    • Agree 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Tug said:

    Oh i do no there's solid positive results to this administration those are facts not eunendos or spurious claims these accomplishments speak for them selves as president Biden put it just watch me.

    President Biden is 81 years old, or about 18 months older than me.


    He is holding down the hardest job in the world and doing very well at it too


    I only wish I had half his energy and stamina.


    So he forgets somebody's name now and again. That isn't the first time and it won't be the last.


    Who can put their hand on their heart and truthfully say that they have never forgotten a thing in their life and that they are perfect.


    Trump told over 30,000 lies in 4 years in his 4 years as president, he is accused on 91 different counts in a number of US states, yet there are still people on this forum let alone in the USA, who constantly defend him and want him to become president again.

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  5. 3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    15hrs a week doesn't seem that demanding to me, and I assume she does the snack bar to extort a bit more from the kids.


    Whether she chose to do the snack bar work, or whether it was dumped on her as an extra duty, is not explained in the OP from PBS.


    It seems from the OP she only teaches for those 15 hours, but the 10 hours per day adds to the 15 hours making 25 hours, without counting any extra hours after school, weekend or work in the holiday time.

  6. 2 hours ago, couchpotato said:

    That's going back a while..70's?

    Late 1990's and early 2000. IF I was lucky I could park in the Post office next door and go to the small farang extensions room. Then we ended up in the main hall which was like a house of madness.


    You had to push your way to the desks through clouds of agents with about 20 passports each.


    That was back in the days of 200,000 and 400,000 baht visa extensions and grandfathering.

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