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Posts posted by billd766

  1. 3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Looks like the US is going to suffer a war of a thousand cuts. Small isolated attacks on US forces and assets all over the world that are impossible to prevent.

    One way to counter that is to put every US and UK on to maximum security 24/7/365. Yje problem with that is that they will need a huge increase in manpower to cover it. If the Houthis and their allies are quiet and patient the threat level will slowly lesson and that is the time that they will strike


    Most airfields for example have a perimeter fence between 10 and 15 km long and some are even longer and if you only put 1 guard every 100 metres you will need 600 guards every 24 hours, 3 by 8 hour shifts, with 1 shift given 24 hours off every 3 days. That is for a 10 km fence only.

    3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Correct as far as it goes, but I doubt the US people will accept another land war against another large and well armed Middle East country. Especially so soon after the last disaster.

    As for carriers, fine if the enemy doesn't have hypersonic missiles or plenty of sub sonic ones. You said quite rightly "If they sent 50 or 100 at a time several are bound to get through and either sink or disable a ship or two".


    None of the trouble with the Houthis would have eventuated had Biden forced israel to ceasefire. Ergo this is a situation of Biden's making.

    I agree up to your last point.


    The US is split between the Democrats and the GOP and they are too busy fighting each other for power and control, instead of working together for their own benefit, rather than that of the entire USA and the rest of the world.

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  2. 3 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    Those interested will travel... not everything can be on your own doorstep.

    Which is true enough, but how many farmers are there in Bangkok compared to the rest of Thailand which is where they should hold it, preferably in every rural province or perhaps close to a clump of provincial borders.

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  3. 5 hours ago, Kalasin Jo said:

    Ah... illegal gambling, and a gambling addicted wife, is at the root of this sorry saga. Probably in grubby but well organised " casinos" in the sticks, where they abound, even at funeral parties. The plod rarely  do anything about them. Why not? (rhetorical question).  1 million baht can be lost in just a few weeks and then the debts to loansharks multiply and go unpaid. He went too far in the heat of their last argument of probably many because he was watching his and her future going rapidly down the drain. Now it certainly has for them both. I feel sorry for him.

    Why are you sorry for somebody who killed his wife.


    It was HER money, and hers alone, to do with as she wished and NOT his money or their money,

  4. 3 hours ago, youreavinalaff said:

    Decent cold cuts are available everywhere. 


    As with another poster. I cure pork loin. This is available everywhere.


    For a KG of loin; 50g salt, 15g sugar, black pepper, 2g of pink salt (can get it online).


    Mix it together, wrap the loin in cling film or put in a plastic bag or container. Leave in fridge for 7 to ten days. Done.


    Cook as you wish.


    You can add other ingredients to your cure. I like to add crushed coriander seeds and cloves. Not too much, a gram or 2, just for a little background flavour.


    I've even made pastrami. A little more difficult with the cooking aspect due to the toughness of Thai beef.

    Do you turn the pork over every 24 hours?

  5. 26 minutes ago, Guderian said:

    A very long time ago, when I was working in West Africa, we came home one night to find the street blocked by a giant python. The road could take two cars side-by-side, then there was a grass verge on both sides and a storm ditch. The python was so big that all you could see was its body on the road, the head was already down in the ditch on one side while the tail still had to emerge from the ditch on the other. That was one big snake.

    Snakes of any size are the things that I hate the most, followed closely by flies and flying ants.

  6. 38 minutes ago, zhounan said:

    Sometimes when I am in the car at night, I stare at the countless windows without lights in skyscrapers.

    Bangkok has so many uninhabited rooms but skyscrapers keep springing up everywhere destroying Bangkok's distinctive features.


    Thailand should stop developing only one city and start to develop major cities in every provinces to encourage a gradual displacement of people from the capital city.

    Good idea but people seem to prefer to live reasonably close to work and within commuting distance. The further you move from the bigger cities, the harder it is to find a job to commute to, assuming that you are still close to your commuter network.


    It has been said many times that Bangkok is slowly subsiding and in a couple of decades or so may be uninhabitable.


    Where will people live, work and commute to, then?

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