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Posts posted by billd766

  1. On 1/16/2024 at 11:44 AM, peter zwart said:

    Too little and too late. To bring the future workforce to an acceptable level, you are looking at 20 years ahead. As we have seen in another topic, the aging population is also hitting hard in Thailand in the coming decades. This means that in the short and medium term, there will be a significant shortage of qualitatively acceptable personnel. The surrounding countries are not standing still and will take away a large part of Thailand's income. The only solution is to improve the political system (eliminate corruption) and completely revamp the education system with an international focus. Issues such as loss of face must disappear, and people must be held accountable for underperformance. Otherwise, the work ethic will remain subpar. So, all in all, we can conclude that, as it stands now, this is a completely impossible task. Too late, too little.

    IMHO it is only about 50 years too late and under the current system I doubt that Thailand will ever catch up, let alone be a leader in ASEAN.


    Again, IMHO, the whole education ministry needs to be torn up and rebuilt from the bottom up. There should be nobody in charge of anything past the age of 60. All the teachers and directors should be sent back to school and be taught HOW to teach. Any teacher accused of assaulting a pupil should be immediately suspended without pay as should every member of the management staff of the school.


    If the teacher is found guilty in a court, they should be sacked, forced to repay any outstanding loans to the teachers union and banned from ANY government job.

  2. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    The higher they get ( rank wise ) the further away from the bullets they get. How close to the Russians does your friend Zelensky get, all dolled up in his green machine uniform?

    From a link I saw on the BBC several weeks ago, Zelensky went to the front lines in the Ukraine.


    The opposite question is how close has Putin got to the front lines, or even when was the last time that he left his bunker to go outside of Russia?

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Negita43 said:

    Very strange I have never seen that in my Macro - only the one I posted but you never know I have a better look next time - usually ARO brand is the least expensive.💲

    Sometime I think that Makro is centralised ordering, and every so often the central ordering department orders small quantities of a different line and sends it out. If it sells well in a branch it will be reordered, and if it doesn't sell, it will be reduced and never reordered.

  4. 6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I really don't know if you are being serious, or not. Never mind, carry on.

    A bit of both there I think.


    The Latin cogito, ergo sum, usually translated into English as "I think, therefore I am"




    From the Moody Blues a long time ago. the beginning LP.


    "I'm more than that, I know I am, at least, I think I must be".



    • Confused 1
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  5. 2 hours ago, Negita43 said:

    My gf makes her own pastry for the pies but if I want filo or flaky I buy that from Macro although not cheap. I also buy the Macro Roti and the Spring Roll from the frozen section

    Unfortunately for me my nearest Makro is 65 km from me at Kamphaeng Phet, and I only get up that way about once a month. Since I had a couple of blackouts last year I rely on my wife to drive me.

  6. On 2/1/2024 at 12:02 AM, spidermike007 said:

    Typically countries are invaded for their resources, are you suggesting that some neighbor might invade Thailand for its rice and shrimp? 


    Glad that they do produce some natural gas but is it enough to prompt an invasion by other than a desperado like China? If China invades all bets are off, a few jets are not going to help. Who else is the threat in this region, come on please give us your dissertation. 



    China doesn't need to invade Thailand.


    It is slowly buying up the country and there is no collateral damage to clear up either.

  7. 1 minute ago, Negita43 said:

    Actually no - I do not like that pastry and I know that's the traditional method but I find it too hard.

    Let me know how it works in an air fryer (never thought of that)


    I have made some Cornish style pasties with Thai veggies and cooked them in the air fryer and they came out OK. I couldn't find swede so I used the Thai vegetable that looks like a carrot, but it is white and a bit bigger.


    I have copied  some scone recipes from this link that I want to try later this month.





  8. 5 minutes ago, Negita43 said:

    1. expansion of meat inside

    2. Access to pour in the liquid that becomes the jelly - part of a true pork pie

    I'll ignore the innuendo of the picture!!


    Did the pork pies have hot water crust pastry?


    I used to make them but my table top oven has died.


    I must try again using the air fryer.


    They are great with Colemans mustard.

  9. 1 hour ago, proton said:


    Why should we have 'empathy' for foreigners begging here? poor Thais, orphans, political prisoners and victims of crime yes. But people who come here then try to scam Thais with a sob story, i think not.

    Nobody says you HVE to have empathy. If you don't want to help another human being then don't. From your posts, you obviously don't want to help. It might be you one day. But please don't pontificate about foreigners coming to scam poor Thais when you have no idea why people are begging without knowing anything about them.

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  10. 53 minutes ago, proton said:


    Captain woke has spoken, anyone who does not give to anyone that asks is a hard hearted uncompassionate, selfish demon. The ones that are conned we call mugs. I don't care about beg packers, illegal immigrants, scam artists, overstayers or kiddie fiddlers, they all deserve the boot.

    I have been conned once, shame on me. This guy was very good. He stole my Face book account and  even diverted 2 or 3 of email accounts of my friends. It took me 5 months to find him out.


    He wasn't that smart though because he tried it again a year later using the same name and account. He was himself, 2 of my friends, his boss, he was also a famous lawyer in the USA. What tripped him up was when he became a female FBI agent and gave me her email address as well.


    Unluckily for him I spoke to some real FBI agents at the US embassy in Bangkok and they gave me some useful information.


    Other than that he was very very good.

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