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Posts posted by billd766

  1. 4 hours ago, 300sd said:

    Yeh that's right. You have a problem with history?

    History always repeats itself, because people never change. bye, bye.

    History repeats itself.




    No. I don't have problem, but it seems that you do.


    So why are the Germans not fighting the Brits, French, Dutch etc and the Russians as they were in WW2. Why are the Japanese not fighting the Chinese, the Brits, the ANZACs, the USA.


    It is all history that has not been repeated for the last 79 years, and yes, people do change.

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  2. 6 hours ago, jvs said:

    A while ago now i saw an interview with an old military officer,

    he said"governments come and governments go but the army will be here forever".

    Thaksin would do well for himself to remember that.

    The same could be said of dinosaurs, and apart from the few left in the Thai military, all the dinosaurs died out.


    Thaksin seems to have strong back up from the tourist and there are more military units in the King's Guards than in the regular military and they are in barracks in Bangkok.


    IMHO, unless the tourist declares a coup there is unlikely to be one.

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  3. 58 minutes ago, 300sd said:

    No I meant the Dems who so graciously accepted Trumps win the last time. You know "He's not my president!" Someone should tell these people that instead of tearing their country apart if they don't like their new president, just vote him out in 4 years. And that goes for both groups.

    Oh you want a link, here you go: https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-37922897

    So it appears  that an 8 year old post 


    https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-37922897 of a Twitter link (now X) is an acceptable link?

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  4. 35 minutes ago, youreavinalaff said:


    Blaming one side for atrocities worse that the other or comparing atrocities by one side or the other is inane and just fuels the conflict.


    It's just like 2 little kids fighting. " oh, he hit me first". "Yes, but then he hit me harder". " but he kicked me".....and on and on.


    It's a conflict. There are two sides involved. They are both wrong and both need to be stopped.

    I agree, This has been going on since 1948 and ignored by the world until last year. Now they are talking about it, but still doing nothing, meanwhile every day Palestinians are dying, Israelis are stealing Palestinian homes and land and being ignored,


    Can YOU come up up with a workable plan to stop it?

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  5. 4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I think some of us know what the real sticking point in the negotiations is and why.

    I think that a lot of countries and their leaders also know what the sticking [pint is and who is causing it. It is the megalomaniac Netanyahu, and his far right war cabinet that is the problem.


    There are thousands and thousands of Israeli protestors who were out on the streets of Israel over the last few days, protesting AGAINST Netanyahu and his abject failure to bring home the hostages.


    There are hundreds and thousands of Israeli "settlers" stealing Palestinian land and properties for illegal settlements in Gaza. There are reportedly over 40,000 Palestinian men, women, children and babies murdered by the IDF and over 100,000 Palestinian men, women, children and babies injured by the IDF. Over half the population are intentionally made homeless by Israel and the IDF.


    So in your opinion, tell us all who is the real sticking point in the negotiations is and why?

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