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Posts posted by billd766

  1. On 8/31/2024 at 10:16 AM, mdr224 said:

    Articles posted here about American politics shouldnt be from UK media. Its a joke

    Congratulations on your promotion to decide who should post what on ANY forum.


    If YOU have a problem with people posting their opinions on a discussion thread, then report it to the moderators and accept their decision,


    YOU don't get to choose who posts what.

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  2. 8 minutes ago, riclag said:

    Its September 1st,  Early voting starts soon! Swing voters are holding the keys to the WH!imop

    Jeff Walz said according to the story 

    he was never informed by his brother that he was to be harris’s running mate.

     He mentioned Ideology,character and “we’ve just become a third world banana republic”,in reference to the harris pick!


    Jeff needs a platform, don’t ya think?


    Why don't you set one up for him then?

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  3. 1 hour ago, Etaoin Shrdlu said:


    I don't think that the Jeff Walz that is the head coach of the Louisville women's basketball team is the brother of Tim Walz the VP candidate.


    The brother of Tim Walz is described as being older than Tim (Tim is 60 and Jeff is 67?) and the basketball coach was born in 1971. Same name, different people.

    I just did a search on the internet here and found both Jeff Walz.




    Jeff Walz
    Jeffrey Jacob Walz is the head coach of the women's basketball team at the University of Louisville. Wikipedia
    Born: October 27, 1971 (age 52 years), Fort Thomas, Kentucky, United States
    Spouse: Lauren Lueders (m. 2012)
    Team coached: Louisville Cardinals women's basketball (Head coach, since 2007)
    Siblings: Jaime Walz
    Record: 464–135 (.775)
    Title: Head coach




    Tim has three siblings, two of which are alive: Jeff Walz and Sandy Dietrich (née Walz). Jeff and Sandy, like Tim, graduated from Chadron State College. Jeff now lives in Florida with his wife, Laurie, and Sandy still lives in Nebraska, in Alliance, with her husband Scott.


    Definitely not the same family even.


    Jeff now lives in Florida with his wife, Laurie,


    Neither of the Jeff Walz even live in Minnesota.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, bamnutsak said:

    They also generally share socially liberal outlooks, including on issues such as LGBT rights, and have harnessed grassroots campaigning to achieve strong swings towards them.








    Continue spraying.




    Can you share some of these "successes"?


    I searched a bit and came up dry.


    Here is one link for you.





  5. 11 hours ago, still kicking said:

    I do really love your commend making it to 80 is an achievement I am a spring chicken at 77 (my sister is 85) I don't have to use a stick or walking frame, just my phobia using steps . I guess you are lucky in one way to have a wife like that. Mine is the same she does every thing for me . Lot of posters get confused when I call her my best friend but that was she is.......

    I agree with you about our wives being our best friends.


    However there are some posters who cannot believe that, and try to twist the post into something that they think is true, no matter that it isn't.

  6. 6 minutes ago, still kicking said:

    I am OK now Thanks I was lucky to fall on the carpet (so no broken bones ) had 2 broken ankles falling outside and ever since then I have a phobia of steps and elevators so it makes it hard for me to travel now. 

    At 80 I use a walking stick.


    Stairs I can usually manage but slopes are difficult for me now. Stairs are OK if there is a handrail or a bannister. I can go upstairs one step and one tread at a time. Coming down is usually both feet on the one tread and both hands on the bannister.


    The good news is that i wake up every morning and it is great to be alive, Bad knees, aches and pains, problems walking don't seem to matter as much as being alive and being with my wife.

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  7. 4 hours ago, still kicking said:

    No Sheryl the only meds I take is what I normally take  this was just the one of thing I completely blacked out and fell answering the front door lucky not to break any bones. 

    You were very lucky.


    I blacked out up by our kitchen about 18 months ago and woke up in hospital. I had no idea where I was, what time, day, week, month or year it was. I had no idea how I got there or where it was, I didn't even know if my wife knew where I was or what happened.


    I hope that you are better now.

  8. 33 minutes ago, Gobbler said:

    The church should be protected on a historic registry. 



    Why. It is just an old unused building, boarded up, shuttered and decaying. The FORMER owner of the building is stopping it being rebuilt and becoming a useful part of the community.


    It is not as if they have any interest in it.


    Something interesting for you to read.




    Some key findings from the Church Statistics1 report are:

    UK Church membership has declined from 10.6 million in 1930 to 5.5 Million in 2010, or as a percentage of the population; from about 30% to 11.2%.
    By 2013, this had declined further to 5.4 million (10.3%). If current trends continue, membership will fall to 8.4% of the population by 2025.2

    In England, membership is forecast to decline to 2.53 million (4.3% of the population) by 2025.

    Over the period 2005-2010, the major Christian denominations such as Anglican, Catholic and Presbyterian all saw falls in membership. Orthodox, Pentecostal and other new churches (Evangelical and Charismatic) on the other hand, saw an increase in membership.

    Church membership is declining in all four constituent countries of the UK, but in England the decline is relatively small, whereas the biggest decline appears to be in Scotland.
    1 The Church Statistics document gives an overview of the various definitions of 'membership' used by different Christian Denominations.

    2 Source: Church Statistics 2


    Church Attendance in Britain
    Brierley Consultancy have also published statistics for church attendance (as opposed to membership) for the period 1980-2015. Key findings are:

    Church attendance has declined from 6,484,300 to 3,081,500 (equivalent to a decline from 11.8% to 5.0% of the population).

    England has the lowest percentage of the population attending church in 2015 (4.7%), just below Wales at 4.8%. In Scotland, the equivalent figure is 8.9%

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  9. 5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I already suggested how the navy could do it simply by blocking them with fast patrol boats from crossing into British waters. No need to board them or take them into custody.


    No doubt there will be a chorus of how that wouldn't work by those with no better ideas.


    Bit ironic that the navy that ruled the oceans can't find enough sailors to do much any more. Perhaps they are all on those 2 big floating targets.


    How the once upon a time mighty has fallen!


    Ozymandias by Shelley


    I met a traveller from an antique land,

    Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
    Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
    Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
    And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
    Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
    Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
    The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
    And on the pedestal, these words appear:
    My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
    Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
    Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
    Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
    The lone and level sands stretch far away.”


    For the manning levels of the British Forces you need only to look and see who has decimated them. The UK politicians have done it themselves and at the same time they have also increased the number of tasks given to the Forces with a reduced number of people.

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  10. 7 hours ago, MicroB said:


    You are thinking very small, and wrongly if you think emulating the West African Squadron, which consumed 2% of GDP (about the current defence budget once pensions are stripped out) is anything to do with a frigate or two sailing up and down the Channel.


    In his speech, Tom proposed that British troops are deployed to confront Russian and Belarusan paramilitaries forcing people over the border on the orders of their government.. The West Africa Squadron was deployed for 60 years; thats how long it took to destroy the slave trade. The Squadron had some of the highest casualty rates in the Navy at the time.


    It means deploying British troops to the major sources of the refugees, which are Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, and accepting the cost of that,

    I was thinking about the modern day RN which still does not have ships or man/women power to spare not about something that happened more than 100 years ago. Back in those times if men were required for the RN, press gangs simply went out, banged a few heads and there was a ships crew.


    Nowadays that doesn't happen and new recruits and retaining serving members is at a low point.


    Back in the days of the West Africa Squadron a new ship could be built, commissioned and in action in a matter of months. Nowadays it is a matter of years to build , commission, handover after sea trials, fit out, equip and staff even a small ship such as a frigate.


    The Tories under their multitude of PMs have had 14 years to come up with a workable plan whilst they were in power, but they didn't or couldn't.



    • Agree 1
  11. 12 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Good for him. Finally a politician that has a pair. I wish him well.

    He is living in a political dream world.


    In theory it is good.


    The problem is that the RN don't have any spare ships or men/women to carry out yet another useless political idea.


    As a thought (if this plan) ever sees the light of day.


    The RN deploys a frigate that actually chases a boatload of illegal immigrants and orders it to stop. They will probably ignore that and carry on.


    What should the captain do next? Launch a small boat loaded with armed marines and take over the boatload of illegals, bring them back to the frigate, and do what with them?


    Take them back to France and dump them there? I doubt if the French will even accept them. Take them to the UK, and hand them over to who? That won't fix the problem.


    Talking is what politicians do best.


    If you come up with an idea like that, plan it through from start to finish, long before you mention it. Dig deep into the Tory policy rules and regs on illegal immigrants on exactly what happens to them from the time that they land, right through to the end. Where do they stay, what is real total cost to the UK, how to deport them and who will even accept them.


    If they have no passport, ID etc, how can you send them to another and what is the cost.


    The Tory party had years to sort this out and they couldn't. The Labour party are making loud noises about what THEY will do.


    In the end, if the UK is lucky and smart enough. they will make it impossible to land as an illegal, be given somewhere to stay, food etc and money to live on.


    They will be tied up in the courts for decades with appeal after appeal that the UK government will have to pay for the courts, the prosecutors cost and the defence costs as the illegals have no money to pay them. Not to mention all the protests about civil rights and all the bleeding heart liberals against the government.

  12. 2 hours ago, theblether said:


    Usual witless barrel scraping. That definition has been posted hundreds of times on this forum. Always by Dunning-Kruger types thinking they have uncovered a pearl of wisdom. 


    So I apologise, I now know you are not better than that. 

    quote "That definition has been posted hundreds of times on this forum. Always by Dunning-Kruger types thinking they have uncovered a pearl of wisdom".


    If the definition has been posted hundreds of times on this forum, it probably means that most of the posters are correct.


    Thank you for the apology.


    It was completely wrong and unnecessary.

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  13. On 8/28/2024 at 6:18 PM, Georgealbert said:

    This is my personal opinion on this rescue (this is not the view of the AN news team, but my own).


    The incident occurred after the roof collapsed, I have seen no details of the geological problem which caused this. 

    It does appear that the workers were possibly in an area of unsupported ground, which is normally a no go zone, as before collapsing this type of roof should have shown some bowing or sagging, which should have been noticed on daily safety and geo tech inspections or by work teams.


    Questions on safety standards that can be asked are, no self rescue devices on workers, no emergency refuge chamber given the distance of travel, lack of helmet lamps, workers in short sleeves and no tag board system, as they did not even know the name of the Myanmar worker..


    it is unclear if the site had emergency plans in place and what liaison had taken place between other agencies, or if any drills or training had taken place.


    Once the workers became trapped, there were 2 options, vertical or horizontal rescue. Given the unstable ground conditions and possible lack of suitable equipment, vertical access looked a non-starter.


    it is strange that no communications equipment, radios, were in place, to establish initial contact with the missing workers. Also there is no evidence that the construction company had access to a horizontal drill rig, which could have initially drilled small exploratory holes to help located and contact the missing workers.


    The USAR teams are well equipped, with life detection radar, endoscope cameras and seismic sound devices. The problem is gaining access through a very unstable earth pile, which continued to collapse. Concrete was injected in the collapsed area to try to help stabilise the rubble and the first plan, which failed, was the small circular pipe. The use of a construction of an old style mining access tunnel seemed the next logical and safe step, and clearance of the earth fall was never going to be achieved.


    Incident command has been a problem, as there seems no structure in place with too many agencies wanting be involved at the response level.


    Those agencies need to work together in the crisis command, supporting, not running the incident response, and provide the logistical support and deal with family and media requirements. Clear and concise media briefings would help convey a message that the rescue is under control.


    Too many unrealistic promises have been made, setting rescue timings, which are always doomed to fail.


    The good sign is that the first worker is found and alive, so hope remains for the other two.



    I agree that there are too many chiefs, too many agencies, too many plans and not enough co-ordination. There are also too many lookie sees cluttering up the area, especially local and national politicians. They also have too much influence and power, so unfortunately they cannot be kicked off the site and let the guys who are actually doing the rescue can get on with their job without being interfered with.


    Many of them have no ideas of their own and are simply in the way.

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  14. On 8/27/2024 at 5:34 AM, Luuk Chaai said:

    I got worried for a moment ,,     thought it might actually be an all out effort to get it done ...

     but,  not dissapointed,   there are several slackers sitting around nose to mobil screen

    So what?


    Perhaps they have done their work and are on a break period and relaxing. perhaps they are waiting to go to the front and start their shift. Not everyone works for every second of every minute of every hour.


    Many people take a break now and again.

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