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Posts posted by billd766

  1. 8 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

    After the 6 day war and more particular the Yom Kippur War in 1973 Israel, aware of how vulnerable it was to its supply of weapons being interrupted, took steps to develop an indigenous arms industry - to the extent that it is now a major arms supplier in its own right. It manufactures it's own infantry weapons, anti tank weapons, armoured vehicles and ammunition; either under license or to its own designs. 


    This equipment, some of which is of foreign design, is almost always heavily modified to use Israeli fire control systems and communication systems, and to suit local conditions.


    They also have large stocks of stored equipment in reserve - hundreds of tanks, several thousand armoured personnel carriers, hundreds of artillery pieces.

    What they may be short on and their enemies will be long on is most probably people. Plus since those 2 wars their Arab opponents will also have learnt their lessons from it as well.


    All those large stocks of stored equipment in reserve - hundreds of tanks, several thousand armoured personnel carriers, hundreds of artillery pieces will not be of much use against Iran or Yemen and to use up their person power will shut down a lot of their industries.


    I have no doubt that Russia, China will also be beefing up the weapon stocks in countries who are, or could be against Israel.


    Iran can shut the Gulf to all vessels which would screw up the oil revenues of all the Gulf states and also screw up all the countries reliant on the Gulf oil states. Yemen could play havoc with the Red Sea shipping routes as indeed they are now.


    Even the US military cannot be everywhere all of the time to protect everybody. If you take them from Asia, the Chinese can always take the advantages offered by their absence.


    This takes me back to the elastic band again.

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  2. 4 minutes ago, xtrnuno41 said:

    I also use the iron blade, But snake was probably lucky then, as i saw no blood or anything other weird.

    The snake was just groggy and I lifted it up on a rake to put it on other side of the wall.

    Really exciting all, guess my adrenaline was sky high

    I should do at least leather boots with toecap, I saw on Lazada , still not done.

    Maybe rubber is too soft and they can penetrate. Pangolin and Cat are there with quite a price difference.

    Cat more expensive due to import USA? But seems Pangolin is also doing in safety wear, worldwide.

    Show you Pangolin. Looking great, though? Well there are more brands.

    Did search on "caterpillar safety boots" and then find leather ones.


    Also cover body totally, especially when it gets to shimmer, the mosquitoes find me, the bitches love me.

    And when they bite, I get big itchy allergy bumps. Last year, just 5 minutes outside and bitten 6 times everywhere!

    Only seen one once, on belly, killed her, but too late.:annoyed:


    Thank you for the information.


    My wellies stop at the knee and I think (and hope) that if a snake does get around to biting me the fangs will get caught in my jeans first, following that the wellies, following that the socks before it actually get to me.


    At 79, with a knackered left knee and a buggered up back, I move slowly enough for any snake to sneak away from the noise and vibration of the brush cutter.

  3. 3 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:

    But if 7 enemies attack you, you don't really have a lot of choice.


    Israel does not do "expeditionary warfare" They are unlikely to deploy troops beyond their boundaries. 

    I got that from the Guardian report on page 1 of the thread.


    quote  Israel is engaged in a “multi-front war”, its defence minister has said, hinting at military operations across the Middle East as the war in Gaza showed new signs of a dangerous regional escalation.

    Speaking in parliament on Tuesday, Yoav Gallant said Israel was “coming under attack from seven theatres: Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Judea and Samaria [an Israeli term for the West Bank], Iraq, Yemen and Iran”.


    I may have read more into that than there really is but my take is with Netanyahu's war minded cabinet I wouldn't rule it out.


    IMHO the IDF is running on past memories of the 1967 war and is relying almost entirely on the USA for funds, weapons, ammunition and logistical support.


    If that is stopped then, again IMHO, they will have to rely on their not spoken about, nuclear weapons and that, I think would certainly spike of a regional war which may trigger a larger conflict.

    • Confused 1
  4. 53 minutes ago, xtrnuno41 said:

    Well still be aware. Last year I was confronted with tiny cobra in mother in law's  house (first ever since mom lived there for long time, dog had found it)and some later when i was cutting grass with bushcutter, I saw a snake flying in front of me. It was hit by the bushcutter and after landing did an attack. It missed me, happily.

    It sat down then and i could see what is was, a Malaysian pit viper ! Checked on internet.

    One of those snakes that will stay put and dont go away and are highly grumpy.

    I was very happy the bush cutter met it first.

    Probably should have killed it then (I didnt) as my wife later also had the encounter with it(or other one?) but on same place.

    So the place is to be aware, have to change the surrounding to more open, so they cant hide. It seems.

    Have met some more snakes (dog is a true good warning animal) and even a snake's nest with 5 eggs. One cracked and had snake inside.

    Last year was certainly snake year for me. Don't need that.

    I use nylon cords on my brush cutter which hopefully will slice a snake into shreds,


    I also wear jeans, rubber welly boots, with a steel toecap and soleplate, and football socks for lower body protection.


    The guys that cut the scrub sometimes use the steel blade and that will chop snakes into mush

  5. 1 hour ago, billd766 said:

    Great plan, opening a war on 7 fronts.


    I think that if the USA and defending Israel they may well be looking at US troops coming home in body bags.


    That would not be a good idea as the US forces are already heavily extended in Asia with Taiwan, the Philippine's, China and N Korea, in the Arab Gulf, and the Red Sea with Yemen, with NATO and Russia (but no troops on the ground and the Ukraine, as well as their normal commitments.


    I addition 2024 is an election year in the USA and the Democrats have the gop with Trump (and all his court cases) snapping at their heels. Many younger voters who would have voted Democrat are unhappy and have nowhere to go,







    People, especially politicians, need to look at their countries military as an elastic band.


    It can be stretched and stretched a fair amount but the band gets thinner at every stretch. Eventually the rubber band will snap and be lost to its purpose.


    Fighting any war on a single front is not too hard, on 2 fronts you need to split your forces and all the logistics that go to keeping your military supplied. Both the Allied and Axis forces in WW2 found that out.


    Fighting seven enemies at once is madness.

    • Confused 2
  6. 23 minutes ago, xtrnuno41 said:

    Wouldnt too much upset you, as there are way more other tiny animals worms, viruses which can effect you bad :cheesy: 

    Give you one extra, Lyme disease transmitted by ticks and you sure have ticks in Thailand.

    Or for that matter this one in Thailand, you only have to touch this animal for a real negative effect.

    It is in Thai, but it shows for itself. My wife came with it once

    If you see the movie then you will watch out for this beetle. Up to 1 cm.


    You get infected by it , just by touch, takes 12-36 hours to show you, it did touched you. It is on his body.

    It doesnt bite. So be aware getting rid of it when on your body 

    If you notice then washing with soap is the only thing to do and then wait. If i red wiki right.

    It starts with a rash and then get worse and takes up to 3 weeks to go down again.




    Thank you for more even more information.


    AFAIK we don't have ticks in the house, or at least I don't think we have, as I haven't seen any, but they are very small.


    I don't remember seeing beetles indoors either or I would do my best to stamp them out.


    Very small black ants in the house, yes, nasty biting red ants that lurk in the trees or grass, plenty of them. The odd snake or two and flies by the zillion. Lots of (wasps, bees or hornets) as well, but no honeycombs.


    Just a normal part of rural living, that you don't notice them after a while.

  7. 25 minutes ago, coolcarer said:

    What’s it like making things up about what other posters believe. You could always try starting a new topic in the fiction section.

    Probably much the same as trying to divert the post that you are replying to.


    Now I was responding to a link in a thread by another poster and I am AFAIK on topic.


    How about you? Do you have any thoughts of your own about the topic, or the link or is it that you don't like my response?

    • Confused 2
  8. Great plan, opening a war on 7 fronts.


    I think that if the USA and defending Israel they may well be looking at US troops coming home in body bags.


    That would not be a good idea as the US forces are already heavily extended in Asia with Taiwan, the Philippine's, China and N Korea, in the Arab Gulf, and the Red Sea with Yemen, with NATO and Russia (but no troops on the ground and the Ukraine, as well as their normal commitments.


    I addition 2024 is an election year in the USA and the Democrats have the gop with Trump (and all his court cases) snapping at their heels. Many younger voters who would have voted Democrat are unhappy and have nowhere to go,







    • Confused 2
  9. 5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    As it is happening in the West Bank and Israel has not declared war there it's probably a crime against humanity.

    Thank you for that very interesting link.


    Sadly it will not matter to a lot of posters on these forums who believe that Israel, right or wrong, is always right no matter what. They are the ones with the closed minds who truly believe that every Palestinian man, woman and child is a Hamas terrorist, (especially in the case of children and babies) are terrorists in training. and should be exterminated at all costs by the good, scrupulously honest, trusted worldwide by everybody, IDF and Netanyahu's Israeli government.


    Their are persons on this forum and thread who will vilify me for this post, as they do you.

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  10. 3 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    IMO the Russians have already proved their grasp of logistics is abysmal, and it is what the Ukrainians are targeting. I see they just eliminated one of Russia's biggest transport ship, from the videos it looks like it was carrying ammunition.

    The vital link is the Kerch Strait bridge, which is still being repaired. Take that out, and Crimea cannot be defended.



  11. On 12/24/2023 at 6:51 PM, xtrnuno41 said:

    One down , several to go: 

    Diseases transmitted by mosquitoes include malaria, dengue, West Nile virus, chikungunya, yellow fever,[1] filariasis, tularemia, dirofilariasis, Japanese encephalitis, Saint Louis encephalitis, Western equine encephalitis, Eastern equine encephalitis,[2] Venezuelan equine encephalitis, Ross River fever, Barmah Forest fever, La Crosse encephalitis, and Zika fever,[2] as well as newly detected Keystone virus and Rift Valley fever. 


    Nearly 700 million people get a mosquito-borne illness each year resulting in over 725,000 deaths.


    One study found Dengue virus and Zika virus altered the skin bacteria of rats in a way that caused their body odor to be more attractive to mosquitoes !

    Interesting ! You get more females  for a visit and they get all infected then, so it spreads.


    To date, there are relatively few vaccines against mosquito-borne diseases, this is due to the fact that most viruses and bacteria caused by mosquitos are highly mutatable. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) began Phase 1 clinical trials of a new vaccine that would be nearly universal in protecting against the majority of mosquito-borne diseases.


    It is a miracle im still alive

    Thank you for the information, I think.

    • Haha 1
  12. 9 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    On that small part of your post I reluctantly agree. Trump's position on israel is the only area that I fundamentally disagree with.


    Do you actually think Biden is going to make netanyahu stop? I do not. IMO he's just lying when he and his staff claim to be "doing everything possible" to make israel stop blowing up women and children.

    If he wanted to he could have done so 2 months ago, and it's only the threat to his re election that makes him give lip service to restraint.

    I agree with you there. President Biden is in a cleft stick. If he chooses to act and stop Netanyahu,  he will bring a lot of young Americans to his side and a lot of unhappy Arab and Arab states worldwide.


    However the Arab states have no votes in the USA though they do have a degree of influence.


    If he does nothing to stop Netanyahu he will be condemned by many people and countries worldwide, and all the time he has Trump and the gop snapping at his heels, slavering to get into power.


    He certainly has my pity and mu sympathy. I hope that he can work it out very soon without any more senseless and pointless deaths.

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  13. 5 hours ago, brianthainess said:

    I've got better things to do than spend hours making bread, I always freeze my bread. And would be more expensive not cheaper.

    But nowhere near as tasty. For me, if it takes 3 hours for the bread to be baked, only about 30 minutes pf that time is actually spent on making the bread, with the rest of the time spent on the bread rising a couple of times and the bread actually baking.

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  14. 43 minutes ago, anandra said:

    you still did not get me, I was not denying work permits from any side, he said the if a foreigner is not rich and coming to Thailand to work he is an economic immigrant, and should not come to Thailand

    What a load of rubbish


    I suppose that I was an economic migrant according to you.


    I have lived and worked in 38 different countries in 50 years, including 4 different jobs in Thailand, 3 in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Qatar, Kuwait, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and a few more I could look up if I was bothered.


    I was an expat in all of those countries and sent there to live and work for a salary, so how was I an economic migrant. 


    You really ought to understand the term expat before you blather off again.


    I retired to Thailand in 2001 to live but worked offshore as well. I lived in Thailand between jobs with my Thai wife and son.


    Does that qualify me as an economic migrant according to you?


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  15. 1 hour ago, brianthainess said:

    Why do bread shops keep the same amount of white bread, as brown/whole meal

    Brown always runs out  first, and white crap is left till last, Oz was the same, it is so obvious what most people want yet the suppliers just don't seem to understand. 

    You could always make your own and fiddle about with the recipe until you get what you want. You can make it in an ordinary oven, a table top oven, a convection oven, an air fryer or even in a wok.


    It is cheaper and better for you, and once you get the recipe to your taste, you will never run out. You can slice it and freeze it for when ever you need some.


    There are many recipes on the internet for you to choose from. Once you have made it you will never want to go back to the shop made stuff.

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  16. IMHO only President Biden is in a position to stop Netanyahu continuing this pointless was of revenge and destruction. Sadly if he uses the US military power and influence to do so, it may cost him the Presidency, the Democrats the next election and let that maniac Trump and the spineless gop back into power. 


    Trump, again IMHO, would immediately reverse President Biden's decision and encourage Netanyahu to destroy Hamas, every Palestinian man woman and child in the region and plunge the whole area into a war of destruction.


    President Biden and the USA are screwed up one way or the other.

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  17. 40 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

    Actually for ATM Pool there is no cost for the first three each month when done in same area as card issued.

    Thank you.


    I know it is 20 baht out of the province, but in some places that can be just a few hundred metres.

  18. 3 hours ago, chuang said:

    Change bank..

    It depends on how often it happens and for how long.


    Once every 6 months or so is no big problem if it is only down for an hour or so. If it happens every day for long periods, then changing banks may be a good idea.


    I you desperately need money from the ATM at the branch, and there are other Banks ATMs close use one of them.


    I think it costs about 20 baht.

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  19. 16 minutes ago, StayinThailand2much said:


    Congratulations, Thailand, to this historic moment, supposedly also the peak of domestic tourism, meaning that income from domestic tourism will go 'downhill' from there. I'm sure the TAT will counter any news of declines with their own stellar projections of such income doubling and tripling...

    Not at 2 thb per day pay rise in the southern provinces.

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