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Posts posted by billd766

  1. 3 hours ago, Celsius said:

    Go woke or go broke 

    Or simply ignore woke people. If woke people wish to talk or do business with me, accept me as I am, NOT what YOU want me to be.


    If that is unacceptable to you, the problem is yours and not mine.


    I will only change me if I want to, not because YOU want me to.


    The is nothing personal in my response to you.


    I am merely replying to your post.

    • Thanks 1
  2. I live in rural Kamphaeng Phet and I have a similar problem with electronic waste disposal.


    I have 3 dead printers, 5 or 6 keyboards, some mouses, 2 sets of fan coolers for laptops but no laptop, a dead computer, 2 dead laptops, dead batteries both normal and rechargeable, a perfectly good rechargeable torch but the charger is dead and I can't find another one.


    There doesn't seem anywhere to dispose of them.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, ukrules said:



    The rest is irrelevant, they were guilty of exceeding the exact description of what was on their work permit.


    The undercover aspect of people lying in wait posing as customers and waiting to pounce when a chef does something not 100% chef related, and instigating it - they were immigration police posing as customers in one place.


    They didn't arrest anyone - it was only about money.

    So basically if I understand you, the immigration staff were only doing their job properly. They could hardly do it if they were in full uniform could they?

    • Haha 1
  4. On 12/21/2023 at 7:26 PM, ukrules said:


    He's probably 'working' without a correct work permit, they will come and shake him down every now and again.


    I've seen this kind of thing before involving someone I know - they are out to get you, working undercover and attempting to catch you out doing the most mundane things which might not be 100% described on your work permit but in the same place of work, etc.


    For example if you're a chef and you accept someones payment which is a cashiers job - they will wait until there's no staff around and then ask to pay, all undercover looking like a regular customer, then the badge comes out and the money changes hands.


    They hate us all and will go to extreme lengths to make problems. Best to remember that.


    On 12/21/2023 at 10:00 PM, ukrules said:


    No, this happened to someone I know and I know of several others who have been shaken down over the years on a regular basis as well.


    You're deluded if you think this kind of thing doesn't happen because it does.

    So you claim know several people who this has happened to over how many years and how many expats have there been in Thailand during that time? Were they all absolutely 100% innocent? That may be your experience, but it certainly is not mine, nor of anyone that I know.


    quote from your post "They hate us all and will go to extreme lengths to make problems. Best to remember that.


    BTW who are the mysterious "they" that hate us all? I can't think of anybody in any position, Thai or farang that, in your words, hate us all?


    In my 30 years in Thailand I don't remember any Thais hating me. On the contrary, most Thais that I have met have been friendly and helpful.


    Perhaps both you and the OP live in a different Thailand to many of us.

  5. My neighbour has a similar problem with her deceased husbands US military pension.


    Because today is a Thai bank holiday the pensions are probably sitting safe and warm in the Thai banks central branch, as there is no human to transfer it to your personal bank account.


    What I don't understand is that you can deposit and withdraw money from your personal bank account 24/7/365 but any inbound or outbound transfers have to be handled by a human being.


    It is not as if the bank staff actually have to count the money by hand either.


    I can get a 12 month bank statement from KBank branch on bank headed paper with the bank "chop" and a scribbled signature any time that they are open. It takes about 30 minutes.


    BKK bank OTOH will only issue 6 months statement at the branch level, but for 12 months statements, the branch has to refer to head office and that takes 3 working days. They are very reluctant to put the bank "chop" and a scribbled signature as well.

  6. 8 hours ago, bigt3116 said:


    The cost of having my pension paid direct to my Thai bank is 70 baht, far cheaper than using an ATM and also many banks in England are closing accounts of people who no longer reside there.


    My pensions are transferred to Wise and then I transfer them to Bangkok bank. I also check the forex rates for KBank, BKK bank, Wise and XE against the actual transfer rate that I get from Wise. That rate from Wise is always higher than the quoted forex rate of the other banks websites. The transfers to my Wise account are free, but the out going transfer rate is higher than 70p and it the fee rate, depends on how much I convert each time.

  7. 11 hours ago, JBChiangRai said:

    Not really, I prefer to fly if I’m going any distance, I felt exactly the same way when I drove a noisy, polluting legacy vehicle that so had to waste time filling up every couple of weeks.



    He never claimed every EV can go 500km

    Sales of EV’s haven’t slumped in Thailand, they are growing every month.



    I don’t think they are more expensive, they are comparable and in some cases cheaper.  The BYD Seal is in the Camry/Accord segment and despite being a vastly superior car, it’s no more expensive.

    But how much would the BYD really cost if it was not subsidised?

    • Haha 2
  8. 4 hours ago, illisdean said:

    LOL...okay, back up your claims with some evidence of the crimes, convictions, and who was indicted for crimes of Russian collusion. Go ahead, I want to know who colluded with Russia and was convicted of crimes in this treasonous democratic orchestrated deep stage gong show hoax to remove a sitting president.

    If you want to know something, do your own research as most posters do. Then if it is right, good for you. If it is wrong, then the problem is yours.

  9. On 12/30/2023 at 5:04 PM, Crossy said:

    Yeah, pumping direct from the mains is "unwise" (let's not get into the argument of whether it is actually illegal).


    A buffer tank makes life much more bearable for your pump and prevents you from sucking in the contents of the neighbour's duck pond :sick:


    I have 5 rows of 4 ongs cross connected. The mains fills 4 tanks and the bigger lumps of silt sink to the bottom of the ongs. Each row of 4 then run through 2 replaceable 5 micron filters and then to the pump, which is by coincidence, a Mitsubishi EP 305 pump.


    I still see around the toilet bowl, the shower head, and even in the 200 litre water barrel has silt smaller than 5 microns. If the OP doesn't have filters before the pump, then perhaps silt may be partly blocking the input feed, or even the pump output pipe, making the pump work harder and thus overheating.


    My system is similar to Crossey's drawing posted by MCJM except that I have 4 tanks connected and after the tanks I have 2 x 5 micron disposable filters before the pump input (valve #1 on the drawing).


    The Mitsu pump has 1 inch connectors and if the pipes connected to it are smaller (1/2 or 3/4 inch bore), this could also affect the water flow and make the pump work harder and overheat.

  10. 34 minutes ago, CharlieH said:





    To All Our Members,

    Happy New Year! 🎉


    As we stand on the threshold of 2024, it's time to look back at the wild ride that was 2023 – a year of shared tales, problems, cultural exchanges, and, of course, that notorious November outage. If life were a sitcom, that month would be our very special episode, complete with unexpected plot twists and a few behind-the-scenes bloopers.


    Now, let's address the elephant in the server room – the Great November Outage of 2023. It gave us a moment to reflect, reconnect with the real world (gasp!), and discover that life beyond the digital realm does exist. A shout-out to everyone who weathered that storm with patience, tolerance and a sense of humour.


    Lets give a thank you to our tireless Moderators, their dedication is the reason we've sailed through many rocky seas of cyberspace and emerged stronger than ever.  Moderators – the unsung guardians of our virtual realm!- Thank you for all you do.


    Now, to you, our members – the heartbeat of Asean Now. Your witty anecdotes, heartfelt advice, and shared experiences, even the heated debates, make this community a vibrant mosaic. Thank you for your valued and continued contributions. Your resilience during the outage and ongoing support truly make Asean Now feel like a virtual home, no matter where in the world you are.

    As we embrace 2024, let's leave the glitches behind, but not the memories – especially the ones that made us laugh, groan, moan and appreciate the unique experiences we share on this forum. Here's to a year of exciting discoveries, cultural mishaps turned into epic tales, and the unwavering support of the Asean Now family.


    May 2024 bring you new friendships, enriching experiences, and a surplus of laughter.

    Happy New Year, to everyone !



    Thank you.

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