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Posts posted by billd766

  1. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    All you do is spout an extremist one side anti-"Zionist" narrative but if YOU actually read the history you would realize it isn't even close to being as simplistic or one side as that.

    But yeah -- it won't change your mind. 


    Again, it is a war.

    I am glad that you mentioned anti Zionist and NOT anti Jewish or anti Israeli.


    Here is a link that you may find interesting or not.



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  2. Thank you very much for all your efforts on behalf of us all.


    I have found the thread clear and concise.


    I have 3 pensions,

    1   the state pension 

    2  a military pension

    3  a company pension


    1   They are all brought in as they are paid every month but I did not see anything about the tax rates on that.


    2   In an earlier post I believe that you mentioned that military pensions were exempt from Thai tax.


    3   I am 79, married and have a 19 year old son going through university in Chiang Rai. Can I claim an allowance for him? I send him an allowance for his living expenses every month. Can I claim that back also.


    Thank you.

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  3. 6 minutes ago, Trippy said:

    How do you know they're innocent, just because they're female? 

    How do you know that they are not innocent?


    If you see a dead Palestinian woman and a child, do you automatically assume that they were Hamas, even though there are no weapons around?


    Especially around an apartment block destroyed by Israeli bombs or shells. 



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  4. 2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Beyond that Hamas (charter says Kill All Jews) is on record as intending to do further October 7 style attacks, again and again and again. Israel says NEVER AGAIN and what decent person can deny them that right?

    ANY decent person can deny them that right. If Israel wants to destroy Hamas, let them, but don't slaughter innocent Palestinian women which is what Israel is doing every day, because NO country has the guts or the balls to stop them.

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  5. On 12/8/2023 at 1:18 PM, nobodysfriend said:


    I consider Israel's policy to be " extremist " under the current Nethanyahu government . ( settlers ) . This government is giving the directives to the IDF , who , following orders , becomes extremist as well . Of course , I get your point , not all individual soldiers are extremists ,  but , what they are ordered to do ( destruction of Gaza ) is extreme .

    The destruction is extreme , the death toll of the civilian population is extremely high and unnecessary in my point of view .

    To reach their goal , the complete destruction of Hamas ( illusory anyway ), the Israelis are not shy to take extreme measures .

    If you deny this , you are blind .


    " Hamas in Gaza after a cross-border rampage by the enclave's ruling Islamist group on Oct. 7. At least 17,177 Palestinians have been killed since then, according to Gaza Health Ministry figures, while 1,200 people were killed in the Hamas incursion into Israel, according to Israeli tallies. "



    It will be difficult to know exactly how many active Hamas members have been killed , but , most dead people were no active members of the Hamas .




    Thank you for your view.  It is good to see an unbiased post being published.

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  6. On 12/7/2023 at 3:18 PM, placnx said:

    Answers to your propaganda (hasbara):

    1. Archives coming out reveal that the campaign to expel Palestinians was premeditated. BTW It began in 1947. Arabs mobilized in response.

    2. How can Arabs dominate the General Assembly (GA)? Anyway, at the beginning of this conflict, GA adopted Resolution 194. 

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_General_Assembly_Resolution_194  There were many after that, but SC Resolution 242 is the most relevant to now:


    Readers - note the propagandistic whataboutism in this extended rant.

    3. Many have declared Gaza to be an "open air prison". I have not seen the term "concentration camp" used. It's been reported that Israel controls food imports to restricy caloric intake:


    There are ulterior motives for allowing around 1% of Gazans to work in Israel, such as recruiting informants.

    4. Please show a link or reference for the statistics which you cite. Some seem possibly true. As for prisons (not "concentration camps"), hopefully starvation is not the norm. As for incidence of diabetes in Gaza, there is a study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7699327/ Unbalanced diet seems to be the problem: too much sugar.

    Thank you for those useful and very interesting links. Thank you also for not being biased in any way in your post.



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  7. On 12/7/2023 at 2:36 PM, placnx said:

    It's still early, but it seems likely that sooner or later some countries will consider sanctions as the only way to respond to such recalcitrance.

    But it is far too late for the 2x,xxx Palestinian women and children who have already died and the thousands more who will die in the future.


    Talks and sanctions are fine but they will do very little against an army.


    Real honest to goodness action is now required.

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  8. On 12/7/2023 at 1:54 PM, Purdey said:

    The United Nations (UN) was established after the Second World War with the purpose of preventing the recurrence of the wars of the first half of the twentieth century, which brought great grief to mankind, and to safeguard international peace and security. They had one job and failed.


    Can you explain how and why they failed?

  9. On 12/7/2023 at 7:52 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    It's getting to the stage that western governments are unable to turn a blind eye to the carnage and have to demand a ceasefire with delivery of aid, despite their desire to support israel, or appear complicit.

    The question then is what will they do if israel ignores them, ignores the UN, and carries on?

    Probably much the same as they have so far.


    Whine, moan and discuss a lot, but actually DO nothing. They will send envoys everywhere , but under Netanyahu, Israel is becoming a rogue state.


    The US could make a start by stopping all aid to Israel. They could also accompany every UN aid convoy with armed military, and make sure that Israel and HAMAS equally understand that they are NOT to interfere with the convoys in any way, by clearly stating that to do so would be an act of war against the USA and the UN.


    It probably won't happen, but it will send a message that Netanyahu will understand.

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  10. 3 hours ago, quake said:


    Fair enough, each to there own.

    I just think it's wrong in a civilized society.

    By condoning the death penalty,  you then need to except the crimes that are deemed worthy of it

    no matter what country it is.

    I used Iran as an example ( executing people for being gay) and not the usual one  (we all know what that one is )

    I just cant be part of it.

    Good day.



    I can quite happily accept your point of view.


    But what punishment, in your view, should be given to a person who wraps another in a blanket and buries them alive to die?

  11. 15 minutes ago, lordgrinz said:


    Oh yes, we all knew your were talking about a government from almost 20 years ago....smh


    Enough seats? You mean they didn't get 250 votes from the handpicked Junta Senate? Baffling.

    Read the constitution of Thailand.


    I didn't write it, and if you have a problem with it then I suggest that you get the law changed.


    Far better people than you have tried and failed, but go ahead and give it your best shot.

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  12. 1 hour ago, quake said:


    Do a bit of research.

    Its not a deterrent. 

    In the USA, it costs more to execute someone than to keep him in jail for his life.


    Do you have any figure to back that up?


    These two are from the USA.






    Both links quote the same thing.


    It is simply a matter of costs as the convicted person generally has no money, therefore the state HAS to pay all his legal bills as well as their own.

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  13. 49 minutes ago, lordgrinz said:


    What elected government? The government was put in place by an unelected group of senators. The people voted for MFP, and your savior Thaksin's party sabotaged the MFP by joining the Junta in a hostile takeover, backstabbing the peoples elected choice.

    Nice try but no cigar. I was talking about the 2005/06 Thaksin government  but it applies to EVERY legally elected civilian government.


    AFAIK the MFP has never been in government. Granted they won the most seats at the last election, but they could not cobble together enough seats and votes to form a government, therefore the next party with the second highest number of seats was offered the opportunity, exactly according to the Thai laws. 


    Exactly why neither of them compromised enough to join up I have no idea, but is a Thai problem. Not mine and not yours either.


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