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Posts posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. On ‎4‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 9:35 AM, pattayadude said:

    I think neither citizens of Pattaya nor the "authorities" who "pretend to run" the city want this unfinished concrete ghost to occupy its skylines another 5 -10 years while the case is  dragged through the courts and I seriously doubt that either of the two has  a vested interest in doing so.

    Sure about that? Several ghost buildings were in Bkk for many years after the economic crash and a very large one is still unfinished. There was also one in Pattaya with a crane on it at the north end of Beach Rd for a very long time. Finished now though.

    I doubt they care as long as the tour buses keep coming.

  2. 7 hours ago, The manic said:

    Soi 13. The whitehouse, Sandy springs,  The Dynasty 

    If staying at the Dynasty, stay on the side opposite the front entrance as the bar across the road plays music till late.


    In the Hilton area there must be dozens of mid range places. Just go and look around. If staying longer than one night, stay anywhere first night to keep luggage safe while looking, unless with someone that can be parked in a  restaurant with the bags.

  3. 15 hours ago, sfokevin said:

    ^^^ If they say 1st floor I am assuming they mean the desk on the 1st floor between the domestic and international airline arrival areas?... They issued you a reentry permit?... If so were you leaving that day and had a boarding pass?... 


    As a side note I always wondered what the purpose of that immigration counter was for?...

    It's to the side of the x ray machine leading to international departure security check.

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  4. 12 hours ago, joeyg said:

    I'm down in Lan Mae Phim now just south of Klang. Not one high powered PVC gun and no face or head shots. Walked down the main drag for 2 hours and then back. I was the only WHITE guy to be seen. Everybody was having fun sharing food and drink. of course lots of clay and water. It was 180 degrees different than Pattaya. Really. A fun and relaxed time.  Ther was not one malicious move made out of thousands of people.  It's the same way in the villages.  I'm guessing you've only seen Songran in Pattaya.  Even Onut and Bearing.  Of course there was not one white guy here besides me in the Mae Phim celebrations.  farangs have ruined Songran and Thailand.  To bad really


    Travelling in Samui some years ago, THAIS standing on the side of the road BETWEEN the towns throwing water into passing songtheaws. No farangs at all with them.

  5. On ‎4‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 3:15 PM, weegee said:

    Good Post...

    And i bet he loved you from the day you were born and still did when he passed...Yes sad, Dads had it rough back then. He had to take care of everyone in the family on his own back financially...While Mum stayed home and done her job making the home. Thats the way it was, but some allowed their kids too much freedom, and as a result, the word respect disappeared from our culture.... a long time ago.

    Almost correct. My sister told me that he was proud of me ( she was jealous of that ) but he never said anything to me, never gave me any encouragement in life, sent me off to boarding school when young, tried to make me use my holiday money to pay for my room and board while at home, never helped me financially despite being well off, and rarely wrote to me.
    The biggest lesson he taught me was that I couldn't rely on him. After he died, the only reason I got anything of his estate was that he forgot to change his will.

    Re my mother; she wanted to work as she needed more than he gave her, but he didn't want her to, and made her feel useless.

    Respect is earned.

  6. On ‎4‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 6:35 PM, brewsterbudgen said:

    She's on "holiday" for a week. Whether it's a permanent holiday like O'Reilly or she weathers the storm like Hannity and returns, remains to be seen.

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Her holiday was planned before the present kerfuffle and she's back. Seems to have plenty of advertisers still.

  7. 14 hours ago, Srikcir said:


    Until the president has been impeached by the Senate he is still president. As such he can pardon anyone without justification accused, convicted or sentenced of a federal crime.

    The senate doesn't impeach. That is the other lot. If they vote to impeach, the senate has to vote to convict, or not. Despite Bill Clinton being obviously guilty of perjury, he wasn't convicted. 

    A lot of people on here counting chickens before hatched and all that, and indeed, Trump can pardon till the senate votes to convict, if they did.

    Anyway, if it came to it, Trump would more likely resign like Nixon, take his billions and go somewhere else to enjoy his last years in peace.

  8. On ‎3‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 9:39 AM, hellohello123 said:

    so lets play devils advocate and lets reverse everything,


    sure each country/culture has bad/unetheical people,


    but would most men from farangland or even thai do that to their partner?


    take their assets, and get loans against them, lie and steal from them,

    and then get violent and refuse to leave, or keep their kids away from them,


    possibly, but id say generally no.


    Foreigners hold their culture/values higher than third world Thailand (sorry to say  but I'm guilty of this too), so why do we tolerate this sort of behaviour. 

    Would you pay your Gf back home $5k just to leave the house??  Or even rent them a house for a year because they refuse to work?!?!?! 


    Not a chance 

    My GF back home, after I left her, didn't get me put in jail or have me murdered, nor did I ever think she would. When I was in the process of leaving my wife I feared for my life, and kept the bedroom door locked at night.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, ThaiWai said:

    Labor is cheap here. It would cost peanuts to hire staff and assign them to every popular beach with the equipment to keep them clean. A pickup vehicle should be assigned to make rubbish pickups nightly as well will availability for extra runs if called in by the beach labor crew. There is absolutely zero excuse for a country that makes billions from its beaches to neglect them. Enforcement of the no littering law will have little impact ultimately. 

    Most of the "billions" goes to owners of businesses, and little to the city authorities. Those that do get rich, I doubt are prepared to pay for the upkeep.

  10. 12 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    The Health Department’s director-general, Wachira Pengjuntr, said Thailand’s birth rate was now only 1.6, while the country needed a birth rate of 2.1 to replenish itself.

    This <deleted> is always used to justify wanting people to have children, but it's a complete fallacy. Thailand has millions of potential citizens on it's borders, What is needed is a change in attitude to LEGAL immigration, not having more people. There are already more people than the world can support, and people should wake up and stop having more than one, or preferably none.

    If the population isn't reduced voluntarily, Gaia will do it, and people won't like that.

    • Like 1
  11. 10 hours ago, car720 said:

    Totally agree.  Common sense tells us this.  My observation is that many manufacturers of motor vehicles, volvo for example, are saying that from 2020 they will be moving away from non-electric car production.  Which I see as, hopefully, a major shift in direction for the future.  We cannot sustain was has been for long.

    I have no problem with that. The shame of the western "leaders" is that they haven't "incentivised" manufacturers to move to fuel cell or some equivalent to phase out oil burning engines long ago. Fuel cell technology has been around since the 60s.

    I was told when I was in school a very long time ago that oil would run out in 20 years, but nothing was ever done. Even when OPEC cut the supply in the 70s, and the politicians wobbled on about alternatives, they did nothing. Shame on them all.


    BTW, there is no point in making all electric cars when the technology is not there to keep them charged away from home. Also, there isn't the generating capacity in most countries for an all electric car fleet.

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  12. 3 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    Is this "leaky" enough for you?

    Mueller has evidence Trump attorney Michael Cohen was in Prague in 2016, confirming part of Steele dossier

    The Justice Department special counsel has evidence that Donald Trump’s personal lawyer and confidant, Michael Cohen, secretly made a late-summer trip to Prague during the 2016 presidential campaign, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

    Confirmation of the trip would lend credence to a retired British spy’s report that Cohen strategized there with a powerful Kremlin figure about Russian meddling in the U.S. election...

    Cohen has vehemently denied for months that he ever has been in Prague or colluded with Russia during the campaign.




    From the link

    The sources did not say whether Cohen took a commercial flight or private jet to Europe, and gave no explanation as to why no record of such a trip has surfaced.


    WOW, it's those "sources" again. Given the "sources" have been wrong so many times already, IMO it's clutching at straws ( again ) to believe them.

    Trump wasn't president then, so he couldn't have arranged for the government to spirit him out and back.

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  13. 3 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    Is this "leaky" enough for you?

    Mueller has evidence Trump attorney Michael Cohen was in Prague in 2016, confirming part of Steele dossier

    The Justice Department special counsel has evidence that Donald Trump’s personal lawyer and confidant, Michael Cohen, secretly made a late-summer trip to Prague during the 2016 presidential campaign, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

    Confirmation of the trip would lend credence to a retired British spy’s report that Cohen strategized there with a powerful Kremlin figure about Russian meddling in the U.S. election...

    Cohen has vehemently denied for months that he ever has been in Prague or colluded with Russia during the campaign.



    Unless they have evidence that Trump told him to go there for some purpose, even if he did so, it makes no difference far as Trump is concerned.


    BTW, given that the authorities know when any citizen flies out of the country and the destination of the flight is known, I think it's grasping at straws to suggest he made a "secret" trip. Nothing is secret any more.

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  14. If Americans can't see that this farce is making them all look foolish and put an end to it, they deserve the derision of the rest of the world.

    It's not like a president doesn't have anything better to do than be constantly responding to silly things like this.


  15. On ‎4‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 6:16 PM, Tagaa said:

    Jackdd is correct. Thais consider volunteering work. If you had a retirement visa (visa police please ignore the generic term) you would be in violation of your visa to volunteer. Get a work permit and you're good, but you would lose the retirement visa.


    I'm not sure about the visa based on marriage, but I believe the same rule would apply.


    Can work on a marriage extension, so can get a volunteer permit.


    As for the OP, any orphanage would probably be happy if you went to play with kids, but what most need is money.


    You could see if there is a dog charity where you are. They probably need help.


    If serious, do you speak conversational Thai?


    Personally, just give a worthy cause money and enjoy your life. It's not worth "helping" in a country that makes it difficult to do so, and might arrest you for doing so.

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