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Posts posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. 16 hours ago, newnative said:

    Don't quit your day job.  As Tropo said, Festival is sitting on the best location in Pattaya, smack dab in the middle of everything and right on the busiest beach in a beach town.  They did their homework.

    Actually, Pattaya is a town with a beach, rather than a beach with a town. The sea has been toxic since the 80s, so people have normally gone to stay in the town and over the hill to Jomptien for the beach. Only package tourists might have believed that Pattaya beach was an attraction to visit for.

    It's only since the road was improved enough for the Bkk crowd to visit on the weekends that the beach has assumed any importance.

    Even the Chinese avoid it in favour of Larn.

  2. On ‎2‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 7:20 PM, Krataiboy said:

    Americans are such lousy losers - and hypocrites. Their widespread use of weapons enhanced with depleted uranium in the Gulf and Iraq war - over 180,000 shells unleashed in Iraq alone - has caused untold ongoing damage to life and land.


    Strictly speaking, of course,these are not chemical weapons.  Try telling that to an Iraqi woman who has just given birth to a stillborn or deformed child or a farmer whose land is contaminated with deadly radiation.

    I don't know how many depleted uranium munitions are lying around in Iraq, but if they haven't been removed, that would be down to the Iraq government. They've had more than a few years to do so.


    However, re the OP, if the British government think being the US poodle again in a middle east country where the US government has no business interfering anyway is a good idea, they are even worse than I thought they were. They can't fund the NHS and they think spending loadsacash on a pointless conflict is a good idea.

    I guess they didn't learn the lesson in Iraq.

    I'm hoping that Boris is just saying what he's been ordered to say, and doesn't actually believe it. If he does believe it, I just lost my only good guy in the British government.

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  3. On ‎4‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 12:06 PM, clockman said:

    Why are so many men, becoming a women? This society should be concerned about this. Genetics, food.?

    You can't be aware of what is happening in the US then. Apparently even children are being given drugs to transition them to the sex they were not born with.


    It's nothing new in Asia anyway, as anyone that visited Bugis St in the 70s knows.

    • Like 1
  4. 48 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    or seen through the pretense, false orgasms are so off putting. I remember a comical pamphlet doing the rounds once in my office in Germany about why it is better being a man from 1 to 10 the tenth was "your orgasms are real".

    I can only feel sorry for any guy unable to experience a female having an orgasm. It is of course up to the male to enable it though.

    • Like 2
  5. 22 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    I believe Mr. Sheen freely admits to having sex with other men.

    According to the CDC website the risk of catching HIV while having unprotected sex with an INFECTED woman in 4 in 10,000

    (the risk of dying in a RTA is 200 in 10,000)



    Most STDs are easily cured with a course of antibiotics costing $1-$2.

    Having a cold is usually more unpleasant.


    PS. as a mountain biker, often in the jungle, I'm taking 3-5 courses of antibiotics a year for cuts/scrapes and resulting skin infections. Doubt anything would get the chance to take hold. One of the problems in the western world is access to antibiotics is tightly controlled, so people there catching STDs are more likely to spread them.

    FYI the stats about catching HIV unprotected from a woman would be if she was aroused enough to lubricate ( IMO ). Rough sex is likely to cause skin damage to both parties, which would allow transfer.

    Always a good idea to use a lubricant if with someone you don't know, wearing a condom or not, as condoms can rupture.

  6. On ‎2‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 11:00 PM, yogavnture said:

    sea tran dont care how much luggage u bring. so much more relaxed.  i actually fly to krabi. and go to islands from their on sea tran. versus bus from BKK to islands on lomprayah. i really dislike Lomprayah as a company

    I tried Lomprayah once just to see what they are like. I haven't used them since.

    I prefer the big car ferries as I like being able to move around, sit up on deck etc.

    • Like 1
  7. 8 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:


    Exactly... Pack her off with a condo to retire in, or tell her she'll get nothing due to her infidelity. I'm sure the courts in Oz will much much less bias than those in Thailand.. 


    If the condo is in LOS why would the Oz court have any say in its disposition?

    • Like 1
  8. 10 hours ago, ezzra said:

    This is as tricky situation for the guy, because neither can sell the condo without the signature

    of the other, one will have to buy the other out, no other ways to solve this, so your friend

    will do well to stay on the sunny side of this woman and to try to convince her to sell out....

    She can just move in and wait him out. 

    Perhaps negative, but I think going the legal route will just be throwing good money after bad.

    IMO, only thing he can do is try and get here before her and change the locks.


    Otherwise he can just join the large club of us guys that got done in the long con, and regret that he didn't do all the things he will think of now that he has all his life to think about it.

    #1 on the list will be why he put her name on the documentation, when she probably contributed sod all to it.


    Given that he bought it after they got married, even the Thai court will award them each 50 % of any proceeds of sale, unless they come to an arrangement.

    • Like 2
  9. On ‎3‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 6:24 PM, Gecko123 said:

    I think I have successfully adjusted to living in Thailand.

    I HAVE successfully adjusted to living in Thailand, though I have not a single Thai "friend".

    Of course I'm not saying that it's not something good if one does have Thai friends, but I am saying it's not necessary to have such to enjoy what LOS has to offer, and have a perfectly happy life.

  10. 22 hours ago, srchino said:

    You guys (rightly) pointing out that the vast majority of men utilizing prostitutes are Thai are missing the point: it’s not the actual prostitution that’s bothering Prayut, otherwise this would’ve become a thing much much earlier; it’s the loss of face he and the country suffered as a result of some politician from Africa disparaging Thailand for its (well deserved?) worldwide reputation. That is all about the 10% of foreigners who go home to their own countries raving about how nice it is to P4P.

    You are correct that it is more about the visibility of it than the existence. Even if he got rid of it 100%, mongers would just start using the Thai places.

    • Like 1
  11. 23 hours ago, newnative said:

        Well, something we agree on.   Pattaya used to be a much smaller city and the bar scene was a big part of it.  Now, Pattaya is much larger, continuing to grow, and the bar scene is a smaller part of it and growing smaller with each passing year.  

         However, you continue to believe that the only reason to visit Pattaya is for the bar scene--which seems to be at odds with what is driving Pattaya's tremendous growth and attracting the millions of non-bar scene tourists. 

    Actually I do have an idea why the current mob of tourists visit and it's nothing to do with the bar scene.

    It would be more true to say I have no idea why any other than package tourists come to Pattaya unless for the bar scene, as it's a hole and there are actually really nice beaches to visit for those that want a beach holiday, but those pictures in the travel agent's brochures really do portray a pigs ear as a silk purse.

    If anything, the non bar element for any other than package tourists is built on BS that somehow Pattaya is some sort of Riviera. However, we can be thankful that at least the bagpacker element never got fooled enough to turn up.

    • Like 1
  12. On ‎2‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 2:16 PM, DevilsAdvocate said:

    That's a great reply, thanks.


    We are just a quiet couple, wanting to see what Thailand is like, and have a wedding anniversary there at the same time, for an 11 day trip. Beginning 23rd April, just after "hell on earth" as Henryford said above...  I breathed a sigh of relief at that timing.


    I used Noxuming's idea and looked up Airbnb, and got some great help from one of the owners.  I think I found somewhere that seems nice and quite but not too far from everything.  They also arrange a pickup at BKK airport. 

    Pattaya Park Tower.  Fingers crossed :)

    Should be OK as finishes on 19th, but there could be some numnut that doesn't get the message. Just look before getting out of the taxi.

    I presume they charge for the airport pickup. Check the price as they could be a lot more than a normal taxi.

    Pattaya Park Tower has a cable thing from the top that is fun to go down and close to the beach.

    Just be advised that it's a long walk from there to anywhere, and the baht bus route is on the main road, so you'll either have a long walk to the road and it's going to be very hot, or have to pay the "taxis" that will be parked by the hotel.

    Ask the place if they provide a service to take you to the town from the hotel. Some out of the way places provide a free tuk tuk service.


    I advise you NOT to rent a m'bike as your holiday may not turn out as happily as you hoped. However, up to you.

  13. 6 minutes ago, tropo said:

    Seriously?  5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555


    Central is the BEST place for a seaside mall in Pattaya. It is smack bang in the middle. The proof is that it has been doing well for 9 years.


    T21 will also do well, I'm sure.

    Well, the cinema, the bowling alley and the restaurants have done well. Unknown about the shops. They never seem very busy when I go there.

    Don't know if you have ever been in T21 in Bkk, but that place really is doing well, always packed, and as long as they stick to the plan, T21 in Pattaya is going to wipe out Central. It's just a far better mall. Could end up like Central World, with a few people wandering around the customer devoid hallways most days.

    In Central Festival the cinema, the bowling alley and the restaurants will probably continue to do well, but don't know about the shops.

    Anyway the Royal Garden mall owners will probably be lovin' it.


  14. 3 minutes ago, tropo said:

    LOL> send me some information and I'll check it out. I've never been to Chiang Mai and don't expect to go there anytime soon. Don't be lazy, if you're using another mall in another city to make a point, how about you provide some solid information.


    I doubt the situation is anything close to the Jomtien-Pattaya situation.

    OK, but only because you put a LOL at the start.

    Promenada was built way out in the sticks in scrub land, across the superhighway ( but right beside a main arterial intersection and close to the superhighway ). They must have got a super deal on the land as nothing in the area. Now, the area around it is where all the high end super expensive residential accommodation is being built, and Promenada is a high end expensive mall designed to capture that captive demographic.

    Within 5 years or so they are set to really clean up. Just had to have the foresight and the deep pockets to build where they did and wait long enough.


    The point is that a mall would cost less to build in Jomptien now, as it is going to get built up as people flee the appalling traffic and disintegrating infrastructure of Pattaya. Far better beach too.

  15. 1 minute ago, tropo said:

    Developers don't build malls for the convenience of local residents and tourists. They build them to make money. There are plenty of regular shopping malls nearby Jomtien on Sukhumvit Road, more than enough to serve local residents. One day it will happen, but right now there's a reason why T21 is being built in Pattaya and not Jomtien. Jomtien has a lot more growing up to do. That's not a shopping mall's job.


    T21 developers obviously do their homework. They have the very best location possible in Bangkok at the intersection of 2 mass transit lines. Imagine the cost of that real estate.

    They have the very best location possible in Bangkok at the intersection of 2 mass transit lines. Imagine the cost of that real estate.

    And yet they built Central in Pattaya far away from the nearest road intersection, and no likelihood of a mass transit line opening for decades. T21 did get it right, as far as is possible in Pattaya.


  16. 4 minutes ago, tropo said:

    Lucky you're not a developer then. They won't come for the very reasons I stated. Why would tourists travel to a beachside shopping mall in Jomtien when they already have many in Pattaya? Obviously, to the consternation of many TV Jomtien residents, the investors agree.

    The people that built Promenada in Chiang Mai disagree with you.

  17. 8 hours ago, sanuk711 said:


    dont want to hi-jack the thread, but instead of starting a new one... Pattaya best place to get 1 crown, needs to be done in a week as its for visitors--- quality work is important as they will head back home after. The latest thread on Pattaya dentists is over a year old.


    many thanks guys

    Given it's 4 days since anyone posted on this thread, you would do better to start a new one.

  18. 7 hours ago, Henryford said:

    The world is pretty much doomed. With 3 billion Asians who don't give a toss about the environment, they throw rubbish away without a single thought. You will soon be able to walk to Hua Hin across a vast pile of rubbish in the Gulf.

    Apart from the obvious, which is that of course the world is doomed ( in a few billion years the sun will expand and consume it ) humans have indeed proven that they are unworthy to inhabit the planet and Gaia is probably working on a cunning plan to get rid of us. Worked pretty well with the dinosaurs.

    Have a nice day.

  19. On ‎4‎/‎6‎/‎2016 at 8:14 PM, lonewolf99 said:

    DiCaprio the film star is banned from Indonesia for telling the truth...like he cares about them... but he cares about the planet.

    Leo can go get nutted, far as I care. He is responsible for the devastation of Maya Bay ( and the ruination of a film that could have been great, but that's a different thread ).

  20. On ‎3‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 3:23 PM, duanebigsby said:

    I was reacting to your "robots will replace everybody" scenario. Robots need to be manufactured, programmed, and operated, creating a whole new job sector. Online jobs aren't people in  warehouses stuffing boxes, they're programmers, software designers, social media managers, etc. The whole thread has been about minimum wage jobs being lost and people stuffing boxes for minimum wage will always be there.

    What do you not understand about "AI will eliminate human programmers, software designers, factory workers etc etc etc?"

    It's a different world coming that will change the world far more profoundly than the industrial revolution.

    The ones stuffing boxes will be the lucky ones.

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