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Posts posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. 7 hours ago, Henryford said:

    The world is pretty much doomed. With 3 billion Asians who don't give a toss about the environment, they throw rubbish away without a single thought. You will soon be able to walk to Hua Hin across a vast pile of rubbish in the Gulf.

    Apart from the obvious, which is that of course the world is doomed ( in a few billion years the sun will expand and consume it ) humans have indeed proven that they are unworthy to inhabit the planet and Gaia is probably working on a cunning plan to get rid of us. Worked pretty well with the dinosaurs.

    Have a nice day.

  2. On ‎4‎/‎6‎/‎2016 at 8:14 PM, lonewolf99 said:

    DiCaprio the film star is banned from Indonesia for telling the truth...like he cares about them... but he cares about the planet.

    Leo can go get nutted, far as I care. He is responsible for the devastation of Maya Bay ( and the ruination of a film that could have been great, but that's a different thread ).

  3. On ‎3‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 3:23 PM, duanebigsby said:

    I was reacting to your "robots will replace everybody" scenario. Robots need to be manufactured, programmed, and operated, creating a whole new job sector. Online jobs aren't people in  warehouses stuffing boxes, they're programmers, software designers, social media managers, etc. The whole thread has been about minimum wage jobs being lost and people stuffing boxes for minimum wage will always be there.

    What do you not understand about "AI will eliminate human programmers, software designers, factory workers etc etc etc?"

    It's a different world coming that will change the world far more profoundly than the industrial revolution.

    The ones stuffing boxes will be the lucky ones.

  4. 8 hours ago, guzzi850m2 said:

    I was in the T21 in Bangkok app 2 weeks ago and I found it a somewhat different shopping center compared to our own Central.


    The escalators for all levels are located in the front of the building when you enter in a big empty space and then there are escalators in the back as we see in Central. This gives a wow effect that I sort of like. From what I seen when passing the one being build here, the design will roughly be the same.

    Looking forward to see it when opened, we live nearby, 10min scooter ride or so.

    Those shopping centers are good for the hot season and have lunch/dinner, I seldom buy anything unless I stumble over something and then as mentioned, all the banks are there as well.  



    Strangely, T21 in Bkk does not have a Bkk Bank branch in it.

  5. 1 hour ago, tropo said:

    When a smart developer decides it's a smart investment. A "seaside shop mall" requires a huge volume of tourists. Jomtien is still too quiet. That's why they put regular malls along Sukhumvit Road with easy access for local residents. Jomtien tourists will always travel to Pattaya central malls (T21, Central), but Pattaya tourists would not travel to a remote shopping mall along Jomtien Beach Road.

    Build it and they will come!

  6. 9 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

    It would be almost impossible to make a Land Contract work here, as you point out the sale is not recorded at the Land Office hence the foreign buyer could never take legal ownership.

    The Thai government is pretty hard on those that seek to subvert the legal process by using dodgy schemes.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, srchino said:

    Most family tourism is much more annoying to me than what comes along with the sex tourism, and I don’t partake in either; people pushing kids in strollers that are perfectly old enough to walk or small enough to carry in very crowded areas, screaming kids in hotels, families leaving tables in restaurants filthy like pigs, etc etc.


    Ban family tourism, there are places for that sort of ilk, like Disneyland. I like Thailand how it traditionally has been - a place for adults to enjoy a variety of pleasures, whether that’s serene relaxation and clean massage or something of the more stimulating variety where there’s a mutually consensual exchange of money for service one cannot usually find in their home country.


    One of the things I always liked about Pattaya was that there were no families with their prams blocking the pavements, and their shrieking offspring in restaurants. I fear that is changing.

  8. On ‎2‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 6:52 PM, Trujillo said:

    Does anyone actually buy or watch DVDs anymore? This is dying technology. Don't transfer one dead technology to another dying one. Just do it direct to digital on your computer. There are many sites online that show you how and what you need. 

    Speak for yourself.

    If I had to put my 2,000 DVDs on a computer, how big a hard drive would I need, and then when it died, as everything does, or got locked up by ransomeware, what then?


  9. On ‎2‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 4:05 PM, duanebigsby said:

    I think you're fear mongering. Bottom line, as McD's automates massive layoffs aren't happening. The roles are changing that's all. No one has ever expected to get rich working at a fast food place, nothing's changed. If they switch to oven chips people will notice and stop going. Of course I realize the meat patties aren't crafted in the kitchen, but someone is there putting it on the grill, flipping it and putting it on the  the bun and adding the ingredients together. Fast food restaurants will need these minimum wage people for years to come.

    Am I fear mongering? Fancy working in a big warehouse sticking stuff in a box for minimum wage, which is what "online" jobs are?


    THE stuttering High Street is set to lose a staggering one million frontline jobs in the next five years – as Brit shoppers move further online.


  10. 2 minutes ago, dddave said:

    I guess this means an end to "Art Street" (More Tattoo Street these days) alongside Mike's.  There used to be some pretty good artists there as opposed to the basically paint by numbers guys there now.  

    I had a pretty good business going for a while selling pet portraits I had done by several guys there who usually did a pretty nice job, making them look like real portraits rather than just copies of snapshots.  Had to give it up when my US partner went into another business.


    Anybody know when Mike's was originally built?

    Probably sometime in the 80s.

  11. 2 hours ago, tropo said:

    LOL> that would be an interesting list. Care to elaborate...


    I'd put it in the top 2, or perhaps now that Central is just over 9 years old (doesn't time fly - it opened on Jan 23, 2009) it could be on the top.

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again; if T21 is as good as the Bkk one it's going to wipe out Central, which IMO will be as busy as Avenues. As the traffic gets worse ( and it will ), it's going to be way less time in a traffic jam to get there if coming from  Sukhumvit. The Naklua crowd won't be passing by to go to Central, as it's within walking distance from the big hotels.

    Marina will be lucky to survive at all.

    • Like 1
  12. 5 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    Who are you trying to kid? The motivated girls/women are heading off to places such as Dubai, Saudi Arabia and South Korea where they can earn far more on their back than anywhere in Thailand. It's not a coincidence they are also the most beautiful from poor villages.

    They are not all success stories either. Some have their passports stolen, and become trapped.

    I have known 2 BGs that went "overseas" and were never heard from again. It's a risky business, depending on where they go.

  13. 1 minute ago, Lacessit said:

    You'd be surprised. Some bargirls are making that with multiple short-times in one night.

    I can remember one very innocent looking bar girl, mid-twenties, who worked in Singapore and was averaging 10 customers a day. She was coming to Chiang Mai to rest up from that, with 2-3 short-times a night.

    We are not allowed to get into specifics, but a girl capable of getting multiple ST a day that was not working in a brothel would need to be exceptionally attractive and would only be able to do so for a relatively limited period.

  14. 12 hours ago, xtrnuno41 said:

    No jobs which pay to support families.

    Heard about 4 government jobs not even close to Bangkok, it gave 2500 solicitors !!

    The PM probably has no clue what is happening in his country or just dont care, as long as rich Thai are in power.


    Those girls support whole families, it is not for fun, but just for the need to survive, to "live". 

    Now he feels embarrassed ? It started long time ago when American soldiers came to Pattaya.

    And not to forget it was normal for a Thai man to have young mistresses besides a wife. And ofcourse he paid them.

    So nothing really changed, the girls and families are still poor and try to survive, still no jobs with decent money to live.

    But hey it is not any way different then civilized USA. 


    So leaves at least again 2496 educated prostitutes?

    It started long time ago when American soldiers came to Pattaya.


    Try centuries ago.


    So leaves at least again 2496 educated prostitutes?

    Where on earth do you get a specific figure like that? No one knows.


  15. 12 hours ago, badischer Barde said:

    Easiest way by far would be decently paid jobs.


    When you earn 300 baht a day (8 to 12 hours) without, and 500 baht with an university degree, but easily 5000 baht with prostitution, it might actually be the economically better solution to be a bargirl for 2 years and open your own business after that rather than working for two years to earn money for university, studying for 4 years, and then get an slightly less underpaid job.


    And for those left with a kid by a deadbeat dad, or with parents there might not even be a choice.


    So... best way to fight prostitution is to offer viable alternatives, rather than prosecution.


    easily 5000 baht with prostitution

    In their dreams.

    Can't discuss the specifics on here, but would be far, far less than that for the vast majority of BGs.

    Perhaps for some exceptionally beautiful free lancer working the escort market, but not a normal income.

  16. 14 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

    Not all want prostitutes. Even when free

    Actually, I agree. While in a Chiang Mai barbeer some time ago, a BG offered a night of free "fun" in exchange for food ( but still paying the bar fine ), probably due to having had no customers for a month ( it really is exceptionally quiet in low season up here ). Unfortunately, to say she was unattractive would be insufficient to describe her. So I declined her offer.

    However, I can only hope for some lovely creature to make a similar offer in the future, but I suspect I will be disappointed.

  17. 17 hours ago, Justfine said:

    Since when does anyone "make love"?

    Quite right. A meaningless term invented by writers of women's romantic novels.

    Sex is about lust, which itself is a genetic imperative to ensure survival of the species.

    Ask any man been married longer than a year if he still gets it as often as he did before the first child arrived.

    As Prince Charles once said about love- "whatever that means".

  18. 18 hours ago, captspectre said:

    3,000 baht at night? that's a tourist for you! always inflating the price! be glad when low season comes.


    Don't you know that during low season prices go up? It's because some Thais think that when they can't make enough money because their price is too high, the answer is to put the price up.

    Unfortunately, there is always some mug around to pay the ridiculous price, so they think they are on the right track.

    • Like 1
  19. 21 hours ago, dunroaming said:

    If you have kids and have a brain you don't take them to places like Pattaya.  It is an adult playground and is exactly what certain adults want.  To try to change something because it isn't suitable for children is the wrong way.   Just make it plain in brochures and advertising and then leave Pattaya alone.  You will not drive out prostitution but you may well drive in more underground and then you can end up with no checks and balances at all.

    IMO any "family" that goes to Pattaya and then complains about it has only themselves to blame. It's not like putting Pattaya into google doesn't bring up anything about prostitution.

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