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Posts posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. 20 minutes ago, chickenslegs said:

    You introduced "sex", "sexual" and "ogling" to the conversation.

    I just said "cute".






    True. Some people inject "sex" into everything. Sad.

    It's like when some posters assume that people only go to Pattaya for monging.

  2. 21 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

    Swensen's has something resembling a milk shake, but it may not satisfy your yearning for the ones you remember.


    On the positive side, no other franchise has cuter waitresses - Fact!


    I think they only hire cute ones. Worth going there just for the cute factor.


    When I was young, we got milk shakes made with powder flavouring and I loved them, then all the places switched to liquid flavouring and I never liked that sort.


    Probably easiest to make your own. I used to do that. Strawberry ice cream, strawberry cordial, milk and real strawberries with ice in a blender. Yum.

  3. 1 hour ago, Scotssing said:

    The fan and UV light machine I had was perfectly useless. Looked inside every month and v few dead insects of any variety


    I have a UV light and electric coil that zaps them. A bit more effective as you do see defunct mossies on the electric coil


    I can no longer find the blue mats for the electric mats


    I do have electric ARS and liquid devices. Difficult to say how effective they are. I still got bitten


    About a month ago I installed fly screen doors and sealed all the smaller windows with fly scree gauze. Almost 100% effective and I hardly ever get bitten now but obviously a bit extreme and more expensive


    The fogging man comes once a month fogging outside but really I don't know that makes any difference


    Wouldn't use smoke coils inside. I suspect they are toxic

    Fogging once a month is a waste of time. Needs to be done all the time. Where I lived, they came around once in 6 months.


    The most effective mossie zapper I ever had came with 2 legs, 2 arms and one of those "tennis bat" mossie killers.

    • Haha 2
  4. 9 hours ago, robblok said:

    Hmm can you maybe tell me a bit more I am interested because the old ones did not emit carbon dioxide. It would be nice to have one that does as it makes a big difference attracting the mosquitoes.


    Bevup what do you mean with good for 2 x 2 room.. a 2 meter by 2 meter or what  ? I got the old version black hole and it never overheats but does not emit carbon dioxide. 

    I too had a Black Hole mossie machine with a fan- the expensive model. It did work when new, but after a couple of years it seemed to stop attracting them.

    If there is a version that emits CO2 it should work, but they need a separate tank of gas, far as I know.

    • Like 1
  5. On ‎4‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 8:17 AM, car720 said:

    Question:  Why don't we just back off and let them slug it out?

    Answer:     Oil.


    With the onset of electric cars in the not too distant future then hopefully a lot of them will take their camels and go back to living in tents.

    Oh dear- think about how many vehicles in the world, most of which are owned by people that can't just go out and buy a new one. How many years to replace all the cars with electric ones, and even then, most will have to be hybrid at a minimum as insufficient infrastructure/ electrical generating capacity in many countries.


    Also. Plastics are made from oil and a lot of things are made from plastic now. I think oil producing countries are not going to go broke any time soon.

    • Like 1
  6. On ‎4‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 10:25 AM, lannarebirth said:

    to ensure the understanding of the American people, all of them, it is time for Mueller to give an update, even a vague one, on the nature and scope of his investigation. He need not divulge anything that would be harmful to his further investigations but he should give the public something to promote their civil forbearance.

    Somewhat difficult to give an update when he probably has nothing to implicate Trump in a "high crime", regardless of the overwhelming desire of all anti Trumpers that there is something.

    I say that because if there were something "there" it would have been leaked by now. As it hasn't, I have to assume there is nothing to leak.

    • Sad 1
  7. All you guys that want Trump taken down should be careful what you wish for. Given that politicians in trouble like to create a diversion, Trump has the ultimate diversion if pushed to it by using the almost universal demands to "do something about Assad" to start a conflict in Syria, and then all Americans will be sorry as the body bags start coming home again and the economy goes down the toilet.

    He's already making noises about "doing something" and most of congress is apparently pushing for it.

  8. 1 minute ago, yogi100 said:


    Well said,


    Very few UK citizens wanted immigration. None were ever consulted on the matter nor asked to give their approval. It was just dictatorially imposed upon us.


    The rest were either too stupid or too scared of being called racists to have supported politicians who would have stopped or at least controlled it.

    Enoch opposed it and look at what happened to him!

  9. 2 minutes ago, Shaunduhpostman said:

    Thai people seem to mostly enjoy Songkran

    Only till they have a problem.

    I don't think hiso Thais enjoy getting soaked while in their best clothes any more than any of us. If water wars in Bkk was restricted to the parks and Khao San Rd it would suffice for most. Other places more problematic as parks are rare in LOS.


    Anyway, I just wear my raincoat and pretend it's a rainstorm when I have to go out in it. This time I hope I don't have to.


    Best outfit I ever saw for Songkran in Pattaya was a farang riding a bike while wearing flippers and face mask, snorkel.

    Worst was the tourist that emerged from her hotel on Second Rd all dressed in her best up on the last day, when it's all on, and walked off, only to return absolutely saturated 5 minutes later.


    I used a waterproof camera and got lots of really great shots.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

    Furthermore the roads are not up to standard when it comes to safety - too wide to straight, they encourage speeding and things like lighting hard shoulders and drainage are frequently insufficient.

    I'm not going to respond to the rest ( I don't have enough time ) but I'm pretty sure lots of countries have intercity roads that are very straight for long distances, and completely devoid of lighting, and I've seen long roads in the US on films with no hard shoulders at all.

    Thailand may have a lot of money that rich people have, but the public sector ( that builds the intercity roads ) is skint.

    I'm not saying that the newer roads are perfect, but they are better than the old, and I certainly don't have a problem staying on them.

    They deteriorate quickly as you pointed out because truck loadings are too high, but that's down to politicians, who disregard the limits construction should put on axle loadings, for the usual reasons.

    13 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

    I don't think you are educated in road safety at all judging by your comments which show a deep lack of understanding of many of the issues involved.

    I could be just as insulting back, but not worth it. You know nothing about me at all, except how you choose to interpret what I write.

    I'm not going to get into a pi$$ing contest with you, as I can think of no bigger waste of time.

  11. On ‎4‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 7:44 AM, canuckamuck said:

    A non disclosure agreement is rather ordinary stuff for businessman and government officials. 

    They would have to prove Trump knew and approved the pay off to have any effect. If they can't then only the lawyer gets done.

    Even if Trump knew, it's a long way off an impeachable offence.

    Meanwhile, as all this c*** about porn actresses and a non politician goes on America is becoming a :cheesy: stock to the world. Putin must be lovin' it.

  12. On ‎4‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 9:54 PM, Jingthing said:

    "trump" in the danger zone. Interesting times indeed!



    "Should Trump orchestrate the firing of Mueller, he would unleash a political tsunami and trigger demands for impeachment by Democrats. Republicans who run Congress would face extreme pressure to consider whether the President's actions merit such draconian action. There's no way out of that imbroglio without causing significant political reverberations that would last for years."





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    What none of Trump's opponents seem to have considered is that if the Dems take the house in November ( given they will try to impeach him, and shut down every house investigation into the current matters ) he may decide to bring it all down and destroy them all rather than go quietly. His base would demand that. He could start by firing Sessions, Rosenstein, Wray and get whomever took over as AG to fire Mueller and shut down the investigation. Then he could pardon anyone convicted. Meanwhile, he'd still be president till January, and could really run amok.

    Anti Trumpers should be careful what they wish for.


    BTW, know who takes over if Trump does get impeached and removed? 555555555

    Be afraid, be very afraid if Trump does go.

  13. On ‎4‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 11:03 AM, Odysseus123 said:

    My post was merely in response to a totally woeful lack of historical knowledge-I do not give a fig for dopey Europeans who merely want to kill themselves (or others) with great gusto and have been doing so for a thousand years.


    My great grandfather..

    My grandfather..and uncles and cousins..

    My father..and relatives..


    Time to call it quits on European and British morons.

    While I have no problem with your characterisations of the British and European ( ruling class ) that abandoned colonialism in the worst possible manner and caused all the problems that we have to put up with now ( had the British just handed Palestine over to Jordan ( Transjordan ) while making Jerusalem an international city under the UN before running away it would have avoided several wars, millions of unnecessary deaths and trillions in treasure ) I hope you do realise that countries outside Europe are just as mired in war and industrial scale death as the Europeans were. Mankind is a warlike animal and I see no end to the suffering. It's bred in the bone.

    • Like 1
  14. 7 hours ago, Anak Nakal said:

    Better if Trump go to jail quick.

    Long trial and fight bad for America and world.

    Whatever happens it will be neither quick, nor good for Americans.

    All America's enemies are :cheesy: at how America is destroying itself over a porn actress that may or may not have had a liason with the man who was to become president years later.

    In the future, Americans will ask themselves just why the media and the establishment went nuts over such a nothing. After all, a previous well known politician actually let his GF die, covered it up, and nothing happened about it.

    • Sad 1
    • Thanks 1
  15. 9 hours ago, mfd101 said:

    History won't remember him.

    Won't remember who? :smile:


    Either he's telling the truth about wanting to be with his children, or he knows something.

    The congressional GOP has behaved appallingly and must be turning voters off in droves. The GOP voters wanted the wall, immigration reform and a sensible budget. They got none of them.

    However, if some good reformer candidates stand that support Trump, they may have a chance to keep the house. It's anyone's guess as to the senate though.

  16. On ‎4‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 1:48 PM, lovelomsak said:

    I am the same..The grandchild is blessing.I help the wife take care of her. Feed her,hold her ,even help with pamper change. I love every minute of it. Today she got her car seat. The wife could  not wait to get her in it and take a picture. 

    Good for you, but ( and this is for all the men that think changing a dirty nappy is doing something special ) it's really no big deal.

    When I was doing maternity as part of my training I changed dozens of nappies every day. 

    Have to say I enjoyed the maternity part of my training. Way easier than looking after adults.

    It's also the only part of medicine that deals with happy patients ( new mothers ) rather than sick and unhappy ones.

  17. On ‎4‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 9:23 PM, impulse said:


    One of the meanest things I ever said to my father was "in 10 years, when your kids are grown and you're sitting all alone in your house because they never visit, remember this day".


    Sounds like the OP is having one of those days.


    I never said anything like that to mine 'cause he scared me when I was young.

    I never saw him for many years after I started work, but I did visit him to say goodbye when he was very old, and he was so desperate for company it was rather pathetic. Beds made and all that, but sad, nonetheless.


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