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Posts posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Since my move to thailand one thing has changed for the worse.

    Leering. I just cant help it. Everywhere i go there is just a endless supply of hot women wearing skin tight trousers/mini skirts/very short shorts etc etc. I mean this is not good for my health. I will just end up having a heart attack/crash the car or even worse my wife catch me doing, Saying that though on the odd occasion my wife might actually point at a lady and say "narak mai". I tend to just say i dont know.

    Is is because just because of the sheer quantity of beautiful women here in bangkok or is because im getting older??

    Im 32 but feel like a dirty old man. :D:D

    Well mate, been there done that so I know how you feel. However, give it sometime. After awhile your senses numb and you learn to not even notice them.

    It's a bit like quiting smoking though, far easier to quit quiting than quiting.

    Suggestion, change your schedule a bit. Avoid rush hours where Uni students crowd you on the skytrain and subway. Take your lunch hour at 1pm instead of 12pm.

    Get a book and don't look up as you walk around the city.

    Failing that, get married - works for me. :o

    He already is married. Why did he bother!!!

    Cmon mate dont take this so serious, Im married and happy, Whats wrong with admiring beautiful women, But my point is there are way to many here.

    Im sure if i went back to the UK my problem would be resolved. :D

    Not if you are a 'leg' man, as there are plenty of them ( legs ) around ( but that's all there is to see, given the propensity of London women to cover up if the temperature goes below 30 C). Mind you the 2 days we had of summer was rather nice, as all the summer dresses came out. Much harder perving in London though, as the hostility factor is way high. In Thailand if I get caught ( as one does ), the target usually smiles, or laughs. It does help if you smile at them, and don't act embarrased to be caught out.

    Does anyone else think that the quality of Thai women's clothing has improved over the past 15 years? Seems to me that it's become much better tailored, and a lot sexier.

  2. Nothing wrong with admiring beauty.

    But don't make it too obvious... I find dark sunglasses, a long rain coat and false arms help immensely. :D

    In a couple of weeks I'll be in Pattaya for the first time. From what I've heard and read, I had better not forget to bring my sunglasses :o

    Pattaya ain't that hot actually, unless you like 75Kg women stuffing their faces with somtam.

    Try Khon Kaen.

    Have to agree. Many the night I've trawled the bars from South Rd to Soi 2 with nary a 'beauty' to be seen. Must be why Nana and Cowboy are heaving with punters while Pattaya is 'dead'. Yes there are 'leerable' women there, but either 'jailbait' or not available for happy endings. Plenty 'leerable' women in the GoGos, but for some reason they think they're 'worth more' than Bkk girls.

  3. I love looking at beautiful things be it art, a classic car, architecture or a beautiful woman. When does one become appreciation and another leering?? I look at a Ferrari and covet it, but it doesn't mean I will steal it. I look at a beautiful woman and wonder but it doesn't mean I will do anything about it.

    Stop worrying and enjoy it. Or look for the thread about University uniforms!!!

    There's a thread about 'University uniforms'! Please post a link so I don't have to waste time looking for it that could be better spent perving.

  4. Electoral fraud or not, Thaksin and his cronies enjoy wide popular support amongst the uneducated in Thailand, which is the majority. Such is democracy and eight years of GWBush. We didn't like it, but we didn't storm airports. Educate your people! it's pathetic!

    Maybe you should have, especially after Bush's blatant lies on the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. A lie that cost thousands, maybe millions of people their lives. The US government is (I hope was) even more corrupt than their Thai counterparts. Halliburton, na ka?

    The Thais have more cojones than most Americans do. Governments are elected by the people, should work for the people and not lie or steal from the people.

    That's democracy and if democracy is in danger, the people need to stand up, no matter what the price is!

    You respect the vote or you don't. Just because your side lost does not mean that you can use violence to get your candidate in office.

    Democracy is not about storming airports to take down someone you don't like even though the majority of people voted for them.

    You can't "stand up" and take matter in your own hands and disrespect democracy. If everyone did that, than what prevents a civil war? Violent conflict is not what democracy is about. Respect the vote, respect democracy. If your side lost, then wait for the next election.. maybe then you can convince your fellow citizens to vote for your candidate.

    Bush is hated and loved by many Americans. He has gotten rid of Sadam. He has given the most money to the Aids victim than any other president. If people don't like him, then impeach him.. Removing him from office using fair and democractic methods. People just don't go and storm the white house just because they don't like him... thats something a developing world would do... or maybe even a 3rd world.

    everybody here who is talking about democracy makes him or herself look ridiculous because what we are seeing here is not a real democracy.. it is "something" under the cover name of democracy

    Well said.

    Anyway, what country has a REAL democracy? The Swiss come closest with their referendums, but most countries in the so called first world are no more democratic than Thailand.

    Judging by the vast majority of people I know/ ever worked with ( 1000s ), the only reason there are not more revolutions against rubbish governments is not because people are respecting of democracy, but because they just really don't give a dam_n!

    Democracy is when your vote counts even if you are poor and uneducated. Most countries in the 1st world are more democratic than Thailand. If you think otherwise, you are only trying to make excuses for thailand.

    Look at the current US election. Obama won. Not only was he black, but many white people in the south really hate him. To think that people don't give a dam_n about politics is ludicrous. However, time after time, when asked, most of these white voters who hate Obama are able to put aside their feelings and not do anything violent for the sake of the country.

    Yes, its true. Thailand does not have a "true" democracy -- or anything close to what most 1st world "democractic" countries have. But you reap what you sow.

    Thai Economy now worse.. more division among citizens. Poor people now see themselves as being disenfranchised. Expect more violence down the line. Oh well, i think there is a thai saying: "som na mung"

    I suggest you read the definition of "democracy". It's more than just voting.

    An individual's votes don't actually count for much. I believe Al Gore had more of the popular vote than GW, but he still lost, and ( not sure ) but think Tone Bliar won with a minority of votes in his last election.

    To blame the worsening Thai economy purely on the PAD is somewhat disengenuous. Due to the reduced demand for exports, in turn due to greedy bankers in USA and Europe, Thai workers were always going to be in the doo doo next year.

    Due to people's extremely short memories, if not for the economic crisis, things would be back to normal in a few weeks. The Phuket airport was closed but a short time ago, yet it made no difference to the supposed 100,000 tourists who were stranded this time.

  5. This particular tourist must have had a "spend today and don't worry about tomorrow" type holiday.

    He's just an average "Joe Tourist," works in the war zone in Iraq...not rich and not poor. He's been here a couple weeks (been before so not a newbie) and spent his time with just one lady. Doesn't drink much but just budgeted for 2 weeks and has had to stay about a week more already. He even did the trip "upcountry" for a few days.

    He seems the friendly type and not foolish with his money. I think he was fair and so his companion is just returning the favor. As no new guys have been able to get to town for a week also, she's probably figures just hang onto the one she's got for now...not losing anything in the deal anyway.

    The only looser is the hotel...he said the manager was complaining big time about all the money/ bookings he was loosing.

    If it was the hotel I was staying at, I hope they do feel the pinch. Stayed there in July, 500 bht a day, back in November 700 bht day for so called high season ( despite many empty rooms and very quiet all over ).

  6. Electoral fraud or not, Thaksin and his cronies enjoy wide popular support amongst the uneducated in Thailand, which is the majority. Such is democracy and eight years of GWBush. We didn't like it, but we didn't storm airports. Educate your people! it's pathetic!

    Maybe you should have, especially after Bush's blatant lies on the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. A lie that cost thousands, maybe millions of people their lives. The US government is (I hope was) even more corrupt than their Thai counterparts. Halliburton, na ka?

    The Thais have more cojones than most Americans do. Governments are elected by the people, should work for the people and not lie or steal from the people.

    That's democracy and if democracy is in danger, the people need to stand up, no matter what the price is!

    You respect the vote or you don't. Just because your side lost does not mean that you can use violence to get your candidate in office.

    Democracy is not about storming airports to take down someone you don't like even though the majority of people voted for them.

    You can't "stand up" and take matter in your own hands and disrespect democracy. If everyone did that, than what prevents a civil war? Violent conflict is not what democracy is about. Respect the vote, respect democracy. If your side lost, then wait for the next election.. maybe then you can convince your fellow citizens to vote for your candidate.

    Bush is hated and loved by many Americans. He has gotten rid of Sadam. He has given the most money to the Aids victim than any other president. If people don't like him, then impeach him.. Removing him from office using fair and democractic methods. People just don't go and storm the white house just because they don't like him... thats something a developing world would do... or maybe even a 3rd world.

    everybody here who is talking about democracy makes him or herself look ridiculous because what we are seeing here is not a real democracy.. it is "something" under the cover name of democracy

    Well said.

    Anyway, what country has a REAL democracy? The Swiss come closest with their referendums, but most countries in the so called first world are no more democratic than Thailand.

    Judging by the vast majority of people I know/ ever worked with ( 1000s ), the only reason there are not more revolutions against rubbish governments is not because people are respecting of democracy, but because they just really don't give a dam_n!

  7. As a seeker of truth and justice I think it is now apparent that this onslought by the thai establishment on the institution of democracy has failed.

    Democracy will continue, the business of legitimate, democratic government will continue.

    It will now get more support from the international community than it ever had.

    Everybody knows that the thai courts have been bought off and are totaly corrupt, who does the EC report to?

    The international community will have no objection to the continuance of the Thai democratic process.

    The international community is now also very much aware of the faschist, undemocrat elements of the thai society, and their means, and are very disturbed regards the PAD views on dictatorship and ethnic cleansing.

    The international community is now very much educated about some of the thai way and is not impressed.

    As the PAD fanatics now go home , to face the international grilling on their views, the democratically elected government goes on , with international respect and approval .

    Who gives a sh** what the "international community" ( whatever that may REALLY be ) thinks! You're giving way too much respect to an impotent and useless illusion. What did the "international community" ever do re: Zimbabwe, Burma, Dem Rep Congo, Rawanda and the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I could go on and on, but you get the idea.

  8. This is another sad decison by courts that are politcal pawns:

    THAILAND: Watershed moment for democracy and rule of law



    November 26, 2008

    A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission

    THAILAND: Watershed moment for democracy and rule of law

    Already, the criminal justice system of Thailand has been reduced to an utter joke, its agencies and personnel either unable or unwilling to intervene effectively to protect public property and people's lives, or even prosecute wrongdoers. That the security forces can carry out coups on the whimsy of generals and engage in battles over trifles with those of neighbouring countries but not responsibly protect the Government House or international airport is sheer farce. That government agencies have been forced to negotiate and cut their losses rather than insist that the law be enforced is dangerous folly. And that the senior judiciary, which through a succession of highly politicised judgments has played a major part in contributing to the current mess has nothing useful to contribute when lives are at stake and the country is in greatest need of intelligent guidance is altogether shameful. About AHRC: The Asian Human Rights Commission is a regional non-governmental organisation monitoring and lobbying human rights issues in Asia. The Hong Kong-based group was founded in 1984.


    Considering the HK government's record since the "return" to China, a case of the "kettle calling the pot black"!

    Looks like toxin wasn't just getting divorced in Hong Kong!

  9. Well, back at work and asked the surgeon re floaters. Yes, they can be caused by cataract surgery, furthermore they can be precursers to a retinal detachment as a post op complication. So, while the floaters in themselves may not be serious, if you also get flashing lights, a "curtain" effect or any serious visual disturbance post op, get it checked out ASAP.

    Of course, if after the op you straight away see floaters, it might just be that you already had them, but didn't see them due to the cataract!

  10. the first time I arrived was the day after the opening, 3 hours wait for the baggage. Since then things ave improved to no and and after dozens of times passing through the airport I never had any real complaints, even the Taxis are now on the arrivals level (if the queue is to big I still dash up to departures and grab a cab that just dropped someone). The taunters in the arrival hall normally give me just a weird look after me telling a few well placed words in Thai. I don't shop duty free in BKK since places like Singapore or Honkers are much cheaper. All in all I find Suvarnabhumi a world class Airport, there are far worse in Asia, Europe and it is miles better then LAX or JFK.

    We must've been on the same flight! At least I made sure I got plenty of free cans of Coke that they were doling out.

    Whatever is wrong with SB, it's miles better than Heathrow, which is a c*** h***. If SB can manage to carry out security checks without a bunch of uniformed thugs harrassing bewildered passengers, why is that beyond the ability of the British to do so?

  11. Yep, getting of a plane and running to get to the first and only toilet before 125 other passengers from the same plane get there to try to pee in one of the 3 pissoirs (that's French for the pot men piss in), that's fun.

    Now if you were sitting at the far end of the plane or an other B777/300 landed 5 mintes before your plane did, you ran out of luck.

    But help is under way: last time I saw them building extra toilets on the way to domestic gates A/B in the middle of that automatic walkway: just jump over the walkway at the right spot and have a good pee.

    I like this post because I will be in today (domestic) and out on Monday (international), eager to try out the fantastic, modern, beautiful, e150 billion Baht expensive infrastructure, The first landmark for tourists arriving in Thailand :o

    Don't know about the domestic gates, but in international they appear to be CLOSING toilet blocks, not opening them!

  12. I was in department store in the morning late yesterday. A tall and big guy was rudely pushing his trolley in the supermarket, annoying some other customers. We have been at the cashier in the same time. He was throwing noisily big boxes of beer in his trolley, moaning against the small cashier who can't carry easily the big packs of beer….

    Ten minutes later, a car hooted me aggressively, wanting to use the wrong lane for passing a few cars at red light… The driver had his big red stupid face at the window… Yes, he was the same guy.

    A farang in my estate has bought several houses for renting out and his customers are European people in holiday. Because they are in holiday, they imagine they are alone on earth and shout, drink all the night. They definitively ignore other people living there.

    Of course, my farang doesn't care. Money first.

    For lunch, I was in the cafeteria of a dept store. A furious farang was howling against the waitress: "why are you working here if you can't speak English...?"

    The guy had a terrific problem. He wanted ONLY half a glass of ice, and she had put a bit more.

    I'm farang living in Thailand and often, I'm not proud of us.

    yep there's thousands of them in thailand,usually found in tourist areas including BKK,usually europeans,brits,aussies,americans,and they are probably the same back home,uncouth louts,ought to be put down.Oh yeah ruskies too.

    They ARE the same back home.

    I don't usually feel sorry for bargirls, but with some of those guys, you have to pity them ( the girls ).

  13. I have heard that it is almost totally expected for people to develop a condition called "secondary cataracts" some years after the surgery, easily corrected I think with laser? I think that is a different thing than the floater problem you have.

    In my case the floaters came first and what prompted me to see a doctor. It was sudden, woke up one morning and there they were in both eyes. The doctor spotted a small cataract in my right eye. Over the next 2-3 years it (cataracts) got progressively worse and included the left eye. I was at a point of considering stopping work due to no longer able to correct the vision with glasses.

    After a lot of research regarding this and the techniques arranged to have it done in Bangkok. The doctor, who I must say was very patient in answering all my questions, also informed me that secondary within 1-2 years is not uncommon (around 60% may have to have treatment). In my case, about 18 months. Went back and just a couple of minutes for each eye with a laser and it was done. That was probably 10 years ago and they are fine. Floaters still there but not that noticeable now.

    The only post cataract laser treatment i am aware of is for a condition when the capsule behind the artificial lens becomes opaque and a YAG laser machine is used to remove the capsule.

    Once I get back to work next week, I will be able to ask the surgeons about some of the queries, and ( hopefully ) give some authoritative answers.

  14. @ thaibaechlovers

    I was told that especially if people are very shortsighted there is a possibility that after a cataractoperation the retina might detach.Also did you during all those years happen to encounter a patient who not only is in need of a catarct operation but also has Gliose epiretinal and in one eye Synchisis.I was quoted a price of approximately 50 000 Bath per eye for cataractoperation including monofocal linse from the Rutnin Eyeclinic.If both eyes are operated on which is advised even if in one eye the cataract is not too bad the time period between the operations should be approximately 2 weeks.

    Guys, I assist with operations, but I am not a doctor. Any medical questions should be referred to a medical person, though I have found that most queries can be answered with a google search.

  15. As long as there are 20 somethings, they will go on their rites of passage traveling the globe, whether it be with backpacks or using daddy's credit cards.

    It's a pity for Thailand that those in power have been trying so hard to discourage the young backpacker types from coming here. Actually, it seems they've trying to turn off all young travelers -- doing things like hauling them out of bars in Pattaya and making them sit in the street waiting for a urine test to see of they have taken any drugs. The young adventurous travelers are the type that built Thai tourism to be one of the country's most important money makers, but we've been hearing for ages that Thailand doesn't really want them anymore because they don't spend enough money -- would rather have only upper class or family visitors.

    Also, perhaps the escalation of scams and violent crime aimed at tourists is catching up to the Thai tourism industry. I certainly have the impression that nothing real is being done in either case, and I suspect that more and more people are catching on to this. After all, the dissemination of information is getting wider and faster all the time, so when a country and its policies deteriorate (as Thailand's have) and make for a less appealing or more dangerous trip, people will know and choose to stay away.

    Unfortunately, this country doesn't seem to learn from its mistakes, and the damaging importance of "saving face" means that people can't make changes or progress.

    Where'd you get the info about drug tests in Pattaya? Just been there and it would seem doubtful as to that happening. Also, backpackers are an endangered species there.

    Pattaya tourist numbers are way down, the Mike shopping mall carpark is now a hawker food market at night, as not many buses anymore!

    Conversly, Nana Plaza is as packed as in any high season.

  16. I had both eyes done at Bumrungrad Hospital at the same time but it was elective. Even after he finished the 1st one, about 15 minutes to do it, he rechecked with me about doing the 2nd one. Since I didn't really want to go through all the pre-op procedures and accompanying anxiety had him do the 2nd one, also 10-15 minutes. A small incision, about 2-3mm, and a tiny tube put in and ultrasonic to break it up and vacuumed out. No real pain except when he dropped the iodine in my eyes which burned quite a bit, even though they were anesthetized. Around 35-40k per eye. Vision is better then it has been in decades.

    If you had pain when the iodine was put in, your eye had NOT been anaethetized properly. If you complained, they should have added more drops before proceeding.

    By the way, <deleted> has happened to the speed on the forum, I know surgeons could do the whole op in the time I've spent waiting for the page to load!

  17. 15 minutes is about the time it takes him to do the operation. Sobering up a porter, getting you in place and cleaned up, anaesthetics (local), farting around waiting for the surgeon to finish his tea, wrapping you up, locating another sober porter and shipping you back to recovery is what takes the extra time. (i'm not getting at Thais here, this is the UK system... :o )

    The lens sits in a capsule. Easy op. they macerate and suck out the old lens and slip a new one into the capsule. More complex is to replace the whole thing, bit more fiddly and not often needed these days, but maybe yer man resorted to this.

    Only one eye is done at a time, that way if anything goes wrong you still have one 'good' eye to work with while they fix the cock-up.

    Anyway, it's all very routine now, the Russians pioneered a conveyor belt system, beds rotating around the surgeon like a sushi bar :D:D

    Good luck with recovery and getting the second one done.

    (if you are wearing an eye patch be careful if you go out for a curry - they may mistake you for a pirate and sink you)

    To both you and the previous poster - the ultrasonic route, just draining the coagulated matter, was proposed for my left eye, but the entire removal of the sac is what was done on my right eye.

    It woks OK - I can see very well out of it already - my problem is trying to coordinate the two eyes. How come babies can do this at less than one year and I can't? I couldn't do it before after a dozen beers, but now I don't even need one!

    Sounds like you had an ICCE done. Only seen 1 of those in 12 years. Used to be common 20 years ago.

    I also worked in Saudi. Didn't have Egyptian doctors, but the Saudis had no compassion for patients at all. Must be why all the Saudis that can afford it go overseas for their medical treatment!

  18. Thank you very much for that report, HB.

    That price is 40K baht which includes BOTH EYES, or 40K each eye INCLUDING the internal lens?

    I think local local anaesthetic is usual for this surgery.

    Can I ask about the method for removing the old lens? Do you he used the more modern laser method for that? There have been other reports the this doctor is a bit too enthusiastic in ordering surgery when it is not needed but in your case you obviously needed it urgently, so no issue with that. Congrats on your good result.

    40k per eye.

    I think he used laser for cutting, not sure about the removal - he had talked about ultrasound for the less affected eye, but said that more needed doing for the right eye.

    I thought ultrasound was used only in very mild cases, where the coagulated protein was broken down again by the ultrasonics, but to me that is only a tremporary solution, as I would expect re-coagulation to return quite quickly.

    He may be a little enthusiastic, but then all surgeons I've met like nothing better than slicing people open and stitching them back.

    I've assisted with cataract ops for 12 years, but you've bamboozled me. We use ultrasound for all cataracts, just takes longer with a mature cataract, but not at all more complicated. Don't follow this stuff about coagulated protein at all. Once the cataract is removed ( properly ) there is nothing left to "re-coagulate"

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