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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Wrong. Love IS insanity. The fine line is between love and hate. I should know. I was insane to love my wife and hate gave me a reason to live.
  2. It's a bit simpler than that. Most bullying is by people that don't work with patients. Nurse managers are nurses that don't want to be nurses, and in my experience are often not very nice people. The people that like nursing and don't try to become managers are not usually bullies. There are exceptions of course. My last charge nurse in NZ was the loveliest person one could imagine. Sadly she got bullied out of her job by higher management.
  3. I never got the point of tourists flying to their destination once in LOS. For me the journey by train or bus was part of the holiday experience, not something to be avoided. What was so great about sitting on a pile of sand that one has to pay large to sit in a metal tube for a while and not see anything as it passes by just to get there a few hours sooner? I was once quite boggled on the airport train after arriving in Bkk. A young western tourist got on and never once took his face out of his computer to look out of the window. One had to wonder why he bothered paying large to go to LOS if he had no interest in it?
  4. Assuming your life is as you portray it on here you are one of the lucky ones. You have enough money to live as you want to. Try living on a pension in NZ and I guarantee you won't be happy.
  5. You are wrong. The military and nursing are full of management level bullies. Why else is it so hard to get new nurses now? I'd never recommend nursing for anyone. My school had institutional bullying. That's all gone now, but too late for me.
  6. It does with countries that have reciprocal pension agreements. Thailand is not one of them.
  7. LOL. The attraction of places like Chang is that there isn't much to do. Bliss. Perhaps being able to relax is a learned skill that some never learn. Being able to amuse oneself is so much better than having to be entertained by others.
  8. If people are honest with themselves, is anyone actually "happy"? The only time I was ever "happy" was in Antarctica, and not all the time even there- other people are always a problem. It's the only time in my life I felt useful. Leaving it was the biggest downer of my life. Too many bullies in school, the military and nursing to be "happy". The best I can say is that parts of my life were OK, like when I was on holiday in LOS,but knowing that it ends in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 day is a drag. If there was a time I was "content" it was the last year I ever lived in LOS, after I left the monstress from hell ( my wife ) and before I returned to real life in NZ. I did very little, so very little happened to become a problem. I think I should have been a hermit. Too late now with all the problems of old age decrepitude. Perhaps my ideal job would have been a lighthouse keeper. If there were any lighthouse keepers any more that might have been a great job for me. I'd have enjoyed being the sole occupant of a small island in a large ocean tending the light that keeps people safe. I once upon a time applied to work on Campbell Island but the existing maintenance man changed his mind about leaving so that came to naught. I think that there is no such thing as a "plan" in life. It's just too chaotic to be sure that it'll work out. I always started a new job with great hopes, but it wasn't too long before the bullying started.
  9. Not so. The Pattaya orphanage has loads of foreign volunteers working for them. If it's the family or the wife's yard there is no need to get a permit.
  10. I almost read the OP and then I looked at who had posted it. Saved me some time.
  11. LOL. Think about where the topic was posted. It could have been designed to elicit humerous responses from the posters on this subforum. There is actually a subforum for a serious discussion about such.
  12. Perhaps he has a lot of money to pay pros. I worked with at least 1500 women in my decades of nursing, so I might claim to have "been with" 1500 women, though I didn't actually become friends with more than a few.
  13. There is nothing baffling about it. The last 2 candidates the Dems put up are so horrible to normal people that they'd rather have Trump as POTUS. If the Dems want to defeat Trump they should put up a decent candidate that normal people don't have to hold their nose for when they vote.
  14. Far as that goes Trump is a very big disappointment to me on his support for that country.
  15. Not on the same paddock, but I see no reason not to grow trees along the fence lines. I wonder if anyone has thought to make money out of all the Kiwifruit shelter belts?
  16. Correct. As the plantations are apparently not managed they will burn, and so much for sequestering CO2. Did Labour get anything right? I doubt it.
  17. FYI the methane comes out of the other end. Belching is the problem. https://time.com/6251162/cow-burps-climate-impact-methane-emissions/ Agriculture contributes about 40% of total global methane emissions—the bulk of which is belched from grazing livestock due to digestion of dietary carbohydrates. This methane from livestock is part of a natural carbon cycle, but reducing livestock methane using feed additives is key to lowering global methane emissions, as well as enhancing the conversion of dietary energy to meat or milk production without compromising the animal’s health. reducing livestock methane using feed additives is key to lowering global methane emissions, LOL. Not going to happen in NZ as cows eat grass, not feed. Supposedly there is development of a vaccine that may do something, or not.
  18. IMO more about trying to distance himself from any involvement as "the big guy" than love for his son.
  19. Hamas's actions have, if nothing else, exposed israel's crimes and civilian atrocities against Palestinians for all the world to see. Used to be that israel's crimes against Palestinians were ignored by most of the world- no longer. Now everyone knows that israel steals Palestinian land, illegally carries out collective punishment against Palestinians and locks up Palestinians for years without trial. Now everyone can see that israel uses starvation as a weapon, drops bombs on women and children, and destroys hospitals and schools.
  20. What is wrong with the US so called justice system that it takes so long to decide on a sentence? On a par with winning an election in November and having to wait till January to take over. Seems barking to me. Yah reckon? IMO that is a given.
  21. In that case I hope someone tells the border guards to stop cutting the razor wire.
  22. If it is of such little importance, why was Harris delegated to do something about it ( pity she couldn't even do that ) and why is Biden going to do something about it? Doesn't he have "important" stuff to worry about?
  23. Perhaps if the rest of the ( western ) world didn't try to move nukes up to the Russian border Putin wouldn't start any wars. Russia's red line as stated long ago was Ukraine in NATO.
  24. LOL. If he's attempting to reclaim all of Ukraine, he's not doing a very good job of it. If he just wants the eastern areas he already has, he's winning on that already. IMO it's simply a case of waiting for Zelensky to admit that sending more men to die is not going to change that and negotiating an end.
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