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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. There are undoubtedly success stories, but it's not human nature to come on forums and talk about how great one's life is, so it's doubtful there will be many, if any positive replies.
  2. My opinion of that woman can not be printed on here, but IMO the only road she should be taking is the road to hell. What amazes me is that she fooled so many people in other countries. One can only hope she follows Helen into obscurity.
  3. If we are going to talk about potential criminal politicians in the US, there are plenty to pick from in congress. Let's start with those that became unusually rich, despite loitering in Washington for decades.
  4. I have no affinity with Palestinians, and their future depends on more than my opinion, but I despise bullies that drop 2,000 lb bombs on defenseless women and children.
  5. Most of us knew that already, so the question now is what is Biden going to do about it?
  6. More like something out of a university, or a government department.
  7. Just to be clear, I spent a night with a woman committing suicide slowly IN HOSPITAL while I was working. Dying alone would be a sad way to go.
  8. My first ex's husband would have asked his worst enemy to go to the pub with him if he couldn't find a willing friend.
  9. Let's wait till the appeals have run their course before whetting the carving knife. That case was only the start of the process.
  10. Not a problem I had in nursing, as very few men went nursing in NZ. Just wasn't a "guy" thing. I started in the largest hospital in NZ and it only had 5 other male nurses, none of which I worked with. One of them went on to have a sex change way back when it was unusual. He even got an article in a magazine for it. Interestingly, I gathered he was ostracised by the female nurses after it. Normally I worked exclusively with females. It wasn't till I went to work in London that I had a lot of male nurses to work with and they were mainly from the Philippines. I did some hospital work early on as a very young man and never fit in. There was always something odd about hospital co-workers. Perhaps that is because of the sort of person that wants to work with sick people. Not many want to clean up people's poo and look after dying people. I once spent a night with a woman that took loads of panadol to kill herself- she couldn't be left alone ( Panadol will kill you if take too much, but it takes a long time to do so ), and another night with a young boy that was bleeding internally. How many people want that sort of job?
  11. What is so stressful about sitting in a bus or train? It's loads less stressful than flying these days. If tourists find travel is too stressful they should holiday at home. What is the point of going to Thailand if all they want to do is fly to a destination and spend all their time by a pool or on a computer ( or on a computer by a pool )? I loved traveling by train in Thailand. The scenery was wonderful, and had I flown I'd never have seen it. Is traveling the point of going on holiday, or is it about doing the same as they could at home, for a lot less money?
  12. Feel free to not read my posts. No one is forcing you to do so. Hint. AN has an ignore function which you can use.
  13. Do you need other people to be entertained? Some of us are self motivating.
  14. Well goody goody for you. You have no idea of my childhood and I'm not going into that on here, but you mentioned death ( unless you dog, kid or wife just died. ), and that is relevant. Some wounds don't heal. Seems you think everyone should be like you, but I'm very happy not to have 4 failed marriages. You come across in that post as someone that has no investment in your life, and live superficially. Few I've known are so flippant about life's problems. Have a nice day.
  15. You really don't get it, do you? Never mind, if you stay in Pattaya it's one less person disturbing the peace on a nice beach This is a photo from google images of Than Sadet on a busy day. Usually less people on it. Bliss.
  16. Disagree 100%. How can one relax in a hotel room with sound of traffic and loud bar music outside? The whole point of little choice is that it makes it easy to relax, without distractions. If you don't understand the attraction of sitting on an uncrowded beach and just doing nothing other than look at the sea, there is no point in continuing to discuss this with you.
  17. Hopefully more countries will follow their lead. Israelis need to know that there is a price for bombing thousands of women and children to death.
  18. Prove he's a rapist or you are making that up. Convicted rapists usually go to jail- Trump has not been in jail ergo not a rapist.
  19. Make that "Oh... so there's a chance that these 34 felony counts ARE the result of a lefty conspiracy from Biden's deep state cabal" and I'll agree with it.
  20. I've explained it to you before, but I'll try again. IMO they ( or at least not most ) are not voting FOR Trump, they are voting AGAINST Biden/ Harris. Replace Biden with an acceptable candidate ( not Harris ) and I expect the support for Trump would reduce significantly. Never underestimate the IMO American dislike of Washington. Saying worth remembering- "The enemy of my enemy is my friend".
  21. Having opened the door to prosecuting a former president, the Dems can hardly complain if Biden is investigated and prosecuted if crimes are found. Perhaps they thought that only they could do so.
  22. Perhaps the pier was only a means to pretend to the world that the US was actually doing something to aid Gazans. As pointed out by multiple sources the number of trucks using the pier was far below the number required to make a difference. IMO it wasn't meant to work. If the US was serious it would send aid trucks on large landing ships that don't need a pier ( which took a long time to install ). They worked well during WW2 and I expect the USN will still have some available.
  23. I take it that was satire. If a real nuclear war kicks off all electronic medium will be toast ( EMP ), so good luck paying for anything with a smart phone.
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