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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. If the tapes were favourable to Biden would he try to cover them up? Obviously not, so we must assume that they portray him in a negative light.
  2. Biden has such brazen cheek to finally do something he could have done 3 years ago and claim it is his idea. If ever a politician deserves to lose it is Biden for this piece of desperation.
  3. It would be appropriate for America to sort China, given it was Nixon, a US president, that unleashed the monster into the world.
  4. WOW, that really nailed it! The greatest success of the Von Der Leydens of the western world has been to fool most of the people that "democracy" actually exists, when IMO it's blindingly obvious that it doesn't.
  5. LOL. Without an enemy there is no reason to develop missiles that cost millions EACH, ergo the 1% doesn't profit. There is no profit in peace that can equal a war. If Russia wasn't a convenient stooge they'd have had to invent one. IMO like they invented covid as the destroyer of us all if we didn't take their hocus pocus new tech "vaccine", the one that doesn't actually stop us getting covid. Funny how the smallpox one does actually work though, LOL.
  6. Actually she wasn't a hooker. She was a porn actress. A greedy deceitful gold digger slapper, yes, IMO, but not a hooker. Trump really should sue her to get the money back.
  7. Why sarcastic? Be grateful for a nation based on Christianity. It could have been one of the other hundreds that are not helpful for the common man. It had to be a religion as that was a common denominator of past times.
  8. Is anyone complaining about LEGAL immigration? Just what contribution do people with no skills make when they arrive in a rubber boat as their own countries have been reduced to <deleted><deleted> by people like them, that will likely replicate the same <deleted><deleted> in the chosen "safe destination".
  9. Rather like colluding to support a certain country that has broken multiple international laws despite being POTUS and required to uphold the law.
  10. Rubbish. They have his previous 4 years to know what to expect. Meanwhile the opposing candidate can barely walk unaided, talks to dead people in public, has to use a teleprompter to know what to say, and is a warmonger. Even worse has Harris waiting to take over from him when he gets taken away to the geriatric ward.
  11. Nothing "threatened " about it IMO. Already happened. People are just ignoring it and hoping it will go away- it won't.
  12. Superglue? I'm sure you can buy special wig tape.
  13. Errrr, doesn't radiation travel right through building materials? If you want to survive best well underground with filtered air supply. If it happens and I'm still alive I'm not planning on being around much longer to suffer.
  14. They can still kill you from thousands of miles away though.
  15. The criminals will thank all those that stored up food etc, so they could take it for themselves. How will they know who has stored food? Just as WW2 concentration guards masquerading as prisoners were easily found- they will be the ones not starving.
  16. You think there is an organisation that allocates actors to some "list", LOL. Segal never tried to make Oscar winners ( though some of his movies were IMO probably better than the garbage that occasionally wins a little statue ). Enjoyable as a way to pass the time, nothing more. I'm so sick of actors that believe their own publicity and imagine that they are important.
  17. De Niro USED to be a talented actor. Now he makes garbage like The war with Grandpa. So full of hatred he's likely to have a stroke. Did Trump disparage him or something?
  18. 555555555555 I didn't want anyone to think I was laughing at the quotes so I have quoted you to laugh at your words. Do you even know any Russians, and do you think not being an orc hater means we think it's OK to abuse prisoners? That sort of thing happens in any war by both sides. There have apparently been abuses by Ukrainian soldiers against Russian POWs. https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/03/31/ukraine-apparent-pow-abuse-would-be-war-crime
  19. Do tell. You must be very busy to listen to THOUSANDS of highly skilled international experts in independent think tanks not controlled by any government. I have probably listened to less than a hundred in the past couple years and those experts don't agree with you. Just because they are from Russia or the Balkans, it doesn't make them correct. For every "expert" you put up I'm sure that there is one with an opposing opinion. Doesn't matter anyway. Wars are won by hard men in the mud, not office workers or "think tank experts", and Ukraine is running out of them. Conscripts do not have their hearts in the conflict, else they'd have volunteered.
  20. Is that the one that it was claimed a Hamas rocket did it? Been so many lies that it's hard to remember which and when and about what. My favourite was the israeli clown information officer proclaiming a calendar was a roster of Hamas fighters and showing off the "command center", which any military person knows was a lie. A command center is more than a laptop in a store room. Given that the internet was apparently not working in Gaza, how was a laptop going to connect to the people it was commanding? Seems they are so arrogant that they don't even care about how stupid the lies are. They know the MSM will report it as the truth. Babies in microwaves etc. Even Biden was repeating the lies in public- apparently his minders had to walk that back later.
  21. I'm not agreeing with any organisation. My opinions are my own. IMO Hamas would be very foolish to accept any proposal from israel without some way of enforcing it. Netanyahu is IMO not to be trusted. If Hamas gives up any more hostages without some actual proof of israel not reneging, IMO they would be opening the way for israel to completely obliterate Gaza. Netanyahu IMO does not consider the return of the hostages alive to be a priority, else they would have been returned months ago.
  22. Seems that in an alternate universe it's OK to kill 30,000 odd Palestinians by flying over Gaza and dropping dirty great big bombs, but they are not allowed to fight back. I don't recall israel not dropping any bombs during the period of negotiations.
  23. As I said before, dead in the water. See the thread "Netanyahu Stresses No Permanent Ceasefire Until Hamas Is Crushed and Hostages Freed" Netanyahu probably isn't going to let this conflict end for as long as possible. I hope none of the pro israelis on here try and claim that it's Hamas stopping the agreement this time. Biden must be livid about this. Not only is the proposal that he made a big deal out of a dead duck, but it's his BFF netanyahu that is giving him the finger salute. Look like the Gaza disaster is going to be around for a while, threatening his chances in November.
  24. What is with all the insults? Now I'm sorry I even helped out.
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