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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Sure, and then netanyahu takes the gloves off and finishes the jobs of totally destroying Gaza. IMO the only reason they have not already done so is the hostages. That idea would only work if the israelis could be trusted................... need I say anything about that?
  2. A senior administration official said yesterday the four-and-a-half-page proposal had been endorsed by the Israeli government and had been presented to Hamas on Friday. But it was unclear how enthusiastically Netanyahu had embraced the proposal, which Hamas said it had responded to “positively” (see earlier post at 08.31). https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2024/jun/01/israel-gaza-war-live-netanhayu-biden-hamas-ceasefire-plan-rafah-aid-middle-east#top-of-blog Like the prior proposal that Hamas accepted, this one is probably dead in the water because it's in netanyahu's interest to continue the conflict, and his right wing probably won't accept any agreement that leaves Gaza as an in independent territory. At least that is what I've been reading.
  3. Who is going to guarantee that once the hostages have been released israel doesn't claim that Hamas has reneged and goes back to flattening Gaza? Without an external force to guarantee hostilities do not recommence once israel has the hostages it's all dependent on israel to keep it's side of the agreement and I do not trust netanyahu. He has too much to lose by ending the conflict to be trusted, and there are the ultra right in his government that have apparently said they will never accept such an agreement. Wherever the peacekeeping comes from it should not be Americans. Gazans know that the US supplies the hardware and bombs that have killed so many of them, so they will probably not trust any US force to be unbiased.
  4. I'll admit that I missed the one word indicating that it was a link. When I post a link I quote something from the quoted link and I put the link address above it. That way everyone knows it is a link.
  5. Along with most of the life on the planet within the time it takes for the radiation to travel around the planet. They tell me nuclear winter isn't much fun either. Hopefully the next dominant species is a better guest on Planet earth that we were.
  6. They are nice people, which is why they recognise Palestine.
  7. Perhaps you can quote the Koran where it documents the destiny of infidels?
  8. In a free society everyone has a choice of what they do, even if others think it's stupid. If we don't it's not a free society. You can't have it both ways.
  9. NATO needs an enemy or they have no reason to exist. Of course they didn't let Russia join the club.
  10. Oh dear I wrote a long reply to that but it just vanished, and I ain't writing it again. The jist was that we are not as free in the west as some think we are. Ask Julian Assange if he thinks he can publish whatever he likes in our "free" society.
  11. Yeah, we get that you hate Trump. You don't need to keep repeating the same thing over and over- gets boring and I don't want to put you on ignore as your non Trump posts are worth reading.
  12. Apparently he doesn't know Ireland's history very well, or chooses to ignore it.
  13. IMO not a threat, but inevitable. To any that have eyes and a will to look beyond the facade, western civilization is rotten to the core, obsessed with greed, materialism, and false idols. When the idea that there are more genders than 2, or that driving an EV will "save the planet", the end is IMO near. They are symptoms of a greater malaise that grips the western world, and that malaise is going to see it follow the Greeks, the Romans and all the other once powerful empires into the bin of history. We may not watch people being ripped apart by lions for entertainment anymore, but we are nations of bread and circuses, just like the Romans at the end of their long decline from power. There is nothing unusual about it- it's not as though we are the first civilization to fade away, and the progress from power to inconsequence is well known. Ozymandias By Percy Bysshe Shelley I met a traveller from an antique land, Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand, Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed; And on the pedestal, these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
  14. Oh how embarrassing that must have been. I'm luvin' it when the warmongers are made to look like fools.
  15. Interesting that Starmer is so arrogant that he didn't wait to be elected before giving the finger salute to the voters.
  16. Are you claiming that their nukes don't work?
  17. Was his speech part of a movie? Otherwise, what has it to do with his acting career? I don't see any difference between that and other actors like De Niro that spout garbage, because they think people care about them outside their movies- poor deluded numpties ( IMO ).
  18. Not a chance, unless it's the peace of death, IMO.
  19. What is NS? Google is of no assistance. Please remember that we do not all understand your code abbreviations.
  20. That is the 8 billion question. I can think of some important things to destroy humanity over, but Ukraine is not one of them. IMO, the next intelligent species to inhabit the Earth will excavate the radioactive remains of our civilization and wonder at how insane we were as a species.
  21. Rubbish. Of course there are options. Threats are only threats till the ICBMs fly, and if the west stops escalating, it's unlikely the ICBMs will fly.
  22. Do try and get it right. He is threatening that if NATO gets directly involved it's MAD. If he was just wanting to stop the west supporting Ukraine he's about 2 years too late for that.
  23. In which case you were required to post a link to support it, hmmmmm! Were you not just complaining that he hadn't posted a link to support his opinion?
  24. Good post, but it'll go over the heads of those that believe the western propaganda- baaaah. IMO Biden, or the neocons that IMO control him, decided they could bleed Russia, like they did in Afghanistan, and started a proxy war. End result- as usual, a gigantic mess, and only the 1% profit from it. Ukraine comes out of this a loser, even if they succeed in making Putin give up. A nation full of grief for the thousands of young men that died for the west's hatred of Russia. When it's all over, will it have been worthwhile? So long as MAD didn't happen, not for anyone but the 1%. If the madmen escalate us into MAD, we all lose.
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