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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. In other words, the report authors want to take first world money and give it to third world <deleted> <deleted> countries that have managed to destroy their environments, overpopulate themselves, and are IMO usually extremely corrupt. Perhaps they could ask the so called "leaders" of those countries to give some of the immense fortunes they have stolen to help their own countries, before demanding western nations waste even more money on them. Anyway, just who is going to tax those companies, and send the money to those countries? Not the UN I hope. Even if it happened, all that will eventuate is that the affected companies pack up the photocopier and move to another country that won't tax them.
  2. You want to see Florida full of illegal immigrants then?
  3. That should be "so far the left-wing narrative usually falls apart".
  4. You never read any of the OPs then? That explains a lot about your posts.
  5. Yeah just do that. Show the American public how you deal with candidates for POTUS during an election campaign! Is this the USA we are discussing, or Burkina Faso?
  6. When it comes to health issues, Trump can walk unaided without falling over, and doesn't talk to dead people or forget where people died.
  7. You guys just keep on ranting about the popular vote as if it mattered, which it doesn't. Have you not got anything better to say than that tired old pointless canard?
  8. Prove it or you are making it up again. I won't hold my breath waiting for proof though, as you have nothing, zero, nada, except stupid accusations and deflections.
  9. What crime has Trump been convicted of that carries a term of imprisonment? Link.......
  10. I'm with the UK on this. Ireland has to accept the EU stance on illegal immigrants if it wants to be in the EU. It's not the UK's problem if the illegals prefer Ireland. BTW I support the Rwanda solution, and IMO eventually the EU will be forced to adopt a similar solution as the tidal wave of illegals in the Med intensifies. Australia has proven that such a solution stops the boats quick quick. Without the lure of streets of gold and bountiful welfare for the taking, Britain will no longer be an attractive destination, except perhaps for genuine refugees, but not economic migrants.
  11. LOL. IMO all the GOP has to do in Florida is allow lots of illegal immigrants stay there. Everyone knows who is to blame for them being there. There is more to the election campaign than support for killing unborn babies.
  12. Are you talking about the israeli settlers? If you are I agree with you.
  13. Your pants are on fire. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2024/may/01/middle-east-crisis-israel-hamas-gaza-war-rafah-iran-lebanon?page=with:block-66323dee8f084fb5cf82ab27 Middle East crisis: Jordan says some Israeli settlers attacked aid convoys on way to Gaza – as it happened
  14. IMO only an ignoramus thinks sending cops in full riot gear with clubs to break up peaceful ( even if disruptive ) student protests is a good idea. It didn't work during the Vietnam war and it won't work now. All it is doing IMO is making the cops the enemy in the minds of young people from the wealthier echelons of American society, and that isn't going to help the cops when those students become leaders in the community.
  15. The students are not going to vote for Trump anyway, but the growing protests in the US, being led by Ivy League university students should see Biden stressing about the youth vote slip, slip, slidin' away. Could be the difference between winning and losing swing states. While they won't vote for Trump, they could stay home or vote independent.
  16. and given the thuggish assaults by cops on peaceful student protests across the US that support is going to get lower real fast. These are not ghetto universities, but Ivy League universities, and the news is highlighting the cops heavy handed actions, with their riot gear and clubs against peaceful students. All Biden has is a pathetic "they don't understand what is happening in Gaza". They know exactly what is going on in Gaza, and it horrifies them. Hopefully it costs Biden the youth vote and leads to his defeat in swing states.
  17. Seems that every office has different policies. There are no standard country wide requirements. The Chiang Mai office frequently made up new rules to make it more inconvenient to extend a visa.
  18. Because they can. Apparently the woman is scamming the system. Do it legal and no problem.
  19. IMO if she is a crook she can't complain if she gets extorted. People that do it legally don't have that problem.
  20. IMO that is BS. Health care insurance is for health problems, not for mutilating men or women because they imagine they'd be happy if only they get their breasts or genitals cut off. If people want such, pay for it themselves.
  21. The IDF has lied so many times I don't believe anything they say. Remember the non existent "command post" in the hospital and the "roster of fighters" that was a calendar? They don't allow independent news reporters in for a very good reason- they might tell the truth about israeli atrocities.
  22. The British and the French certainly believed that Arab countries existed as they divided them up between them, even as they lied to the Arabs that if they helped defeat the Turks they'd get independence. See the Balfour Declaration.
  23. Seriously? Is that the best you can do to deflect from the thousands of dead Gazan children.I didn't say anything about genocide. I haven't seen anything from you about those children. Just making it like it's OK because the birth rate is so high.
  24. I assume you are one to know what one would say then. I wouldn't know myself.
  25. Making it up, I see. Topic is Blinken, not whichever Sec State you want to deflect with.
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