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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. After many, many years of interacting with women of all sorts ( thousands of them ), I'd prefer not to for the most part. Life is simpler that way. I may not be sexually attracted to men, but they are easy to talk to, and generally don't take offense at almost anything I say.
  2. Errrr, what's the difference between a girl old enough to bonk legally and a "real woman"? Just curious.
  3. I've met many western and Thai prostitutes ( and a Filipina prostitute ) that I liked more than most non prostitute western women I encountered.
  4. While I can't provide any facts for my opinion, I think that would likely apply to many ( ? most ) western women now. Certainly applies to any western man, IMO.
  5. I think there is something about having to work like a dog for 14 years or so before making some real coin that sets Drs apart from mere humans. I liked many of the Drs I worked with, but some were really awful people.
  6. If ads didn't convince people that junk is worth buying there wouldn't be any.
  7. You are just regurgitating the same thing over and over. Get back to us when you have something new to contribute.
  8. We are not required to "back up" an opinion, but you know that.
  9. I'm not psychic and bizarre things happen in real life, like Harris still being his VP pick. I didn't expect Trump to win in 2016, so it's anyone's guess in November.
  10. LOL. Is it your understanding those classified documents in Bidens garage just snuck themselves into a pile of old notes all by themselves?
  11. Just retaining them was the crime. Can a criminal just hand back the proceeds of a burglary and face no charges? He wasn't let off because he is innocent, but apparently because the investigator concluded he was too pathetic to be convicted by a jury. Yet that same too pathetic to convict man is POTUS. Strange world we live in.
  12. Nope. They wanted to get Trump so they conflated a minor administrative case into a major legal case. The entire situation has been very badly done political theatre IMO. The court case has not yet concluded, so you are unable to say for sure that he refused, or just wanted to have a discussion about them before handing them over or not.
  13. but we'll never know for sure because he wasn't charged with a court case to determine the "facts".
  14. I wouldn't even bother reading them. Did he try and hide them? Isn't that part of what the court case has to determine. Neither you nor I were in Mar a Lago at the time to know.
  15. What else would they say? Do I believe them, .
  16. I wonder when the bookies will start taking bets on how long Biden will stay president before handing over to Harris, in the IMO unlikely event he is still able to walk or speak coherently before the election and actually wins?
  17. and I'll keep whistling till he wins in November.
  18. In your opinion. Ten cases could be believable as genuine but 91 is blatantly political in my opinion.
  19. Thanks for admitting you were wrong. I'll get back to you on all the other wrong posts when Trump wins in November. 🙂
  20. and yet you quoted me and not that Trump fan. To my knowledge I haven't claimed that big crowds at his rallies translate to a POTUS win.
  21. I agree, as indictments make him more popular. As he has so many now a few more will make no difference. Sometimes less is more; something the Dems apparently don't understand. Ten or so that were actually serious and had a chance of conviction would have had more effect on his chances than 91+ that IMO are often just malicious nothing burgers.
  22. If you are correct about the Alzheimers thing perhaps he and Joe can be room mates in the mental ward.
  23. Is there any chance that irritating woman can be locked up for a long time? Sadly, probably not.
  24. That could have been a description of the Singapore government in the 1970s when I lived there. It was a brilliant country to live in back then- the bad guys got removed, and the good guys got to live better lives. Lee Kuan Yew was often described as a "benevolent dictator". The part that doesn't apply is the bit about race, as there were 3 different races pretty much equal populations and treated equally.
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