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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Is that giving the villains a nice cuppa and a bun? IMO the only answer to gang violence is to remove all gang members from society for as long as possible ( life would be appropriate- if they want to be outlaws they can be outed from society for life, IMO ).
  2. I'll certainly be agog to see how they lock him up slowly, carefully and with unquestionable integrity. Is that when they go slowly and give him a burger for elevenses?
  3. It was indeed, but only to an unarmed Trump supporter.
  4. I have no doubt that there may be new twists, as in the truth about "the big guy" may come out. Every new indictment has apparently seen Trump's popularity grow, and IMO a real attempt to jail him may ensure that he wins in November. I have no doubt that many in the US desire greatly to give a finger salute to Washington in general and the Dems in particular.
  5. I'm just pointing out what the reactions of his base may be to any attempt to incarcerate him, given they think, as I do, that it's entirely politically motivated. You can ignore reality if you wish. What should happen is not necessarily what might happen.
  6. Are you so desperate score a "win" that you imagine that popularity at rallies translates into electoral college votes? He probably has rallies because his base wants to see him on stage, and not just reading a teleprompter on television like his opponent. Perhaps you just want to get your post count up.
  7. Good for him. I hope he faces the <deleted> down.
  8. Two words describe this piece of IMO garbage, bull and <deleted>. misidentified one of the aid workers as a gunman, and claimed to have seen them enter one of the three WCK cars. they saw that it's a rifle but at the end of the day it was a bag". Must be incompetent if they don't know what they are looking at. had misidentified one of the aid workers as a gunman They can see human features at night, but unable to see the logos on the vehicles- pathetic excuse. Since was an "assumption" sufficient to authorise a deadly strike? Is the IDF so incompetent that they don't require absolute certainty before killing people? IMO more likely either it was deliberately done to kill people they knew to be aid workers, or they just don't care who they kill, and using this IMO pathetic piece of trash to try and excuse it. They can't even get the story straight. If they saw only one "gunman" why did they destroy three vehicles? Did he clone himself? Why didn't they radio the army on the ground to intercept the vehicles, but put missiles into them?
  9. Run, if I could. I certainly wouldn't try and disarm him, as that could result in some passerby getting killed and I'd be liable. Contrary to the movies, a handgun is not accurate on a moving target, and chances are he'd miss, but if it just wasn't my day........... Well, we all gonna die sometime.
  10. They have to have motorbike included in their NZ license to be valid to ride one in Thailand and very few Kiwis ride m'bikes now because too expensive and the registration is too expensive. I'm pickin' that they don't have m'bike included in NZ licence.
  11. Nah. Nobody and nothing could make Trudeau look reasonable, IMO.
  12. Although I don't know much about the background to this, IMO it is somewhat bizarre that Macron, who was apparently wanting NATO troops to go fight Russians, now thinks Russia is going to co operate with him over security for the Paris games. Must be a somewhat "different" reality in Macron's bubble.
  13. As there is apparently nothing in the constitution preventing a convicted criminal becoming POTUS ( one suspects the writers never envisaged a situation where two obviously unsuitable candidates were the only viable choices, or that the justice system would be used against one of them ), so when Trump becomes POTUS it'll be very interesting if he is in jail ( more likely house arrest in his resort ) to see how that is handled. IMO Trump doesn't need to campaign in person, so being in jail will not rule him out of contention. The elephant in the room if he is locked up is the reaction of his base. IMO it'd be a brave judge that locks him up, unless they want to spend the rest of their lives in protective custody, or go into witness protection. If anyone thinks the Capitol invasion was bad, they ain't seen anything yet, if Trump is actually incarcerated, and they must know that.
  14. Thank you. I actually knew that but I forgot, My bad.
  15. You keep going on about a popular vote being significant which is irrelevant and the vote is only of those that bother to vote. So it's a majority of the less that 100% of the voters. Majority vote for POTUS is of less significance than early polls, and essentially meaningless.
  16. I'd say that my view that polls are useless are pretty well known by anyone that has read my posts. I've better things to do than be your messenger, like having a look through your past posts to see if you did ever reference a poll as being supportive of your case. Have a nice day.
  17. Millions disagree about which is more suitable. It's going to be interesting when they try to get president Trump to turn up in court for another of their nothingburger cases. He might be a bit busy being POTUS.
  18. Thank you. How many people were at Biden's rallies, and how many at Trump's? As I recall Biden's "rallies" they were a bit of a chat to a few friends, while Trump's were massive affairs with thousands in the audience, and more outside.
  19. LOL. I seem to remember you referencing polls when they support your case. Of course when they don't you make comments like I quoted.
  20. Oh dear, am I reading that correctly as Smith not wanting anything that might make him lose. 555555555555555555555 Of course he doesn't want to lose, but lambasting the judge for doing what a judge does is going a bit far IMO. If his case isn't good enough to win, then it's not good enough. He can always appeal if he loses, of course. One hopes that the judge doesn't allow an interested party to sway their decision.
  21. Seems it has not worked to the israeli's plan. Just heard on radio news that more land crossings have opened to allow aid in. Biden called netanyahu and must have been angry enough to make netanyahu do something. Apparently threatened to cut off support, which if Biden meant it would have got a result. Apparently killing foreign aid workers wasn't a good idea. They should have stuck to Palestinians as no matter how many of them died it didn't seem to have much effect. We'll have to wait to see if this has any lasting result though.
  22. Oh dear, my heart bleeds that Elon will not make so much money now ( no it doesn't- I was being sarcastic ).
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