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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. You believe we have "democracy". Surely not? It's all about money now. Costs probably billions to win the big chair in the US now. The people that gave the money want payback. Follow the money.
  2. Whoever told the Dems that putting 91 indictments on Trump right at the start of the election cycle was a good idea must have been a secret Trump supporter, because every time he is indicted for something he apparently gets more popular! If the Dems don't want Trump to win, they need to have a better candidate than Biden, with that awful Harris woman waiting to take over as POTUS when Biden falls over and breaks his neck, or gets taken away by the men in white coats.
  3. Perhaps I should start calling you Mr Jandal. Jandals are the brand name of flip flop shoes that were sold in NZ a while back. 🙂
  4. He's also got an great sense of humour, given he's winding up so many people that deserve to be wound up.
  5. Just as well I'm not MAGA then as I do support Trump, but only because it looks like he is the only thing standing between the rest of the world and the forces of darkness led by Biden's puppet masters.
  6. Unless you can quote me apologising for Hamas you are making that up. Unless you can prove I'm posting false information you are making that up too. It's a shame that you attack me personally, rather what I say, which is why I have you on ignore. I have said that Hamas should not release the hostages without a guaranteed ceasefire and resumption of all aid as sent prior to October 7, as without a permanent ceasefire I believe if the hostages are released without a guaranteed permanent ceasefire israel will simply bomb Gaza into a waste land, along with all the people- I believe nothing that netanyahu says, so the ceasefire would need to be enforced by armed forces capable and willing to repel an israeli attack- ie not American or British or European. I support only the civilians of Gaza being killed by israelis. We know you'd rather not have Israel around as a state I do wish you would stop telling me what I want, when you have no idea. I want israel to withdraw to it's legal borders, which are those given by the UN in 1947/48. That means that they have to get out of the West Bank, all of Gaza and Jerusalem, to which they have no legal claim.
  7. Not only were the Irgun and Stern gang terrorists, Begin, a terrorist, went on to become a prime minister. Israel is a nation born of terrorism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menachem_Begin Before the creation of the state of Israel, he was the leader of the Zionist militant group Irgun https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irgun The Irgun has been viewed as a terrorist organization or organization which carried out terrorist acts.[
  8. If you are referring to "That is, with no reference to who the deceased are, what they were doing in the war zone, who they were representing or who killed them. No discrimination, no blame, no taking sides." That makes no sense and I have no idea what that means, so I disregarded it.
  9. Hmmmm. I wonder how many other countries will want to mass murder civilians by bombing them in their houses, starve them and then shoot them when they try to get food, humiliate them, arbitrarily arrest them, lock them up for years without charge, destroy their economies, destroy their hospitals and schools, and commit collective punishment on them for resisting while their land is being stolen. Hopefully no civilized ones will.
  10. Is it your contention that if the death toll of Gazans is less than published by the Gaza Health Ministry it is all right to have killed them? Even if it was 50% less, that would be over 15,000 dead, mostly women and children, and we will probably never know the real figure. When very big bombs blow up people, there isn't much left but bits. Who is going to count the numbers of little feet and hands to know? Then there are all those buried in the rubble that can't be counted. What is known though, is that surely all Gazans now vehemently hate israelis, and that is a legacy that israelis are going to regret for generations to come. Welcome to the forever war.
  11. If there is an alliance, it's probably been created to counter the US poking around in their part of the world. The US has been creating mayhem in that part of the world since Vietnam, and they have probably had enough of it.
  12. You must be referring to the article I linked, the one that said right at the start ( note the bit about the number one happiest country in the world ) Bhutan is the number one happiest country in the world because it has something that no other country has. It has successfully developed and implemented Gross National Happiness (GNH), which was conceptualized in 1972 and officially became part of Bhutan’s constitution in 2008. GNH prioritizes the goal of maximum happiness for its citizens and leads the country in whichever direction it needs to go to achieve this important goal. As for your list ( which you didn't even name ), you must have missed this bit According to the World Happiness Report (WHR), the happiest country in the world is Finland, not Bhutan. However, the WHR has long been criticized for primarily focusing on a country’s economic well-being, assuming that more money leads to more happiness, respectively measuring national well-being with metrics such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita. Next.
  13. Somehow I don't think that sort are interested in posting on AN, though the posts of some persons certainly provide the mother lode for a psychology thesis. I'm more interested in the psychology of those on here with TDS and consumed with hatred for a man that they don't know. I mean they are so obsessed with him so much that they just can't stop writing about him, even on threads with absolutely nothing to do with him. I'm sure that sometimes we have entire pages that are solely about Trump. Even the media love Trump as they write so much about him. Sometimes it seems that the only game in media life is writing about Trump. For sure CNN need him given their apparent drop off in viewers after he lost the election. If I were going to do a study on the psychological aspect of Trump mania, it would be on the use of psychology to try and destroy Trump's image, by the very subtle and clever propaganda that is utilised against him. Luckily for Trump, he appears to have a very thick skin, or else he really is a narcissist and loves the attention, regardless of for or against. He certainly appears to thrive on it.
  14. The only loser will be your hero, and once he's no longer POTUS he can be investigated up the ying yang for his involvement in Hunter's shenanigans and hopefully off to home detention for whatever is left of his life.
  15. I hope he wins large over your hero, who can barely speak without a teleprompter. Then the sick won't be him. I'll be loving the snowflakes bawling on U Tube.
  16. As usual a pointless post that informs us of nothing and just your opinion anyway. I think I was right when I wondered if it was about getting your post count up. Bye.
  17. I lost that BS soon as I started nursing and met hundreds of them. Being in a female dominated occupation was an eye opener for me.
  18. If they don't do that, insist on paying after each drink. It's too easy to pad a bill one can't see. However, I've never been in a Thai bar where they don't use the chit cup.
  19. Beat me to it. In the normal scheme of things a farang beating up a Thai would result in about 20 Thai men beating the living <deleted> out of him. I've only seen it happen once, and the guy deserved a good beating, but it was very impressive as a piece of grass roots justice. He was twice the size of a Thai guy, but they still gave him the beating he deserved.
  20. Perhaps she does, but I don't have any interest in her to know. I suppose that if De Santis didn't step up if Trump was out she would be better than that <deleted> Harris.
  21. I disagree. Thailand is not a nanny state that protects people against everything ( but still can't stop parents beating their kids to death ). IMO they work on the premise that if a female is not prepared to use contraception and gets pregnant, then it's on them and not everyone else. The word "no" exists in Thai and is a very effective contraceptive. I liked Thailand because it wasn't a nanny state, and IMO if people want a nanny state they should go live in one, and stop trying to change Thailand to some imitation of a western nanny state.
  22. There is no requirement for a dowry at all. It's traditional, not legal. If farangs want to pay a dowry, up to them, but if told that he has to because it's Thai custom he should ask if they will abide by his country's custom of the wife's family paying for the wedding ceremony. Too many dumb farangs have paid out and now the Thais think all farangs are dumb!
  23. I bet they are already gearing up for an increased divorce workload, and all that lovely money that goes with it.
  24. I agree about marriage ceasing to be a zillion %. It's something out of the middle ages and no longer of any use at all that I can see.
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