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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I don't get what that means. Is there some down side to Ukraine being in Russia's orbit? Will it mean anything to the US other than not being able to put missiles nearer the Russian border? Will it make any difference to any other country if Ukraine is in or out of Russia? Prior to the invasion it was a country IMO so corrupt it wasn't allowed to become part of the EU.
  2. The other guy will likely see the end of the Ukraine war and a humiliating defeat for Zelensky, from which he hopefully never recovers.
  3. Thanks for that post. I initially thought that the US was talking sense, but I hadn't taken the political aspect into consideration. Now I understand that it's just brazen political expediency to help Biden's election prospects. I had thought that Biden was doing a work around the congress to send some weapons and munitions, but perhaps that was a one off.
  4. Perhaps you are unusual or not as woke as you think you are. Never mind, I'm a socialist ( small s ) but I believe in some right wing policies eg being responsible for one self, getting a job if of working age, stopping illegal immigration, locking criminals up for as long as possible ( just locking up young criminals would be a start ) etc.
  5. The poster you quoted posts without a mention of the causes of October 7. It's almost as if he believes Hamas decided to do it without any reason, ignoring that the israelis treated Palestinians in an appalling fashion for decades.
  6. The poster you quoted seems oblivious to the fact that millions of Palestinians live outside of israel where they will plan their revenge on israelis. Unless israel wants to make Gaza version 2, or more, in surrounding countries, they can't touch them.
  7. WOW. If MSNBC is taking a less "israel all the way" stance, can the beginning of the end for the israeli "good", Arabs "bad" BS have started? From small acorns large trees grow.
  8. Not just schools, but apparently hospitals, mosques and public facilities such as water desalination plants and power stations. It almost looks like they want to make it too difficult for them to live there after the conflict ends, hmmmmmm?
  9. Sooooo, your solution is to just carry on and hope that someone else fixes it as you are not prepared to make any sacrifices to save the planet. 55555555555555555555
  10. I've noticed that all they do is keep saying the same thing over and over, but have no clue about how to fix it. That may be a bit unfair as there is likely nothing that can be done except being a Chicken Little. However, I'd like to see what they think could be done, if they actually think that far ahead, of course.
  11. Except you have no solutions, as all you ever do is say the same thing over and over again. I've never seen any solution proposed by you. I think you may very well be a badly programmed chat bot that keeps repeating the same thing as it wasn't given any solutions to post.
  12. Not when the subsidence is caused by humans removing too much ground water, such as in Bangkok.
  13. Sooooo, what are you going to do about it, other than write the same thing on here a few hundred more times?
  14. Sooooo, what are you going to do about it, other than write the same thing on here a few hundred more times?
  15. Lets say that you are correct and it's all because I'm driving a petrol car, so what are you or anyone else going to do about it? Far as I'm concerned it doesn't matter who or what caused it, we can't put the genie back in the bottle. We are not going to stop temperature rising, we are not going to stop polluting, we are not going to stop using oil, we are not going to do anything except build windmills that do sod all to stop temperature rise, we are not going to stop flying in ever increasing numbers on oil powered planes, we are not going to prepare for bad weather, we are not going to stop building houses on flood plains or in fire zones or on the coasts, and probably the only thing governments will actually do is to use it to increase taxes. Then when it gets really bad everyone will run around blaming everyone else for it. The victim culture is at work already, and is only going to get worse. Island nations will demand that the west give them loadsacash, but do nothing to save their vanishing lands, S*******e countries will do nothing but export millions of their surplus populations to the west, and the woke will be woking on about how it's all the right wing's fault. Do I think we can change it- nah, not a chance. We are either doomed or we are not. Never mind, it's a chance for Elon to make a few more mega billions selling tickets to Mars. I just hope I'm not around when the gang wars start, fighting over diminishing resources.
  16. I heard on the radio news that more missiles were fired at Kyiv. Too soon to find a link on the internet, so not sure of details. I did say that Russia will punish Ukraine for any attack on Russian soil, so who will be left standing when it's all over?
  17. Indeed they have. They have been using the conflict in Gaza to divert attention while they steal as much land as they can in the West Bank.
  18. And we have another poster posting on a forum about a country they don't like.
  19. So typical, Get two guys filling up the pages with loooooooong posts about stuff that I didn't even understand but I'm sure were of interest, then they just stop, and leave a gap in our lives, that no number of posts saying "god is dumb" will fill. Will they return? One can only hope. Meanwhile sunsets will have to comfort me. BTW, when is AN management going to recognise this thread as the longest ever on the forum, and award it a 🏆?
  20. Have you applied for Mensa? You really should as you'd be a shoo in. Just love the well reasoned posts on here.
  21. You really put a lot of thought into that. Well done. Can we have some more, please.
  22. That's funny, as that is what I thought about your posts.
  23. If the media won't publish it it doesn't mean that the evidence doesn't exist.
  24. Thanks for your excellent reply. I'll give you a reward for that. A concert just for you.
  25. Perhaps that is reason people are not going to clubs etc any more. If they play vile c***p that the DJs like but not paying customers they won't be getting many wallets in. Other reason I gave up on Walking Street Gogos was they were too loud.
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