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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. They should have done a better job bringing them up then. Unfortunately, badly behaved thugs are no longer a rarity in NZ. I see such every day. I only hope this doesn't make Thais think all NZ youths are thugs.
  2. If it is warming, I welcome it. I hope NZ becomes as warm as Thailand year round. Then I'll be able to use a bum gun again.
  3. Yes it was, but it didn't warrant destroying the economy and countless people's lives by locking us all up. What else can I say other than IMO the world is run by idiots politicians.
  4. I'm glad you pointed out that scammers get rich off the gullible, which brings me to the "people" getting rich off the gullible that believe buying an EV is going to stop the sky falling.
  5. Only idiots would pledge to make something happen when they have zero control over it, like climate. Of course they are politicians, so case proven, IMO.
  6. Is that the best you can come up with, seriously?
  7. LOL. Not for much longer after they steal them to pay off that woman and anything else they can invent.
  8. Ah, ain't victimhood great! I had exactly the same experiences as I went to a boarding school which had institutional bullying, not just casual bullying, yet I and every other boy that I met after do not revel in claiming it as an excuse for failing in life. Life was different back then, there was no coddling or psychopop mental institutions to encourage us to be victims and blame everything on the school, or other people. We were responsible for ourselves. Was it pleasant- of course not- it was really really horrible, and the school board had to step in and put an end to it- no more institutional bullying. Did I participate in it- no, as the board ended it before I had juniors. Would I have- I like to think I would not have, but it is hard for kids to go against the prevailing ethos. If I could go back in time would I go there again. Perhaps, as I made my best friend there, without whom my life would be less than it has been. Did it mold me- absolutely- I try to never conform, probably as a reaction to the experience. Did it make me a better military man- absolutely. School had been just like the military, and it helped me fit in when I joined up.
  9. I hope that snakepit goes down big time.
  10. Trump winning will be very good news and if revenge occurs I'll be lovin' it. From not wanting Trump to run at all, last year, I've come full circle and want him to win biggly. Using the "justice system" against a political opponent is unacceptable behaviour and must be punished.
  11. Trump, unprofessional, unprepared. You just pointed out why Trump is popular. He's more like a normal human being than the snakes politicians that infest Washington. The "common" man" ( and woman ) can identify with him, unlike the "professional exploiters" in congress, who live in their bubble, out of touch with the reality of those without loadsacash, who only deign to acknowledge the masses when they want them to vote.
  12. Whatever happens, it is just going to make Trump more popular and garner more votes. Every time the so called "justice system" is used to attack him it only serves to increase his likelihood of winning in November. $83 million for an "accusation" of sexual abuse and defamation! C'mon man, that abuse by the legal system. Every time I read nonsense like this it just makes me hope more for him to win and get revenge on the lot of them. It's gonna be sweet!
  13. If the IDF want to be taken seriously, they need to allow independent news crews access, but of course they won't. The Al Jazeera report I saw painted a very different picture from the one put out by the IDF.
  14. Seems to me that while everyone is riled up by a possible invasion of Rafah, it may be deflection while they do something even worse on the West Bank.
  15. Tanks are of little use against an elusive guerrilla force , but they are excellent for killing children in their homes, or running over unarmed civilians trying to get food off trucks.
  16. IMO history will equate him to certain characters in the 20th century that are not looked on with favour.
  17. IMO that's never going to happen as long as the colluder in chief has the veto. It's time for the veto to go. Should be a majority vote in the UN general assembly- not a simple majority, but perhaps 60%- enough to prevent a 3rd world block deciding everything. They'd have to get support from western countries too.
  18. IMO the plan is to make the Gazans so miserable they leave, but unless some other country takes them that is a dead end, so perhaps that's the plan instead, now. Then, as IMO the israelis are provoking the West Bank Palestinians into an uprising, Gaza solution to West Bank Palestinians. If the world's leaders finally wake up and stop that, I suspect the israelis want to return to what it was before, but maxxed up control. Get rid of any Palestinian authority and direct rule. Occupy Gaza. Perhaps deport them to the Sinai to live in American style reservations. I doubt the Americans could or would complain about that, given it's what they do. However, there is a long way to go, and thousands more Gazans to die before it ends, so who really knows what will happen, despite any plan?
  19. TDS? The thread isn't about Trump, despite your attempts to make every thread about the Donald.
  20. Oh dear oh dear, the Dems plan to use the legal system to sideline Trump look like falling apart. What a shame.
  21. Indeed. Given that israeli oppression and land theft in Palestine echoes the Irish experience with the English occupation and oppression, it's not surprising that the Irish support Palestinians. It's not anti semitic, despite desperate attempts to claim it so by certain individuals, it's anti zionist. I hope that Ireland boycotts israel and imposes sanctions if the US continues to cover for israel in the UN.
  22. Rubbish. Even if he managed to kill every Hamas, another organisation will take it's place, if not inside Palestinian areas outside israel's reach. Human's always strive for freedom, and unless israel gives Palestinians freedom israel is doomed to be attacked till there is a homeland for Palestinians. The present conflict ensures a steady supply of fighters to any Palestinian organisation that will fight back, as the boys that saw their families killed grow up enough to become fighters. Their heroes will be those that kill israelis. Welcome to the forever war.
  23. If anyone thinks there will not be a better tech for cars 20 years from now I have a few bridges for sale, going cheap and barely used. We might not even own cars at all, and just use auto drive taxis powered by who knows what, or WW3 might have made us revert to walking or horses.
  24. Yay. The ICE fights back. The luvvies will be sorry when they try to sell theirs. 5555555555555555 I saw a news article a while back. There are thousands of unsellable EVs in China because during covid no one was buying and after covid they didn't have the tech that people want, as obsolete already.
  25. Given that parking spaces at NZ supermarkets were done for an average size car, those huge rangers must be a headache to park, I can barely get out of my car as the spaces are so narrow, and my car isn't a monster truck.
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